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You dope after ROTS the CW movie bombed worse than Solo while the ST in no way has hindered Mando enthusiasm. TFA actually *made* SW relevant again after the disastrous, career destroying, suicide encouraging PT, lol.

Little wezy always so confused. ;)
You dope after ROTS the CW movie bombed worse than Solo while the ST in no way has hindered Mando enthusiasm. TFA actually *made* SW relevant again after the disastrous, career destroying, suicide encouraging PT, lol.

Little wezy always so confused. ;)

You dope. That movie was a cartoon marketed poorly. The show was better received. We had video games and clone wars was doing great. Where the hell were u at during this time. Star Wars was in a great position.

After TFA and especially after the last jedi the hype died and was messed up worse than anything the PT did.

Your comparing a huge budget movie to a small budget poorly marketable cartoon movie. Solo was the start of Star Wars movies every yr remember? So how the hell did the ST save the franchise when solo did so poorly.

The PT wasn?t so bad that it made people burnt out on Star Wars like this has.

It?s hilarious that you honestly believe ST saved anything. The ST put Star Wars in a coma. Who the hell knows when we will see movies again . It was supposed to kick start a bunch of movies but nope.

Poor khevy. You honestly believe the ST was great even tho ST merch are shelf warmers and PT merch always sells out. Yikes I would hate to be this blinded by nostalgia

Star Wars was always relevant during the PT era. So much so the hype for TFA was immense. If the PT killed the franchise then they?d be no hype for TFA. But ST killed all hype for Star Wars films that they halted production on everything movie related .

But I hate ThE Pt CuZ ITS CGI and DOEsNT RESPECT da lore. ST HAZ OT CHaracters. SO ITZ AMAZING. FACtz don?t bother Me. -khev

Hehe. Great PoST KH3v! THatll TEAch em - jye
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You dope. That movie was a cartoon marketed poorly. The show was better received.

The show whose relaunch is so inconsequential due to it being set in the PT era that it doesn't even have its own thread? :lol

Compared to Mando that people can't stop talking about because they can't wait to see how Baby Yoda's DNA will tie in with TROS Palpatine. :rock

Good old wezy, you know what they say about PT kiddies:

The show whose relaunch is so inconsequential due to it being set in the PT era that it doesn't even have its own thread? :lol

Compared to Mando that people can't stop talking about because they can't wait to see how Baby Yoda's DNA will tie in with TROS Palpatine. :rock

Good old wezy, you know what they say about PT kiddies:

Who cares about the thread here. It was early 00s and where have u been? Serious question. It?s still going on and still being talked about.

Ashoka is getting her own spin off? You know. The chick from the clone wars. Come on bro. Step it up. Your fighting a losing battle here lmao. Ashoko is even gonna be in mando. I forgot. If it ain?t OT it ain?t for me lol.

I guarantee you. Nobody gives a crap about tris palpatine. No one lol

It?s over bro
Who cares about the thread here. It was early 00s

No the final season and grand finale of the Clone Wars literally JUST debuted a few weeks ago and is still going on but it's so inconsequential even you apparently didn't know! :rotfl

"Early 00's," lol. Yes that was a dark time indeed. Thank God RJ, Rose, and Holdo elevated the franchise from the smoldering ashes of the PT.
You dope after ROTS the CW movie bombed worse than Solo while the ST in no way has hindered Mando enthusiasm. TFA actually *made* SW relevant again after the disastrous, career destroying, suicide encouraging PT, lol.

Little wezy always so confused. ;)

I told you this once, but there were more toys, comics, novels, video games, shows during the PT and post-PT than there has been during the ST and post-ST. Record number of games. Record number of new novels. Record number of toys. PT made Star Wars relevant again. INTEREST was higher.

Clone Wars was liked so much they revived it after cancelling it.

The ST has NONE of this. None. Toy sales? Bombed. Comics? Outside of Vader and Star Wars, bombed, constantly retconned. Games? 3 total. 2 bombed. 1 was great. Novels? Outside of Thrawn, bombed.

PT? Toy sales? Booming, all time high. Comics? Booming. Games? Battlefront will go down as one of the GOAT multiplayer games. KOTOR. Republic Commando. BOOMING. Novels? Booming.

The ST and Disney killed Star Wars on nearly every front.
No the final season and grand finale of the Clone Wars literally JUST debuted a few weeks ago and is still going on but it's so inconsequential even you apparently didn't know! :rotfl

"Early 00's," lol. Yes that was a dark time indeed. Thank God RJ, Rose, and Holdo elevated the franchise from the smoldering ashes of the PT.

PT still going strong 15 years later. Fan INTEREST revived a show from Disney cancellation. You’ll never see that from the ST. They are too afraid to explore the ppst TROS world because they know it will bomb.
It?s not funny, it?s not a joke. You guys need help.

Seems as though Star Wars, no matter the era, has warped the minds of millions of children since the 70s, damaging them to such the extent that we have barely functioning adults in their 40s arguing about kiddie movies.

I think Alec Guinness was right! :lol Some of you bros should lawyer up and sue George Lucas and Disney. They?ve abused you.

I actually received DiFabio's words without even reading them.:dunno He must be transmitting from a higher plane.:horror


No calling out other members of the undies-in-the-basement club.:lecture:rotfl

The show whose relaunch is so inconsequential due to it being set in the PT era that it doesn't even have its own thread? :lol

Compared to Mando that people can't stop talking about because they can't wait to see how Baby Yoda's DNA will tie in with TROS Palpatine. :rock

Good old wezy, you know what they say about PT kiddies:

Someone should do a version of the PT where Yoda has Michael Jackson's face.:lol
No the final season and grand finale of the Clone Wars literally JUST debuted a few weeks ago and is still going on but it's so inconsequential even you apparently didn't know! :rotfl

"Early 00's," lol. Yes that was a dark time indeed. Thank God RJ, Rose, and Holdo elevated the franchise from the smoldering ashes of the PT.

Thats cause it got taken off CN during the disney acquisition. Keep Up. It was brought back just now and I did know. Everybody knew but you lol. And lol nice troll there haha
PT still going strong 15 years later. Fan INTEREST revived a show from Disney cancellation. You’ll never see that from the ST. They are too afraid to explore the ppst TROS world because they know it will bomb.

It's funny cause all the shows that reference the PT or started during the PT are either poorly received or canceled. They wanted to do a star wars film every year starting with Rouge one. Right after TLJ interest died and solo bombed and they canned that idea.
All this arguing about ST vs PT is kinda funny... Both are pretty bad overall. I liked TROS but can understand how people dont..

The big diffefrence it seems with defenders of the PT is that some seem to think they are quality films rather then the butt of the joke that they are. You can hate on the ST thats fine. I get it. People loved TFA (not me) TLJ was split into two very different camps (I hated it) and TROS seems to be getting major backlash due to the mess that TLJ handed whoever ended up making that film.. Its far from perfect but a mini miracle that it was able to do something with what RJ and KK left the state of SW in. Some of us actually liked what it was able to do and helped salvage the ST

But the acting and directing was always pretty solid in all three films.

The PT, even though I can find some enjoyment out of it, is rarely taken seriously as good cinema. But it had plenty of imagination and I would argue due to the fact they because they were so poorly done that a show like TCW would have an easy time being successful because people were hungry for some good SW. Lucas left all the good stuff out of the movies. That was seeing the friendship between Obi Wan and Anakin grow. Showing Anakin to be a real hero but always tempted by the easy path and a better love story for Anakin and Pademe. Not too mention the freaking War.

I think TCW is way better then anything the PT had to offer. Better character development and Better acting (I hate the guy that does Yoda's voice though) and guess what? I think its better overall then the ST. The great episodes of TCW is some of the best stuff to come out of the SW universe since the OT. Be warned though.... There are some really bad stories in there also.

I'll admit... There is not much place to go in the ST as far as telling new original stories. You never get the feeling of a huge galaxy with a major war going on in those films. Its always been my biggest complaint of the ST... It lacked George Lucas' imagination of a Galaxy far far away. So I am not all that surprised there a no books or cartoons with this series.

Anyways 6 films... All of them very flawed... You just have to pick your Poison. I pick TROS and that's about it.. But I can fully understand the hate. I don't know why some fans here don't get the Hate on PT.
It's funny cause all the shows that reference the PT or started during the PT are either poorly received or canceled. They wanted to do a star wars film every year starting with Rouge one. Right after TLJ interest died and solo bombed and they canned that idea.

The problem is TLJ was SJW garbage and nobody wanted a Solo movie.. KK screwed the pooch... There is too much competition today to not give the fans what they want.
All this arguing about ST vs PT is kinda funny... Both are pretty bad overall. I liked TROS but can understand how people dont..

The big diffefrence it seems with defenders of the PT is that some seem to think they are quality films rather then the butt of the joke that they are. You can hate on the ST thats fine. I get it. People loved TFA (not me) TLJ was split into two very different camps (I hated it) and TROS seems to be getting major backlash due to the mess that TLJ handed whoever ended up making that film.. Its far from perfect but a mini miracle that it was able to do something with what RJ and KK left the state of SW in. Some of us actually liked what it was able to do and helped salvage the ST

But the acting and directing was always pretty solid in all three films.

The PT, even though I can find some enjoyment out of it, is rarely taken seriously as good cinema. But it had plenty of imagination and I would argue due to the fact they because they were so poorly done that a show like TCW would have an easy time being successful because people were hungry for some good SW. Lucas left all the good stuff out of the movies. That was seeing the friendship between Obi Wan and Anakin grow. Showing Anakin to be a real hero but always tempted by the easy path and a better love story for Anakin and Pademe. Not too mention the freaking War.

I think TCW is way better then anything the PT had to offer. Better character development and Better acting (I hate the guy that does Yoda's voice though) and guess what? I think its better overall then the ST. The great episodes of TCW is some of the best stuff to come out of the SW universe since the OT. Be warned though.... There are some really bad stories in there also.

I'll admit... There is not much place to go in the ST as far as telling new original stories. You never get the feeling of a huge galaxy with a major war going on in those films. Its always been my biggest complaint of the ST... It lacked George Lucas' imagination of a Galaxy far far away. So I am not all that surprised there a no books or cartoons with this series.

Anyways 6 films... All of them very flawed... You just have to pick your Poison. I pick TROS and that's about it.. But I can fully understand the hate. I don't know why some fans here don't get the Hate on PT.

O no I absolutly understand the hate for the PT. However it's still better overall than the ST flaws and all
The problem is TLJ was SJW garbage and nobody wanted a Solo movie.. KK screwed the pooch... There is too much competition today to not give the fans what they want.

The sonic movie showed those idiots that giving fans what they want makes you a profit.
I think in like two years you will see the light

I don't think so... I like ROTS less and less each time I watch it.. I really enjoyed it with the first viewing but find it hard to find anything that I really like in it. There are moments with the final Duel but there is a lot I don't like. I flat out hate AOTC. TPM takes me back to waiting in line at midnight at Toys R Us waiting for the new action figures.. The MTV video for Duel of the Fates... The posters and all around excitement for a new Star Wars film... Plus some kick ass action scenes that rival anything in the entire saga.. I will always have a soft spot for TPM.

Now I am not saying my jets wont cool on TROS but I have watched it 3x and find it to be entertaining. I have yet to watch the other two since seeing TROS so I am curios to see what I think about them now that I have an ending.
The problem is TLJ was SJW garbage

I'm not aiming this just at you personally, JAWS, but I've grown to ****ing hate this contention. If TLJ was so blatantly SJW, I assure you that I wouldn't be defending it at every turn. And at first, I bought into this notion that there was a purposely strong SJW agenda in the film - and it was making me dislike it more and more in those first few weeks. But then I actually started using my brain.

What exactly was so blatantly SJW about TLJ? Was it "girl-power" Rey . . . who was actually being humbled and/or defeated at every turn? She was sent to retrieve Luke; and failed. She went to turn Kylo good; and failed. She tried assaulting Snoke; and not only failed, but was being tossed around like some kid trying to take a fight to a grown-ass man. Then was saved . . . by a dude. Oh, but she did lift some rocks after that. :lol

Was it the alleged "toxic masculinity" that was supposedly preached against in the Poe arc? The arc that ended with Leia saying, "What are you looking at *me* for? Follow *him.*" The movie where Leia scolded him for not being strategically wise, while people forget that she encouraged him to "blow something up" right after that. The same guy who led a ski-speeder assault at the end of the movie, but learned to recognize when you've got no chance to accomplish anything you should save your resources and manpower for the next battle. That's not a screed against toxic masculinity; that's a screed against stupidity. "Fight smart" and "be a better leader" were the true messages there, as I see it.

Was it Rose and her "anti capitalism" from her Canto Bight speeches? The speeches preaching against *war* profiteering? Last time I checked, capitalists don't exactly think war profiteering is a virtue either. We believe in free enterprise, not in arming militaristic dictatorships (which is what the FO was striving to be). Her backstory was that her homeworld was suppressed by the FO, their resources were stripped, and their people used for forced labor. In my book, that's called building up the villain; by humanizing the victims of the villain's actions.

Was it Rose's stance against animal cruelty? As a non-SJW, I didn't know I was supposed to be in favor of animal cruelty. Pretty sure many of my fellow conservatives were okay with Michael Vick getting punished for his dog fighting ring. And I suppose RJ had Luke sustain himself through fishing to show how evil killing fish is. Yeah right, lmao.

I've even seen people accuse the film of promoting some sort of SJW pacifism. Completely ignoring Luke at the end saying that "the Rebellion is reborn today" and that "the war is just beginning." The one true selfless hero of the film (and throughout the OT) was a man standing there championing a war that was going to be fought to take down despotism. Call me crazy but that's something (as a conservative and anti-SJW, btw) that I expect from SW heroes and the films' thematic takeaways. And I got exactly that, along with plenty of other themes and characterizations that have firmly been a part of SW since 1977.

Sorry about the long rant, but this line of bull (at least as I see it, obviously) just gets more and more annoying to me. There's tons of obvious SJW nonsense in all sorts of films nowadays, so singling out TLJ as some sort of "agenda" film amidst all of those others really confuses the **** out of me.

But now the discussion can get back to pages and pages of PT vs. ST squabbling. :lol I just needed to vent that because I think things are easy to find, even when they're not actually intended, if you just expect (or insist) to find them.
All this arguing about ST vs PT is kinda funny... Both are pretty bad overall. I liked TROS but can understand how people dont..

The big diffefrence it seems with defenders of the PT is that some seem to think they are quality films rather then the butt of the joke that they are. You can hate on the ST thats fine. I get it. People loved TFA (not me) TLJ was split into two very different camps (I hated it) and TROS seems to be getting major backlash due to the mess that TLJ handed whoever ended up making that film.. Its far from perfect but a mini miracle that it was able to do something with what RJ and KK left the state of SW in. Some of us actually liked what it was able to do and helped salvage the ST

But the acting and directing was always pretty solid in all three films.

The PT, even though I can find some enjoyment out of it, is rarely taken seriously as good cinema. But it had plenty of imagination and I would argue due to the fact they because they were so poorly done that a show like TCW would have an easy time being successful because people were hungry for some good SW. Lucas left all the good stuff out of the movies. That was seeing the friendship between Obi Wan and Anakin grow. Showing Anakin to be a real hero but always tempted by the easy path and a better love story for Anakin and Pademe. Not too mention the freaking War.

I think TCW is way better then anything the PT had to offer. Better character development and Better acting (I hate the guy that does Yoda's voice though) and guess what? I think its better overall then the ST. The great episodes of TCW is some of the best stuff to come out of the SW universe since the OT. Be warned though.... There are some really bad stories in there also.

I'll admit... There is not much place to go in the ST as far as telling new original stories. You never get the feeling of a huge galaxy with a major war going on in those films. Its always been my biggest complaint of the ST... It lacked George Lucas' imagination of a Galaxy far far away. So I am not all that surprised there a no books or cartoons with this series.

Anyways 6 films... All of them very flawed... You just have to pick your Poison. I pick TROS and that's about it.. But I can fully understand the hate. I don't know why some fans here don't get the Hate on PT.

While I really enjoyed seeing Palps back on the screen in TROS, and quite liked some of what they did overall, it did feel a bit desperate. The ST strip-mined the OT for every drip of story, character, designs/visuals and nostalgia they could, and TROS felt like a mad scramble to scrape up whatever was left over.

But yeah, I'm really on the fence on what is worse - the PT with its god-awful performances/dialog, often bad FX, and shockingly stupid major decisions yet... with a pretty bold story universe and freshness to the worlds, designs and story intent, or the ST with its shameless theft from the OT and shockingly lazy, inane and unoriginal story (I lost count of the number of beat-for-beat OT scene/sequence/visuals rip-offs) and characters yet... with decent performances, incredible FX, coherent/clear story and the fantasy of the OT continuing with OT actors.

I still think TFA did so well because people simply couldn't believe they were watching a SW movie that felt like the OT, had decent performances and a story they could understand. Like a palette cleanser from the PT. Even if, as time has passed, TFA has emerged as a pretty meh movie that has zero mythic power, cultural relevance or deep haunting resonance like so much of the OT had.

To me, the end of the ST has made one thing clear - there is the OT, and then there is everything else. Like 9.5/10 vs 5/10. RO and Mando have demonstrated that worthy follow-ups to the OT are possible, but importantly, not in a "A-story" sense. Little to no Skywalkers, force and Jedi/lightsabers. Like RO and Mando, "in the shadows of the OT" seems to be the best way to go for new SW - BTTF2 type stories where the OT is just about to occur, is occurring, or has just occurred - offscreen or "around the corner."