Sorry but I disagree. Tros didn?t erase anything and made everything even more confusing. It wasn?t done with a plan it was just thrown together. Nothing felt fixed it felt rushed and hastily put together. Don?t know how some could even see that as been an ending that ties things together. And TLJ is way worse than AOTc. I remember moments from AOTc from TLJ I don?t remember a damn thing. It wasn?t awful like other people say but it was still bad.
I don?t care if the character is a palpatine or not. The character development, story and everything was handled poorly and tros didn?t make me change my mind about that. Maybe you but all I saw was a poorly put together movie that tried to salvage what was broken.
Just horrible writing and story telling. And yes ROTS did save the PT cause it?s still remembered to this day. The ST will be forgotten and TLJ will go down in history as the most hated movie in Star Wars. Sorry to say. Only like 3 people in this whole thread are defending this movie. Same people who defended TLJ.
Well I was never confused by this film.... sure it had some things I had to fill in myself but as I stated before.... i liked SW back when everything wasn?t spelled out for you... probably the worst thing about the PT is spelling everything out... well the acting is worse but spelling everything out may have caused more damage to the SW universe.
As for the PT always being remembered.... that?s true.... But they will and are remembered by most as really poorly made movies with some good fx and a memorable action scene or two. Hell I am one of the few here who will argue for them as I am a SW *****

but they are goofy movies for sure.
As for the ST... I would say they are goofy movies also... I didn?t like TFA on first viewing... Did not like TLJ on second viewing But I felt I was able to accept some of that crap because of TROS.... But I am not saying it?s a great movie.... I thought it captured the feel of SW... More then any of the PT and the other two ST films... if it confused some people I get that... but I thought it was a fun adventure... I?ve watched countless videos bashing the plot holes and story and more than once I laughed out loud.... because I can argue with them lol... But I still enjoyed it lol
I find little beyond them being SW movies to enjoy about the PT and as a whole I find they are far worse made films then the ST in terms of acting and likable characters... Not saying that I love any of the ST characters but I pretty much could care less for the characters in the PT
Perfect example.. I should give a rats ass about Anakin and his wife?s relationship and the fate of it... I should give a rats ass about Ben and Anakins relationship... I should dread him becoming Vader... but since the script and acting made these people impossible to like, root for or identify with I found it impossible to care. I should not care about Rey and Finns relationship more then those mentioned but I did... they didn?t have as much screen time but every time they hug I believe it more then anything in the wooden acting and scripts of the PT
Now I know tagging on the PT is not going to change your mind on anythin... You may like the PT more then the ST and I may now like the ST more then the PT but I think we can both agree that both series are problematic.
I think SW has two perfect films, ANH and ESB. One very good RO. One very flawed but enjoyable, ROTJ... . and the rest are as good as you are willing to put up with (as SW fans I think we put up wi a lot), with TLJ being the only one with truly offensively bad moments but still had some things I really liked. I never cared about The death of Snoke and find that to be one of the best moments in the entire saga.... Can?t say anything like that about AOTC..
Point being... except for two films the SW universe is far from perfect. I accept that now.. Everyone is in love with the Mandalorian and yet I think that show has a ton of flaws also... but I still enjoy it overall... I have learned to accept the SW cinematic universe shortcomings and try to enjoy it for what it is.. TROS somehow got me to this place of thought... After the PT and the two ST films I had all but given up on SW ( other then RO) I was having trouble getting excited for anything SW.. it was weird... I have never felt like that before... I mean I was excited for every PT film when they came out but time had been so unkind to those films and as I stated I did not care for the first two ST films... My inner SW child was dead... The PT and the First two ST films were even affecting my enjoyment of the OT... But TROS allowed me to like the ST better and even find more acceptance for the PT... And I found my love for the OT has returned. I feel like a super fan again... been watching SW movies, listening to the music, watching vintage documentaries, reading the making of books, even bought two SW statues. Granted all of this is OT stuff... but TROS got me back into it.. for that I will always be thankful and look upon the film favorably.
And for the record I am a TROS fan who did not defend TLJ