You know ajp watching it again I can definitely see how you might still interpret Rey defeating Palps herself without the full might of all past Jedi's power. It really comes down to what Luke meant when he said that all the Jedi live in you now. I kind of took it as a unique thing to counter Palpatine saying that all the Sith were in him and not something that would apply to any other Jedi (like Luke when he was the last Jedi or even redeemed Ben in this movie.)
But...visually, yeah all we do see is just Palps shooting lightning into her sabers and then it comes back at him. If you want to assume that it's simply a more amplified version of what happened when Mace Windu was repelling the lightning attack in ROTS (a perfectly valid assumption) then I can't say that there's anything on screen to disprove you. Maybe the novelization or additional deleted scenes might spell it out more but the film itself definitely allows for either interpretation. So I just wanted to throw that out there since previously I wasn't really allowing for that.
Luckily for me even *if* it's just Rey (and she *was* training at the very beginning of the movie to learn how to "hear the voices" so that's another reason to think that maybe they only assisted because she specifically called them) then I still like how it played out. Because again I've never let go of Luke being the more important hero of the Saga than Anakin. And I have no problem with Luke being sort of this fixed point who is able to defeat Palpatine twice, and *neither* time having to get his hands dirty by performing the actual kill. I kind of like that, his spirit is the one that fuels others to victory, and by extension victory for himself, and he stays "pure."
But if it's important to have Anakin be the "One" who ends the Sith once and for all and your take is that it really was just Rey being verbally encouraged to hold up a pair of lightsabers then I get you as to why that would ruin that (all important) aspect of the story.![]()
Damn, Oscars really mean nothing. Hollywood truly is insane.
I greatly appreciate your willingness to give consideration to an alternate point of view.![]()
But I have an unrelated question for you, Khev, if you wouldn't mind. If you had never seen the OT films, and every other SW movie was one that you watched without any other SW context, what do you think your favorite one would be? In other words, outside of the 3 OT films, which of the others would be the most enjoyable for you if you knew nothing about SW, had no emotional attachment to their OT connections, and just watched it cold?
A non-OT film with no OT context to link it to? Probably still Rogue One. Even if I wasn't married to the OT aesthetic it's still almost my ideal "type" of film and it not only introduces brand new characters but it also gives them completed arcs in the context of a single film. How about you?
You heard about Joker?![]()
The way he rolls took out Finn in TLJ I don?t think she would?ve needed any help from Obi-Wan if she did the trench run in ANH.
She would?ve just squeezed her entire X Wing down into that shaft at record breaking speeds.
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Damn, Oscars really mean nothing. Hollywood truly is insane.
I would love to know what you think should be nominated. Let the people speak!
Give George Lucas that honorary, lifetime Oscar already!![]()
Best Movie that has nothing to do with comic books or Star Wars
I can see the 1st annual Dork Awards 2020....
Most Improved Superhero - Thor
From bad ass too fat ass in one film - talk about character growth!![]()
I finally caught up to jye with viewing #3. 2D Liemax with blasting audio. You know this movie really does have a lot of laughably silly parts (a sentimental snake, wtf lol) but I can't help loving it, lol. I really love every minute of it with it constantly alternating between "great silliness, "great fun," and just plain great. I'm really fine with all of it but can *definitely* see how others would equate the "great silliness" stuff with just plain bad. I mean *only* Rey has two random people come up and ask her her last name, lol. Just so she can say I don't know the first time and Skywalker the second. So silly but I still like the scenes so I can't find fault with them. Thankfully this film just has the magic for me because all of it works.
Great way to put it, particularly about the lesser SW films (and TV shows) being only as good as you're willing to put up with. Sure AOTC sucks but if you love the arena and land battle at the end sometimes that's enough to give it a watch from time to time. I'd definitely put TROS in my personal top five SW films. It might even be my #3 in sheer enjoyment despite RO being the objectively "better" film. We'll see if I feel that way in a year or two.
My love for the OT and RO never waned but I was fine dismissing the PT and was leaning toward doing the same for the ST before TROS came out so yeah it's so fun to have a renewed interest in everything again.