Look, this is just opinion vs opinion - just like it was before you posted what you did.
But this got started because you posted something that suggested it was "unreachable expectations" and "unfounded entitlement" (which sound like chapter titles from an aspirational SJW children's book) as a way to try to retcon the PT reaction that a TON of people had. Rather than their opinion having validity, you made some stuff up about backstory baggage that people dragged into the movie.
It?s not made up whatsoever. You admitted to it too by wanting it to look like the OT effects

My opinion is that these were bad movies, in many cases downright dreadful. Dreadful everything - stupid attempts at humor, lug-headed story, terrible acting, confusing and confused, laughably bad dialogue, worst titles in history, awful SW crawls, often poor FX. The real deal.
You don't agree - and that's totally fine. But you don't see me listing off random stuff to mock why you love the PT. "No, it's not your opinion, it's a deficit in your mind that makes you love the PT." Get what I'm saying?![]()
That?s fine. I think you took what I?m saying the wrong way or I did a bad job explaining my thought. You don?t have a deficit in your mind

My comment was simply made because you tried to (pretty unconvincingly - maybe that's the issue) retcon and recategorize tens of millions of negative PT reactions - including my own - using made-up random stuff. Tired narratives of "You simply couldn't comprehend the genius of the PT because..."
No... just a different opinion. I say they are a cinematic train wreck, you say it's the SW version of Citizen Kane. And that's fine, right? And for the record, I hate that "raped my childhood" bs, and my view of GL was surprisingly undiminished by the PT.
I don?t think they are Citizen Kane, but they aren?t awful. Below average? Reasonable. But as I said before, they are on the level of ROTJ AND ROTS is critically at that level, if not better than ROTJ. Again, this stuff isn?t made up.
In any case all these things TheDucky is saying, even if valid, would also apply to those who hate the ST - ergo hating those films is also baseless and we must love it all.
Well I say never. Equal opportunity for all to dislike whatever Star Wars they dislike. Except if you dislike the OT
You don?t have to love anything, but the PT was doomed from the start because of those expectations and hype. ROTS proves my point. It was a good movie. Critically, as good or better than ROTJ, Yet, some relentlessly bash it and say literally everything is bad about it. When, that clearly isn?t the case.
ST hate is also entitlement based, I?m guilty of it myself. We all had a version of Luke that we wanted, be it from the EU or your mind, and when we didn?t get that, a bunch of us were mad. When they fundamentally shifted every single OT character from what we thought they should be, we got mad because we didn?t what we wanted.
Now, the difference between PT and ST hate, is the difference in entitlement. PT hate is ?unfounded.? There was nothing to measure what or who Qui-Gon Jinn was or Anakin Skywalker or how the Empire collapsed. No stories explaining what happened, no character growth destroyed or regressed. It was a clean slate.
ST hate has some reasonable entitlement to it. Some grew up with the EU. We knew what the heroes would become. We saw them grow as characters into who they were by the end of ROTJ. Luke from farm boy to Jedi. Han from selfish smuggler to caring heroic general. Leia from somewhat cold imperial senator to a lovable rebel leader. The ST fundamentally changed and regressed every one of these characters. Luke?s love, courage, and hope? Gone. A failure, a coward, who lost hope. Han?s newfound selfishness and heroic general? Gone. Turned into a selfish failed drunk. Leia?s leadership? Gone, as she watched the Republic she saved turn to dust with pretty much no one willing to help her. Failed mother and Jedi too.
What is so fundamentally shifted in the PT to the level of this? A backstory to Vader? Vader is still Vader in the OT. Yoda using a lightsaber? Yoda was still Yoda in the PT, he just used a lightsaber. The Force? The Force was still the same, still a energy field that binds the galaxy together, all the PT did was give a way to measure it. Still mysterious! But in an advanced galaxy far far away, of course they found a way to identify force sensitives. Doesn?t take away from the OT.
But the ST? Yeah, seeing how everything the OT heroes went through be meaningless, that takes away a whole lot more.
My childhood thankfully remains unraped.
This is just a personal theory, so take it with a grain of salt.....
Back in the early 90s comics were not mainstream like they are now. It was for nerds, by nerds, and it was a nerd industry only. And by god, we took it seriously.
The most controversial word among fandom and pros was that dreaded paradox:...."continuity." Continuity was of utmost importance to comic fans and when a write screwed up and contradicted established continuity, all hell broke loose.
Why? My personal theory is that we were nerds. Things didn't go the way we wanted them to in our personal lives. In middle school we were ridiculed...the cute girls didn't know we existed...the popular kids shunned us. But COMICS....comics was our realm. A realm of order, justice, and unbreakable rules.
So when those rules got broken in our personal little fantasy worlds it was doubly insulting. The writers and editors should have known better. One small slip in one issue of a character appearing who was supposed to be dead just threw all that order into chaos. It was maddening. Comics continuity was our small way of trying to regain CONTROL in our lives.
Little things like that drove me nuts for years. Inconsistencies, retcons, retcons that didn't work, retcons that were a huge slap in the face to longtime readers....(anyone remember "The Crossing" even where we learn Tony Stark was a murderous sleeper agent of Kang......during his ENTIRE EXISTENCE??)
And then along came the SW prequels which took everything we ever imagined about the backstory of our beloved trilogy and put it in a blender.
I think this was finally when I just accepted it......no more retcons, no more continuity, no more "making stuff up as you went alone."
I had an epiphany....."canon" is what you make it. Not what some corporation that holds the copyright to the intellectual property tells you. Take what you like and embrace it....leave the rest on the floor.
Once I freed my nerd brain from this slavish idea that continuity and canon "matters" and there's only one authority on that, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. The prequels don't really exist to me anymore. Not the way they looked visually at least. The images I had in my mind's eye of the Jedi and the Clone Wars were (and are) a thousand times better than anything Doug Chiang drew. So I just ignore them.
Obviously the same goes for the Disney Trilogy times a million. It's rancid, week old elephant dung. It doesn't exist to me, it never did, and never will. My own ideas of what Luke, Han, and Leia did after ROTJ are infinitely better.
The Mandalorian works for me on every level. I dig it. So far it's canon in my mind until it contradicts itself with something I don't like.
OK, the point of my ramble.....free yourself from the constraints of what some corporate entity is telling you is canon and established continuity. Just make your own based on the movies and media you love. You'll feel a lot happier, and the anger that this garbage has instilled in a lot of can just dissipate. Cause it's nothing. It's fan fiction written by people that have less right to tell stories about these characters than WE do. WE are the longtime fans. These are OUR characters. It's up to each of us individually to decide what happened after ROTJ. Or hell...if you didn't even like ROTJ....go all the way back to Star Wars and start your own story there.
I can agree with this and I see you agreed with me a bit too with the ?rules in our world? line and how PT blended it together, you had some expectations going in. Regardless, canon is what you make it. A corporate entity can?t dictate it to you, nor anyone else.
Arguing with PT apologists will go nowhere. They were most likely children when they saw those movies, so the very thing they rag on OT fans about - seeing things with their rose tinted glasses - is the exact same thing they are doing (the irony of this entire situation seems be completely lost on them.) Right down to hating the ST and swearing that nothing can be worse. They have no idea about that, other than reading some things, because they were children but now they are adults and think that the level of ST hate is unparalleled. Believe me, us OT fans blasted the PT at the same level that the ST is getting now.
My girlfriend's nephews; who are 12 and 10 respectively, love the ST and so do all their friends. Because they are children and live in their own world, they are not hearing about the levels of hate being spewed in places like this - I certainly don't tell them they are wrong for liking what they like. There will be a new generation that will rag on these ST haters in the same way that the children of the PT rag on the OT fans.
I suppose you can find it interesting that there are generations of fans arguing with each other over the different generations of the Skywalker/Palpatine families.
You are pretty much telling PT fans they are wrong for calling them apologists. Ironic.
Very true us OT old farts did create the term Lucas raped our childhood which ironically is what lead to Lucas hating SW saying it was only ever meant for 12 year olds and then selling it to Disney and here we are lol
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Pretty much. If only PT fans were louder and OT fans more reasonable, the ST never would have been created by Disney. Edit: And to be fair, if they were better movies too.
I think there's some truth to both sides of the PT debate here. Yes, the PT movies take more criticism than they should because they get compared to the OT films. But, no, that doesn't mean that the PT movies are good movies on their own (even if you'd never seen the OT).
Liking the PT movies is perfectly fine (and there are lots of crappy movies that I enjoy too). But liking something in terms of being entertained by it does *not* make it high quality art. For a film to be considered good (or great), it needs to meet certain standards that have been set throughout the history of the medium.
To argue that any of the PT movies are good films, you have to be able to say that it holds up to other good films in several of the categories by which we judge cinema. Those categories include acting, dialogue, cinematography, pacing, narrative structure, thematic value, visual effects, sound effects, score, etc.
Where the PT shines are things like score and sound effects. Those are as good as any film ever made in the same genre. But to suggest that the PT can hold their own against the good/great genre films in the other categories is something that'd be hard for me to believe as a genuine argument being made with any intellectual honesty.
Again: *liking* a not-so-great movie is absolutely fine; but claiming that same movie to be objectively "good" or "great" should require a credible argument that it holds up to the standards set by other good/great films. If you legitimately think the PT does that, fine (I guess); but trying to pretend that others can't point to areas where it fundamentally fails to meet several cinematic standards for excellence is just willfully ignorant, IMO.
I?m not trying to do that. PT has issues. But, ROTS scored the same or a bit higher than ROTJ. Take out the Romance in AOTC, and I imagine it does as well. There is a ?intellectual honesty? to say the PT is as good as the worse of the OT.