Just go along with it ok lol
That’s what JJ and Rian said.
Just go along with it ok lol
I would also add the remote duel they had when Rey was on his Star Destroyer. I freaking love that every direct encounter they had was one that he won in some fashion. Sure she stabbed him at the end of the ocean duel but she was powerless against him until his mom helped her "cheat." And then holy crap I had forgotten that not only did she strike him after he lowered his guard but also in a rage after he *dropped his weapon completely.* Even Anakin had less bloodlust when executing unarmed Dooku.
Yeah you better freaking heal him and then make out after that you Sith witch psycho, lol.
Remember they put an emphasis on the one scout trooper who kept asking why was he so quiet in the pouch.
It was a really well put together gag because they combined making the trooper annoy the other trooper with wanting to see baby Yoda but at the same time giving an explanation on why they were missing a target at that close range.
Just go along with it ok lol
Holy crap i’m dying lol
The reason I love their big light saber battle so much is because just how brutal he beat her down literally to her knees with her panting for breath she was 101% done and what I love most about it was with her being so very vulnerable it finally gave her character so much weight and depth finally!
Which perfectly worked as a strong foundation for making Leia death so powerful.
Agreed, it was baby Yoda messing with them all along. One of the Scouts even shakes his gun to see if there's something wrong with it.
The reason I love their big light saber battle so much is because just how brutal he beat her down literally to her knees with her panting for breath she was 101% done and what I love most about it was with her being so very vulnerable it finally gave her character so much weight and depth finally!
Which perfectly worked as a strong foundation for not only making Leia death so powerful and meaningful but also Han.
Yep, I even felt bad for her when you could see her countenance falling as she was realizing that there was nothing she could do to beat him. I think that TROS will do the exact opposite for Rey that ROTJ did for Fett. For years people thought Fett was such a mysterious badass and then after his derpy end in ROTJ people who came later and binged the OT watched him become a dork within hours and therefore never "get" why he had any appeal at all.
But with the ST going forward I can see future kids binging the whole thing on Disney+ and coming away thinking that Rey is an awesome and likable character who is flawed and vulnerable since the four years of speculating how she can be so powerful in the Force will never exist again.
And freaking Ben getting stabbed and just resigning himself to his fate like a man.
Yep. Everything on the DSII wreckage is just off the charts awesome from beginning to end. Even the beginning of Rey and Kylo's duel in the old throne room has him toying with her without even lighting his saber.
All that stuff is indeed awesome but the connective tissue in between getting to these big moments is what I found to be super boring.
Not "DOFP" boring I hope. "Squeak squeak, zzzzzzzzzz," lol.
Yup great point about Fett/Rey and Kylo dying like a man.
All that stuff is indeed awesome but the connective tissue in between getting to these big moments is what I found to be super boring or just not engaging enough for me.
If I had to pick the things that really bugged me it was the Pasana dancing aliens, Lando introduction and snake heal dagger discovery what a snooze fest and also anything related to 3PO memory wipe even though he was well written in this.
Footage of kara watching RO 3rd act:
kara sure is cute lol
I wasn't even talking about his real death I meant after Rey stabbed him. So yeah I guess Kylo died like a man twice, lol.
There's an extra 30 minutes of Pasaana in the JJ cut, lol.
I was ticked that they didn't show these chicks and gave us the squid dancers instead:
What is it with Disney SW and tentacles? Rathtars, Bor Gullet, Kessel Space Kracken, etc. Is KK a closet Hentai freak or something, lol.
I know that rushmore brought it up shortly after the movie released but Rey's death was actually pretty poignant too with Daisy really appearing dead, lol. Good thing that they brought Hayden Christensen back to coach her on how to properly look like a lifeless mannequin, lol.
The reason I love... is because just how brutal he beat her down literally to her knees with her panting for breath
I'd like to see Keanu Reeves as a force user. Keanu is already proficient in martial arts, sword fighting, and telekinisis. A SW film starring Keanu could be good.