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WHAT?!:slap This is getting silly now.:lol

The American Film Institute consistently has Star Wars/ANH within the top 15 in its list of 100 greatest films of all time (always topped by Citizen Kane,) SW music score always at #1, and has two SW characters (Han and Ben from ANH) in the top 50 top film characters ever created. ANH was also nominated for 11 Academy Awards including Best Picture (at a time when that really meant something.)

And as for whether the acclaim for the OT is solely about ANH (and yes, these are two different polls nearly five years apart, not the same one in two different articles)...



What does that even mean though? Because something is based on a book, it's inherently better?:dunno

I think he means that lotr had a solid beginning, middle and end cause it had the books to get them from. Star Wars had a rocky ending from what I see from ot fans. Lotr knew it?s ending and it?s world while Star Wars was just figuring it out
This thread is full of deluded people who are so entitled that it is funny. Oh the PT ruined Yoda and 3-PO because it wasn't in accordance with my head cannon.
Next they moan about how GL "raped" their childhood. SMH.
I think he means that lotr had a solid beginning, middle and end cause it had the books to get them from. Star Wars had a rocky ending from what I see from ot fans. Lotr knew it?s ending and it?s world while Star Wars was just figuring it out

That's not what was said. Maybe he meant that movies based on acclaimed/loved/famous books have an easier time being better movies?

To me that idea makes SW even better because it achieved the same level (and same legion of fans) even without a literary pedigree to "pre-sell" it.

This thread is full of deluded people who are so entitled that it is funny. Oh the PT ruined Yoda and 3-PO because it wasn't in accordance with my head cannon.
Next they moan about how GL "raped" their childhood. SMH.

"Entitled" and "privilege" have become like the word "disco" was by 1980.:lol
Get yourself an avatar Ducky, with multi-quote responses like that it seems like you should fit right in here and I don't mean that as a jab.

As to your post, honestly, I don't really want to go into this too much. It's a dead horse that's been truly, savagely beaten quite enough over the years and I don't think one side ever persuades the other so all I'm going to do is point to one piece of disagreement I have - not about the ST - I definitely agree about those. It sounds like you're not a fan and neither am I. I guess I'm just not a fan of 3 more films than you are.

Was it entitlement to expect the prequels to line up with the references to that era contained in the OT? Almost the entirety of Obi-wan's dialogue to Luke and that of Uncle Owen in ANH is completely ignored by the PT. There was a lot of implied drama behind much of what those characters told us about the Clone Wars and Anakin and none of it happened on screen - let alone the very good acting subtleties from Alec Guinness and Phil Brown in their respective scenes that hinted at so much potential - but the dialogue - virtually none of it borne out by the prequel movies themselves and I think it's a cop-out at best just to say that it was all lies/made-up by Obi-Wan and Uncle Owen.

Heck Owen knew Anakin for probably less than a day in AOTC and never saw him again as far as the films are concerned. He doesn't even meet Obi-wan till the last scene of ROTS. I don't think it was unreasonable to expect that the movies (as opposed to EU books/comics etc) would elaborate on this stuff. So I don't agree about your unfounded entitlement point.

And that's to say nothing about how unconvincing the core relationships and character developments were in the prequels which is their primary failing for anyone who dislikes those movies - namely Anakin and Obi-wan's friendship, Anakin's love story with Padme and his fall to the dark side. It was difficult if not impossible for us to buy these vital elements due to terrible scriptwriting, no scriptwriting (i.e stuff that was just left off screen/ meant to be taken for granted) and godawful acting (yes, worse than almost anything in the OT - but we'll probably just have to agree to disagree on that)

Well, I happen to think ROTS is the worst of the prequels. You heard that right, of those films I put Phantom Menace on top - best visuals, best score, best actor (Neeson), best villain (Maul).

Thanks! I’ll have to find an appropriate avatar.

You bring up a good point and I agree with it. There are some holes in my theory and this is one of them, so unfounded was the wrong choice there, as some expectations going into these movies should have been explored more or showcased better. There always seemed to be tension there and AOTC never really explored that tension. To be honest, Anakin killing all those Tusken Raiders was doing the Lars Homestead a favor, so I don’t see why Uncle Owen would hold any anger toward the Jedi for it or for Kenobi always protecting the Lars Homestead. It never made sense to me. Sure, they dropped a kid off at their door, but at that point the Empire never knew about Luke. Now, to put myself in the OT fans shoes when these movies first came out, I certainly would have thought something happened in the Clone Wars on Tatooine, like Kenobi/Anakin killed Owen’s father accidentally/responsible for his death or destroyed the Homestead or something more dramatic to create that tension between Owen and the Jedi. I guess the easiest explanation for this is that he loved Luke, knew the Jedi were being hunted, and didn’t want Luke to have that life.

I never had a problem with the Anakin/Kenobi relationship, but that’s probably because I’ve read books and comics that flesh out that relationship, so my opinion towards this is a bit tainted. Sure, I’ve seen some argue that Kenobi should have been in the Jinn role, but I think Kenobi failing as a master is a big reason, and for me, further justification for why Anakin turns to the darkside. Plus, just like in the OT, Lucas jumps forward in time and makes the audience create some assumptions (like Luke from ESB to ROTJ becoming a Jedi Master). In this case, from AOTC to ROTS the assumption is that Anakin grew as a person and Kenobi (and Padme) helped with that growth and over the course of the Clone Wars that bond became stronger. They show it in ROTS. Maybe it was too late.

The romance stuff I agree with. They needed to show it, but they did a bad job with it in AOTC. It was too Shakespearean? Not sure if that is the correct word. But it failed and failed hard. The Clone Wars TV show does a better job at highlighting their relationship. It sucks too, because AOTC is a pretty damn good movie to me with a lot of cool stuff. Rework that romance stuff and it becomes a much better movie and I think people’s opinions on it change for the better. That said, I think ROTS does a wonderful job showing the Anakin/Padme love. Subtle, but great.

Now, the fall to the dark side stuff was completely believable to me and ties in with Yoda’s hate/anger/suffering quote, along with the death of his mother/Palpatine manipulation. Problem is, the damn ST takes a giant crap on it all with force healing being done by Rey of all people. I have a lot to write on this topic, if you want to hear it, I’ll do it, if not that's fine too. Agree to disagree.

And from a personal standpoint, ROTS is my favorite Star Wars movie ever :lol So, I don’t think we’ll ever see eye to eye on that one :lol

Let's just say it's a situation of The OT Got Fingered. First in the early 2000's by an emotionally constipated neckbeard who never left his parent's basement, and again in the late 2010s by a snarky libtard who never had an original thought. But... it's still around, recently de-specialized and doing just fine.

I don’t whether to take this as an insult, light hearted rib, or a great joke, either way.... that was funny :lol :lol :lol

WHAT?!:slap This is getting silly now.:lol

The American Film Institute consistently has Star Wars/ANH within the top 15 in its list of 100 greatest films of all time (always topped by Citizen Kane,) SW music score always at #1, and has two SW characters (Han and Ben from ANH) in the top 50 top film characters ever created. ANH was also nominated for 11 Academy Awards including Best Picture (at a time when that really meant something.)

And as for whether the acclaim for the OT is solely about ANH (and yes, these are two different polls nearly five years apart, not the same one in two different articles)...

What does that even mean though? Because something is based on a book, it's inherently better?:dunno

I agree with you on this. ANH/ESB aren’t only in the discussion for greatest Sci-Fi movies of all time, but greatest movies of all time. Star Wars has shown in can be truly great cinema from that critic standpoint. It’s hard to follow something up like that though.
That's not what was said. Maybe he meant that movies based on acclaimed/loved/famous books have an easier time being better movies?

To me that idea makes SW even better because it achieved the same level (and same legion of fans) even without a literary pedigree to "pre-sell" it.

"Entitled" and "privilege" have become like the word "disco" was by 1980.:lol

O well idk know then. But I feel like they are both equal . Just hope Lotr doesn?t pull an ST on us.

I?m Rey ...... Rey baggins
Star Wars fandom literally is a war it fits the title of the franchise like a glove.

It really is the cinematic geek equivalent of the Israeli Palestinian conflict because it will live on just as long as life exists itself!

Skywalker Palpatinian conflict lol

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The most infuriating thing about the SE is that Lucas could simply approve Disney to release a seamless branching version.

You want the full on crappy SE experience with playstation 1 Jabba and ruined Han you simply choose that version.

You want the unaltered you choose that version.

More importantly you want a mix of SE scenes you don?t mind like the matte lines cleaned up on the Rancor and Snow Speeders while keeping out the Vader NO scream and other crap you choose that branch.

The technology is there for this to exist it would give everyone their favorite version on one disc.

But nope WAR must rage on lol

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The most infuriating thing about the SE is that Lucas could simply approve Disney to release a seamless branching version.

You want the full on crappy SE experience with playstation 1 Jabba and ruined Han you simply choose that version.

You want the unaltered you choose that version.

More importantly you want a mix of SE scenes you don?t mind like the matte lines cleaned up on the Rancor and Snow Speeders while keeping out the Vader NO scream and other crap you choose that branch.

The technology is there for this to exist it would give everyone their favorite version on one disc.

But nope WAR must rage on lol

George could have literally released each film individually and included every single cut (eg 1977 SW, 1981 "ANH" SW, 1997 SE, 2004 SE, 2011 SE, 2019(?) 4K Maclunkey SE) and charged 50 bucks *per film* and I would have bought them *all.* But no continue the controversy, division, and ill will. The PT backlash that George was oh so sensitive against already had a ton of momentum because of the SE's and reached a fever pitch when he then *added* PT elements like Fett's new voice and Hayden's ghost.

But he could have given us the "Director Approved Final Cuts" with all his stupid changes and then just included the "Archival Editions" (original theatrical cuts) on another disc. He could have even posted an interview in the special features where he openly states that he doesn't consider the archival editions as being representative of his constantly changing vision if he wanted. But his butchering of the OT is a huge reason for additional resentment toward the PT, which never needed to be a thing.
George could have literally released each film individually and included every single cut (eg 1977 SW, 1981 "ANH" SW, 1997 SE, 2004 SE, 2011 SE, 2019(?) 4K Maclunkey SE) and charged 50 bucks *per film* and I would have bought them *all.* But no continue the controversy, division, and ill will. The PT backlash that George was oh so sensitive against already had a ton of momentum because of the SE's and reached a fever pitch when he then *added* PT elements like Fett's new voice and Hayden's ghost.

But he could have given us the "Director Approved Final Cuts" with all his stupid changes and then just included the "Archival Editions" (original theatrical cuts) on another disc. He could have even posted an interview in the special features where he openly states that he doesn't consider the archival editions as being representative of his constantly changing vision if he wanted. But his butchering of the OT is a huge reason for additional resentment toward the PT, which never needed to be a thing.

The Maclunkey Cut lol

I can?t believe that is actually an official thing while we?re out here resorting to buying bootlegs :slap

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Star Wars fandom literally is a war it fits the title of the franchise like a glove.

It really is the cinematic geek equivalent of the Israeli Palestinian conflict because it will live on just as long as life exists itself!

Skywalker Palpatinian conflict lol

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Let me add fuel to the fire...

ST, PT, OT.... none of them were as good as you remembered them to be... :chase
The Maclunkey Cut lol

I can?t believe that is actually an official thing while we?re out here resorting to buying bootlegs :slap

And these are films originally owned by the guy who personally stood before Congress arguing against the tampering with old classics. It truly boggles the mind...

At least people who hate the ST can just dismiss them and continue watching the "untainted" versions of Episodes I-VI (including the SE's if the ST is all they hate) without retroactive ST elements shoehorned into the OT.

Imagine if KK approved new versions of the OT where there's an extra shot on Cloud City of Maz catching Luke's saber at the bottom of the shaft or some CGI baby Snokes in tubes added to the background of Palpatine's DSII throne room. Because that's the kind of crap that we've had to endure since 2004 until the fan restorations came about.
Let me add fuel to the fire...

ST, PT, OT.... none of them were as good as you remembered them to be... :chase

Nope you are sooo way off!

SW = perfection
ESB = perfection
ROTJ = 40% perfection

ST = 50/50

PT I never viewed them as being good to hegin with lol

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And these are films originally owned by the guy who personally stood before Congress arguing against the tampering with old classics. It truly boggles the mind...

At least people who hate the ST can just dismiss them and continue watching the "untainted" versions of Episodes I-VI (including the SE's if the ST is all they hate) without retroactive ST elements shoehorned into the OT.

Imagine if KK approved new versions of the OT where there's an extra shot on Cloud City of Maz catching Luke's saber at the bottom of the shaft or some CGI baby Snokes in tubes added to the background of Palpatine's DSII throne room. Because that's the kind of crap that we've had to endure since 2004 until the fan restorations came about.

- Imagine if KK approved new versions of the OT where there's an extra shot on Cloud City of Maz catching Luke's saber at the bottom of the shaft or some CGI baby Snokes in tubes added to the background of Palpatine's DSII throne room. -


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If the pt had one more movie taking place in between atoc and sith it would have been much better overall.. You shouldnt have to watch the clone wars tv show to fill in all the gaps that were left out in the films. Its very jaring going from atoc to sith, atoc does nothing really to show anakin and obi wans relationship, from the beginning he seems to hate and resent him for ?holding him back and being overly critical? no training no adventures no nothing. It should have taken place during the clone wars not the start of it. All anakin did was wine about his master and disobey him.. Atoc could have been so much better but gl chose to focus on the padme anakin dynamic instead of really digging into his characters motives and relationships with others. You dont see any training really, he just calls obi wan master and ******* about him the entire film until the end when he decides to save him but even fails at doing that.. imo atoc was a compete waste of film nothing significant happens in it, all the cool **** happens in the clone wars which is what the movie should have been about not the ****ing cartoon. Again they needed another film to tell that story but gl was stuck on trilogies sort of like the st, rise of skywalker should have been split into 2 films

Atoc could have been th crappy love story and start of the war (which is what we got) part 3 the clone wars showing anakin actually being a hero fighting along side obi wan and learning from him. Then show his slow decent into darkness due to the war taking a toll on him; actually show him killing people at will in war, making more and more un jedi like choices to kill rather than capture. Show him being conflicted by obi wan his friend(lol atoc forgot they were friends) and mentor, and other jedi telling him killing in war and saving random people is ok but saving his mother wasn't all because of their code of no attachment. You can save random strangers because you are not attached to them. Then part four sith
Wow Michael Crawford started that thread his collectible website used to be my go to place for years until YouTube to over the world.

Regarding your very nice poster can you please do me a favor and slide the bottom of the frame just a tad bit over to the right it?s driving me crazy.


And by the way you do realize that i?m one of your 3 subscribers right lol

It must be me, a-dev and DiFa....ehh....Wor....ehh....Iron....ehh....Tali....ehh....Clown!

Yeah me, a-dev and Clown!

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I believe it's you, JAWS, and TaliBane but I could be wrong. And yes as I said in the poster thread the poster is level it's just the effing house builders that didn't make a perfectly vertical edge of the wall next to it, lol. :gah:
I believe it's you, JAWS, and TaliBane but I could be wrong. And yes as I said in the poster thread the poster is level it's just the effing house builders that didn't make a perfectly vertical edge of the wall next to it, lol. :gah:

:lol :lol :lol

JAWS who is that lol

What are your top 3 favorite SW posters.

Ok i?ll make it easier, top 4.

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My favorite Star Wars poster are Empire strikes Vader helmet in star field, fine with the wind style empire strikes back, revenge of the Jedi teaser with red background, and Star Wars Original one sheet buff Luke holding saber over his head.