No, it?s to ducky?s post about Vader visiting Tatooine in the Disney Marvel comics.
As light reaches out to meet the darkness, so to if there is a rule in the movies, the EU will break it.
No, it?s to ducky?s post about Vader visiting Tatooine in the Disney Marvel comics.
I know right. How could they just end RotJ like that?
Oh... wait...
First production still of RJ's new trilogy which will explore the dark underbelly of child slavery in the SW universe, lol:
Is Star Wars "spice" supposed to be a drug like cocaine? If so, I just realized that Poe is also a racist stereotype because they got the only actor in the cast who is of Latin-american descent to play a former drug dealer working for a space cartel. Who would have known Poe Dameron was based on Pablo Escobar except racists. Hopefully we get some deleted scenes of Poe eating space tacos while wearing a sombrero. How anyone can defend this Kathleen Kennedy soulless corporate knockoff trash is beyond me. This trilogy are some of the most socially regressive movies I have seen in the last decade.
Originally he was always a pilot/resistance pilot.
Wait, that's all he's ever been -- a resistance pilot? Where'd he learn to fly? Secret training camps?
Everyone has a backstory, and its usually not what they're doing now (unless they're kids).
My only issue with his backstory was that it was a little too Han Solo-ish.
I actually like that Poe finally had a background. To then, for two movies, he was very two dimensional to me. I didn't make the stereotype connection.
I did notice the traditional values in giving Finn a black girlfriend and Poe an equally suitable companion.
That's Disney though: push the boundaries, then come back home.
Didn't that second lightsaber belong to Leia? if so Leia had no connection to Tattooine so burying it there makes no sense...
His parents were in the Rebellion and lived on Yavin 4. He was learning to fly A-Wings with his mom when he was a little kid and eventually was trained by Wedge. Pilot his entire life... until they changed it.
They can start a new trilogy on Tatooine again with the next new hope finding the Skywalker lightsaber(s) again.
What's his timeline, how old is he?
But what did they do after the Empire fell and before the First Order formed? With no Resistance, what was Poe doing (and his folks)?
What's his timeline, how old is he?
I'm glad that TROS made Poe an ex-drug runner instead of being born under a Force sensitive tree on Yavin and whatever other stupid backstory KK's "story group" gave him prior to Iger cutting them all loose.
I actually like that Poe finally had a background.
giving Finn a black girlfriend and Poe an equally suitable companion.
That's Disney though: push the boundaries, then come back home.
His parents were in the Rebellion and lived on Yavin 4. He was learning to fly A-Wings with his mom when he was a little kid and eventually was trained by Wedge. Pilot his entire life... until they changed it.
I'm glad that TROS made Poe an ex-drug runner
Was it really Carrie's daughter and Nose Lady that did the ***** kiss?