I still do
That?s also how I defend the PT. It?s his universe (or was), we?re just living in it. It was never going to turn out different so why get cut up about it.
What does that mean?![]()
All 3 PT movies are on or near the level of ROTJ.
You really shouldn't be buying any of these versions of fan restored/4k versions on Ebay. Or at conventions or by any other means. These sellers are profiting on others hard work and long hours to bring them to the fans for free by other fans. They download it for free, along with stolen artwork, then sell them. These versions are all over the internet and can easily be found for free for downloading with a little time and effort. As well as tons of fan created artwork to download and print for the discs and for making disc cases/holders, and even for box sets along with instructions.
Harmy and the others all continuously ask fans not to buy these...
The thing with the PT hate comes down to three things: unreachable expectations, unfounded entitlement (or more tactfully put, creative differences), and some bad dialogue.
Unreachable Expectations: The PT was following the greatest trilogy of all time and 2 movies in that trilogy have a case as not only the greatest sci-fi films of all time, but some of the greatest movies of all time. The bar was impossible to clear as soon as the PT was officially announced. It’s partly why the critics and fans were so tough on them.
Unfounded Entitlement: Fans had 15+ years to create a backstory to the OT. 15 years of speculation of how these events came to unfold. The PT was never going to be a carbon copy of the OT like the ST was, it was going to be a unique new story, set in a different era of the galaxy, the fall of the Republic. Fans had their own view of how Yoda should act, how the Force should be, how Vader came to be... purely put, entitlement. Some fans didn’t get what they wanted, they didn’t get what they thought should have wanted, and as most watched the PT movies with their rose tinted nostalgia glasses on, the feelings towards the PT was slightly based in irrational territory.
Bad Dialogue: Self-explanatory. But even this gets too much hate. One is a ten year old boy. Another is a teen raised by an order that forbids attachment. If he wasn’t cringey it would be odd. Some of the best acting in the trilogy was after Anakin slaughtered the Tuskens, but it just is a meme now. Hayden did everything right in those scences, from emotion, to facial expressions, to tone, to the physical acting. But, the PT is nitpicked beyond belief for the above two reasons, so the bad dialogue, that also exists in the OT, just gets amplified.
All 3 PT movies are on or near the level of ROTJ. TPM was a great movie showing Vader’s origins with one of the best lightsaber duels ever. Iconic characters in Maul and Jinn. Even the acting was mostly good outside of some lines from “Little Ani.” Jar Jar served a more meaningful, grounded role than the Ewoks ever did, but somehow 2 foot tall teddy bears you could punt across a room taking down the Empire is fine, but a good hearted goofball who just wants to help is Satan. AOTC is also a fine movie, but somehow no one ever wants to accept that fact and uses the excuse of about 10 minutes of a love story derailing the movie. ROTS is better than ROTJ too.
But to try to say that these movies are somehow unfairly maligned due to "Unfounded Entitlement" and "Unreachable Expectations" is a laughable dodge.
Where can you buy these particular versions if not eBay?
The fourth point is they are truly awful movies - they were at the time, and still are in hindsight. Like largely unwatchable to me (I've tried many times,) which is a level of bad that's rare.
Not just bad dialogue, but bad story, bad (at times very bad) acting, even a surprising amount of bad FX also - given the vast over reliance on CGI that just wasn't quite up to the task at that point, making large portions look like a video game cut-scene.
This isn't nitpicking. These are still some of the worst major movies I've ever seen in my life. The fact they happen to be SW movies, and made by GL, is profoundly sad to me.
I respect what GL was trying to do (in multiple ways), there are some designs I like from them, and even some scenes/sequences I like. But to try to say that these movies are somehow unfairly maligned due to "Unfounded Entitlement" and "Unreachable Expectations" is a laughable dodge.
Vader ruined (again)
Anakin ruined
Yoda ruined
Fett ruined
C3PO ruined
SW ruined
SW saved
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Vader ruined (again)
Anakin ruined
Yoda ruined
Fett ruined
C3PO ruined
SW ruined
SW saved
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What a load of crap. How on earth were those characters ruined in the PT?
Vader ruined (again)
Anakin ruined
Yoda ruined
Fett ruined
C3PO ruined
SW ruined
SW saved
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe ?misguided expectations? would be better. People wanted the same vibe as the OT but it was tonally different, necessarily because it was set at the height of the Republic and explored more civilised worlds (and politics).
But your complaints are valid, and I?m happy to admit I give the PT a pass because it provided a back story for my beloved OT - just like others give the ST a pass because it has the same characters as *their* beloved OT (and was better acted and directed, if not as original).
Again, personal opinion. But a core problem I had with the PT wasn't tone, vibe or expectations, it was that I had no idea what the hell was going on, starting with the opening crawl of TPM. And as PT minutes became hours, what I did understand seemed either bizarre, inane/idiotic or boring.
And despite names like Skywalker and faces like Yoda and 3PO, it was as if it wasn't even set in the same universe as the OT - imagining Han Solo and Princess Leia walking into those poorly rendered CGI rooms (that today look like something from a CD-ROM game circa 1995) of the PT was just beyond my comprehension.
As movies and stories the OT was 100% clear what was at stake, what was happening scene by scene, who was bad and who was good, and most importantly, why this story was incredibly relevant to the viewer. Not one of that list applied to the PT for me, other than weakly to the last one which was "watch it because it has a 'Star Wars' logo on it, and you like Star Wars."
understand that for many, these films work (this is the case for friends of mine, so I'm sympathetic and don't drag out this dead horse often) but I'm responding to you only because I can't let someone say it's because of my expectations/preconceived notions I took into the theater that was the only issue. That's not true. I had no back stories I wanted to see for Vader or Ben or Luke. None. Never read any of the books, comics, EU stuff either.
The PT films were just numbing. When someone has gone to the trouble of making "The People vs GL" and that awful phrase "GL raped my childhood" somehow reached critical mass, trust me - it's not about tone, vibe or expectations/back-stories you walked in with. Something major went down, and I do mean down.
Yoda ruined? Nah son. And while mando was good it didn?t save anything. It just solidified the fact that the movies were given to the wrong people.
I love how 2 people here always bag on the PT like it did sooooooo much damage. Lol the PT didn?t do nearly as much damage as ST did. TLJ is the most hated Star Wars film ever.
That seems like a you problem. The movie was very easy to understand.
Well, it’s a 15 year difference and takes place in a completely different era. Tatooine still looked like Tatooine.
I find it hard to believe you didn’t know what was at stake or who was bad or good in the PT.
It is true. You just said you wanted it to look like the OT and when it didn’t it was “beyond your comprehension.” You wanted another OT and the PT never was going to be that.
Yeah, I’d assume something major went down in their head to legitimately think that. That phrase is based in my point. Didn’t get their way, didn’t get what they wanted, their version of Star Wars was altered, and despite not ruining a single thing of their childhood, it was “raped.” Ooookkay.
Again, personal opinion. But a core problem I had with the PT wasn't tone, vibe or expectations, it was that I had no idea what the hell was going on, starting with the opening crawl of TPM. And as PT minutes became hours, what I did understand seemed either bizarre, inane/idiotic or boring.
And despite names like Skywalker and faces like Yoda and 3PO, it was as if it wasn't even set in the same universe as the OT - imagining Han Solo and Princess Leia walking into those poorly rendered CGI rooms (that today look like something from a CD-ROM game circa 1995) of the PT was just beyond my comprehension.
As movies and stories the OT was 100% clear what was at stake, what was happening scene by scene, who was bad and who was good, and most importantly, why this story was incredibly relevant to the viewer. Not one of that list applied to the PT for me, other than weakly to the last one which was "watch it because it has a 'Star Wars' logo on it, and you like Star Wars."
I understand that for many, these films work (this is the case for friends of mine, so I'm sympathetic and don't drag out this dead horse often) but I'm responding to you only because I can't let someone say it's because of my expectations/preconceived notions I took into the theater that was the only issue. That's not true. I had no back stories I wanted to see for Vader or Ben or Luke. None. Never read any of the books, comics, EU stuff either.
The PT films were just numbing to me, from a creative/storytelling (vs technical) standpoint made with the height of filmic incompetence. While there were some thrills and design to appreciate, for me there was less than 1/10 of the enduring mythic resonance of the OT and honestly, very little memorable other than the shock that they could have failed so spectacularly.
The lesson of the PT likely is that everyone, GL included, attributed WAY too much of the success/appeal of the OT to GL - that he was in truth a mind that artists/creatives brought incredible content (story, design, performance, music) to based on his rough ideas/guidance, not himself the sole source as writer/director surrounded by adoring yes-men. Nobody said no to him, including him.
When someone has gone to the trouble of making "The People vs GL" and that awful phrase "GL raped my childhood" somehow reached critical mass, trust me - it's not about tone, vibe or expectations/back-stories you walked in with. Something major went down, and I do mean down.