Coming next season on the Mandalorian - the new Force Power of the week with Baby Yoda! What will he do next? Launch into orbit with a Force fart? Heal a gay to straight with a Force kiss?
Heal a gay to straight?!?!?
Coming next season on the Mandalorian - the new Force Power of the week with Baby Yoda! What will he do next? Launch into orbit with a Force fart? Heal a gay to straight with a Force kiss?
Holy crap, lol.
Luke was all:
I thought when Kylo said ?you?re not doing this? to Rey he was implying that (a) she wasn?t adept enough in her use of the force to able to do it because either the effort would kill her or she should have no way of knowing how to do it and (b) either someone else was doing it (e.g. Snoke, which he later seems to confirm) or something else was afoot that Kylo was not aware of (i.e. the force Dyad as confirmed by TRoS). However I?ve only seen the movie twice so I suspect AJP is more likely to be correct.
That wasn't the only time they were not alone. Before Luke had reconnected with the Force, Kylo and Rey were talking to each other outside of her hut. Luke had no idea that Kylo was there, even though he was watching Rey as she was talking to him. And Kylo couldn't see Luke because he was following Rey's eyes when she turned to Luke and had to ask her if it was Luke she was turning to see. Also, the caregiver nuns were cleaning debris the whole time right where Rey was seeing Kylo. They didn't see him there either.
After Luke reconnected with the Force, that's when he was aware of what Rey was doing when she was touching Kylo's hand in the hut. And even then, it's not clear if Luke saw Kylo, or was just aware of what he perceived was happening in Rey's mind. When Rey turned toward Luke, Kylo instinctively turned to what she was looking at. The Force Skype stuff was *not* projection.
What Luke did on Crait was entirely different. Kylo was aware of Force projection (probably learned it from Master Luke), because he questioned whether Rey was projecting herself to his star destroyer. He concluded that: "You're not doing this. The effort would kill you. This is something else." That was when we the audience were told two things explicitly that would crystallize later: 1.) Kylo and Rey were not Force projecting, and 2.) Force projecting requires effort that kills the user.
Ah. Okay, I promise not to raise the issue again without a rewatch. Though I appreciate you entertaining my accusations.![]()
Kylo began to piece together what was going on as the movie progressed. In one of their later "Force bond" conversations, Kylo asked, "Why is the Force connecting us?" He knew it wasn't projection, but he knew it involved the Force, and he was invested in trying to figure out the specifics.
One of my favorite aspects to how Kylo behaved during his Force bond scenes was how different it was than Rey's behavior. Kylo was deeply curious. He asked her things like, "can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours." Rey, on the other hand, couldn't seem to give a crap about the logistics. The Force was new to her, and everything probably seemed equally possible as impossible. She was just raw emotion, rather than contemplative and studious.
Kylo was a long-time student of the Force. He knew what the rules were. This Force bond thing was something new that he wanted answers to. I found that juxtaposition a fascinating little wrinkle in the whole thing.
But, I think it was purposely intended for the audience to understand at the end of the movie that Kylo and Rey were not projecting themselves. Their minds were linked through the Force via their unique bond, but no one else could see them. Luke's projection on Crait was entirely different. And his Force projection being something rarely ever used by Jedi makes sense since it has to cost them their lives. How many situations would be worth dying over just to perform that illusion?![]()
Kylo began to piece together what was going on as the movie progressed. In one of their later "Force bond" conversations, Kylo asked, "Why is the Force connecting us?" He knew it wasn't projection, but he knew it involved the Force, and he was invested in trying to figure out the specifics.
One of my favorite aspects to how Kylo behaved during his Force bond scenes was how different it was than Rey's behavior. Kylo was deeply curious. He asked her things like, "can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours." Rey, on the other hand, couldn't seem to give a crap about the logistics. The Force was new to her, and everything probably seemed equally possible as impossible. She was just raw emotion, rather than contemplative and studious.
Kylo was a long-time student of the Force. He knew what the rules were. This Force bond thing was something new that he wanted answers to. I found that juxtaposition a fascinating little wrinkle in the whole thing.
Sometimes I think if you don't already work for LFL, that they should hire you to exquisitely justify their bad ideas.
Comparing me to that? **** off!
You should take that stupid face she's making as your new avatar just for the lulz. I mean is she any worse than that stupid farting camel? Hmm, actually never mind she totally is isn't she, lol.
Do you ever see me trying to justify *anything* about Solo, or TROS, or Rebels, or the comics . . .
Kylo began to piece together what was going on as the movie progressed. In one of their later "Force bond" conversations, Kylo asked, "Why is the Force connecting us?" He knew it wasn't projection, but he knew it involved the Force, and he was invested in trying to figure out the specifics.
One of my favorite aspects to how Kylo behaved during his Force bond scenes was how different it was than Rey's behavior. Kylo was deeply curious. He asked her things like, "can you see my surroundings? I can't see yours." Rey, on the other hand, couldn't seem to give a crap about the logistics. The Force was new to her, and everything probably seemed equally possible as impossible. She was just raw emotion, rather than contemplative and studious.
Kylo was a long-time student of the Force. He knew what the rules were. This Force bond thing was something new that he wanted answers to. I found that juxtaposition a fascinating little wrinkle in the whole thing.
But, I think it was purposely intended for the audience to understand at the end of the movie that Kylo and Rey were not projecting themselves. Their minds were linked through the Force via their unique bond, but no one else could see them. Luke's projection on Crait was entirely different. And his Force projection being something rarely ever used by Jedi makes sense since it has to cost them their lives. How many situations would be worth dying over just to perform that illusion?![]()
Comparing me to that? **** off!