It was just test footage but it's clear that George was *never* going to go back to the OT aesthetic unlike Mando which showed us how even Separatist Gunships and Super Battle Droids could sync seamlessly with the look of the OT.
It was just test footage but it's clear that George was *never* going to go back to the OT aesthetic unlike Mando which showed us how even Separatist Gunships and Super Battle Droids could sync seamlessly with the look of the OT.
Khev...you seem like a smart guy with good taste in movies.
I can't even fathom how you could sit through this once, let alone enthusiastically watch it several times. That blows my mind.
On every conceivable level, by every possible metric, this is hands down the worst movie to ever be released attached to the Star Wars brand. Worse than AOTC. Worse than TLJ. Just the worst thing imaginable.
It's more far removed from SW than Batman and Robin was from Burton's original Batman.
I made the same incredulous posts about people liking TLJ in that thread, but people insisted they liked it, so I can only take their word for it.
It's just hard to believe cause I thought some things were universal despite differences in cultures or upbringing and stuff like that. Good movies are good and terrible movies are terrible. But of course I've learned that's not the case. People really DO like different stuff.
Anyway, I'm violating my own self-imposed ban on this thread. I came back cause of the lightsaber backstory comic book news, but I gotta get outta here again for my own sanity.
TL;DR.....this movie is such a festering boil of putrid filth I'd rather watch TLJ back to back 5 times than ever sit through this one straight through.
First they showed the Rebels repeatedly crossing paths with Vader right up to the events of ESB (instead of being in hiding for three years), now they're trying to cram more adventures between ESB and ROTJ (instead of Lando & Chewie just flying off to Tatooine as shown at the end of ESB).
?In the earliest stages, we talked about, ?If we have this moment, this privilege, what do we want to do with it?'? said McGrath of ?The Force Awakens,? the first of two ?Star Wars? films that Abrams would helm. ?And not from a place of being preachy or feeding people spinach, just from a place of ? any time you have a privilege, you have an obligation, period. That?s just how we try to live our lives.?
With that film, Abrams ?thought about building this story with the female protagonist, a set of four main characters: One of whom was Latinx, one of whom was a Nigerian Londoner, one of whom was a woman ? a white woman ? and one of whom was a white guy,? said McGrath. ?How can we find a way to have every kid who?s going to go see that movie see a version of themselves, in a way that isn?t often considered at scale??
For anyone who has been called names for saying they prioritized diversity over writing a good story...turns out it's true.
Yeah like TROS is not worse than AOTC lol
I'm just glad the ST has taken some of the heat off the PT.
I'm just glad the ST has taken some of the heat off the PT.
After the disappointment of TFA, Rogue One was like a glass of sparkling ice water to a man dying of thirst. I can honestly say that even with the few issues that it has (and I think they are very few), that film can proudly stand alongside the OT.
Ironically enough, although TFA was a let-down, I was optimistic that the next film would not only save it but lead the new trilogy forward in Star Warsish goodness. For a man dying of thirst, TLJ was like a glass of tatooine sand... (or is that Jakku sand?...)
I had absolutely no hope for ROS and actually went in with a "meh" attitude. Surprise me, JJ, I asked. In turn, it was a beer keg filled with sand...
I'm parched and only The Mandalorian has managed to provide some refreshment, of a sort. It's been entertaining but hasn't replaced the need for a GOOD Star Wars film on-screen.
You're right... it's worse than AOTC *and* TPM!
I'm just glad the ST has taken some of the heat off the PT.
If TROS had been given the same thrilling set piece treatment and great secondary characters as RO I would?ve actually liked it.
Thrills like Vader, rogue squadron and multiple layer battles is what made RO great.
But no instead we got a non existing space battle in the grand finale to the ST!
Great and memorable secondary characters like K2SO, Chirrut, Krennic, Galen and 2 tubes is what made RO great.
But no instead we got Maz, Rose, Zorii, D-O, Babu and that horrendously boring resistance group in the grand finale to the ST!
Thankfully we got a great Leia and Han send off plus an excellent Rey, Kylo and Palpatine.
I don?t know which is worse though, Bor-Gullet, Rathtar, broom boy or that snake lol
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I don?t know which is worse though, Bor-Gullet, Rathtar, broom boy or that snake lol
Don't dis Bor-Gullet - am looking forward to Din & baby rescuing Cara from the mind-flayer and then, yah know, wreaking havoc and destruction in the ground breaking penultimate finale to the Mandalorian series in theater, in hi res IMAX, with special guest appearance by Sebastian Stan as Luke Skywalker - who has managed to rally a charismatic group of surviving (Grey) Jedi and some kick ass pilots.
These reluctant allies clash in a spectacular battle on both land and sea for the Darksaber. Critics will hail the film as "the rebirth of the timeless mythologies of George Lucas". John Favreau and Dave Filoni accept Golden Globes and Oscars for Picture of the Year. George Lucas accepts a special award for his contribution to world culture.
Meanwhile KK was politely let go with a golden parachute and replaced by Kevin Feige. Years later, during home view parties of the extended versions, fans will speak in hushed voices of surviving the dark years of KK. "It was like watching Trump move the Statue of Liberty to the amusement park at Cedar Point, Ohio, and replace it with an office building" said one long term fan. "And then having him say, it's still on the water, what's the difference? U still get the tourists - all those Canadians luv it. Plus u can ride the 'coaster."
Broom Boy. Definitely Broom Boy, lol.