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PT vs ST is a titanic match-up for sure, but it's not Batman vs Joker, it's...


PT is clearly Velveeta. Tries to go off and add to the Kraft (OT) legacy while putting it's own spin on things. Truly original. Tastes great.

ST is clearly that store brand **** that costs less and just a rehash of the original... and you can tell. Watered down, runny, tastes different, just a cheap knockoff put on shelves to make money undercutting the original.

Man you guys that have been posting everyday talking/arguing about the same Star Wars crap for years are complete sickos. Its non-stop. Dont you get tired of having the same circular conversations with yourselves? :lol

Looks bad. Makes me embarrassed to even say I?m a fan of any of it really.

If I wasn't confined to my house for a few weeks now, I probably wouldn't be posting as much :lol

This Thunderdome battle is quite entertaining though. You must choose a side. If you're not with me, then you're my enemy. My allegiance is to the prequels. Where do yours lie?

If you have to ask.... :lol

Ah... damn it. :lol:lol
I would say it is important to know how someone presumed to be dead for decades was able to come back to life and how to prevent him from coming back again after audiences and characters thought he was dead.

The universe never established cheating death until TROS... and how can something be established that is never explained? And it did play into the plot because if they killed him, he can just return again. You know, Palpatine did return again. I'm sure of it. 30 years from now he just was living in Chewbacca's ass hair and found a host. How? Who cares. He is back! No matter how ridiculous or illogical it is, we just accept it.

Vader killed Palpatine and now he is back. How he came back is necessary information. I'm not just going to accept that big of a twist with "hey, he's back." That is garbage storytelling. And you try to twist it into me being some dumb ass who needs his hand held? No. Again, whether intended or not, it really feels like a hint of superiority coming out. "Well I didn't need my hand held."

There is nothing, literally nothing, to just assume or accept his return. No basis for it whatsoever. No hints. No past movies establishing it.


"War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.
In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader, General Grievous, has swept into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate. As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the besieged capital with their valuable hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate mission to rescue the captive Chancellor...."

How are you using that as anything equal to bringing a guy back from being dead? It was established in AOTC that The Clone Wars have begun. And the opening crawl explains everything leading up to the Battle of Coruscant.

What past movie established Palpatine being alive and setting the stage for his return?

ROTS goes on to explain the events. How Palpatine let himself be captured. How Palpatine was rescued by the two Jedi Knights.

Where does TROS explain how Palpatine survived? How Palpatine announced his return?

Do I really need to remind you of this opening crawl too?

"It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire?s ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet.

Pursued by the Empire?s sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy?."

A New Hope explains what those plans were. How those plans escaped. How they used those plans to destroy the Death Star.

It fleshes out and explains the Opening Crawl.


"The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.

GENERAL LEIA ORGANA dispatches secret agents to gather intelligence, while REY, the last hope of the Jedi, trains for battle against the diabolical FIRST ORDER.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader KYLO REN rages in search of the phantom Emperor, determined to destroy any threat to his power?."

How does TROS explain that the Dead Speak? How does it explain Palpatine returns? How does it explain his huge army? How does it explain how he cheated death? It doesn't. It just forces you to accept it with no reasoning or logic or past events to even begin to accept the possibility of a return.

I wasn't. But you have done that to me a few times now with over exaggerations.

Jango Fett wasn't wasted. He was present throughout the film, was used for the Clone army, fought Obi-Wan twice, and then fought at Geonosis. He wasn't there to just look cool, he was central to the entire plot. How is that at similar to the KoR. A group who have their name based off a main character and literally does nothing. That is wasted and trying to drag the PT down somehow justify that is wrong.

Darth Maul wasn't wasted either. Again, present throughout the the film, was used to kick off the Palpatines grand plan, and fought Jedi twice.

Ah, an OT Purists then :lol

Yeah, everyone thought Palpatine was dead too and Kylo was gonna be something special, but I guess since the PT pulled something that was explained and reasonable (unlike the ST) it's bad because it's the PT.

You seem to be quite adamant in stating that you needed a Fortnite ad to help you understand TROS. Okay then, you needed the Fortnite ad. I didn't (still haven't even seen whatever ad you're talking about in fact) and neither did my kids so obviously your complaints don't apply to me. I'll definitely agree though that if I wasn't able to make sense of it without outside help from the marketing campaign or tie-in merch then yeah I'd hold it against the film too. Fortunately that wasn't the case.

The only opening crawl that *did* need explaining was the freaking vague as hell one that kicked off TFA, lol. But with TROS revealing that Palpatine was behind everything and that it was still just his Empire all along biding its time and that it was he who divided the main heroes by corrupting Ben Solo then even the beginning of TFA finally makes sense too. Talk about a come from behind win in the bottom of the ninth, lol.
Man you guys that have been posting everyday talking/arguing about the same Star Wars crap for years are complete sickos. Its non-stop. Dont you get tired of having the same circular conversations with yourselves? :lol

Looks bad. Makes me embarrassed to even say I’m a fan of any of it really.

Yeah tell 'em Fabs, lol.

:lol :lol
It’s not funny, it’s not a joke. You guys need help.

Seems as though Star Wars, no matter the era, has warped the minds of millions of children since the 70s, damaging them to such the extent that we have barely functioning adults in their 40s arguing about kiddie movies.

I think Alec Guinness was right! :lol Some of you bros should lawyer up and sue George Lucas and Disney. They’ve abused you.
It?s not funny, it?s not a joke. You guys need help.

Seems as though Star Wars, no matter the era, has warped the minds of millions of children since the 70s, damaging them to such the extent that we have barely functioning adults in their 40s arguing about kiddie movies.

I think Alec Guinness was right! :lol Some of you bros should lawyer up and sue George Lucas and Disney. They?ve abused you.

Shut up Fabio. Everyone is bored right now so we do anything to pass the time. That includes talking about the same damn thing over and over again . Cause........ 2020 is clearly canceled. Everyone is literally at the house with nothing to do but internet and tv.

Yes Star Wars ST should be forgotten tho . Star Wars as a whole needs a break
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Shut up Fabio. Everyone is bored right now so we do anything to pass the time. That includes talking about the same damn thing over and over again . Cause........ 2020 is clearly canceled. Everyone is literally at the house with nothing to do but internet and tv.

Yes Star Wars ST should be forgotten tho . Star Wars as a whole needs a break

Yeah as far as I'm concerned, it's still December 2019. :D
It?s not funny, it?s not a joke. You guys need help.

Seems as though Star Wars, no matter the era, has warped the minds of millions of children since the 70s, damaging them to such the extent that we have barely functioning adults in their 40s arguing about kiddie movies.

I think Alec Guinness was right! :lol Some of you bros should lawyer up and sue George Lucas and Disney. They?ve abused you.


Shut up Fabio. Everyone is bored right now so we do anything to pass the time. That includes talking about the same damn thing over and over again . Cause........ 2020 is clearly canceled. Everyone is literally at the house with nothing to do but internet and tv.

Yes Star Wars ST should be forgotten tho . Star Wars as a whole needs a break

:lol :lol

Yeah as far as I'm concerned, it's still December 2019. :D

:lol :lol :lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shut up Fabio. Everyone is bored right now so we do anything to pass the time. That includes talking about the same damn thing over and over again . Cause........ 2020 is clearly canceled. Everyone is literally at the house with nothing to do but internet and tv.

Yes Star Wars ST should be forgotten tho . Star Wars as a whole needs a break

Don’t tell me to shut up kid.

They were doing this stuff before the COVID19 scare and lockdowns. You know it’s true. Don’t excuse them.
How are you doing Jye. How is your family holding up in the crib.

I was sent home from work yesterday for 7 days because the powers that be were alerted that I had come into contact with a positive case 7 days prior.

But i?m symptom free 8 days after contact.

All I know is that I hit the lotto by retiring from my medic career before this legit outbreak.

They did light up the Batman signal for retired medics (and other healthcare professionals) to volunteer but I don?t want to take the risk in that capacity now that I have a young son so I just fulfill my social responsibilities by keeping 6 feet back.

I was on the front line for decades and suited up for many outbreaks my last being Ebola but all of those were mostly for extra layers of precaution and also some show business BUT this one is the real deal!

So now i?m home ramping up for the ST Forum Defense Act in support of team Khev fight against this nasty Duckywez PT virus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Don?t tell me to shut up kid.

They were doing this stuff before the COVID19 scare and lockdowns. You know it?s true. Don?t excuse them.

I know but now everybody is on lockdown so we are all involved. It?s a fun lil debate. It?s mainly poking fun at jye and khev for not letting the thread die.

And I told you to shut up Fabio. What u gonna do? Break my Batman collection? It?s heavily guarded
I was sent home from work yesterday for 7 days because the powers that be were alerted that I had come into contact with a positive case 7 days prior.

But i?m symptom free 8 days after contact.

All I know is that I hit the lotto by retiring from my medic career before this legit outbreak.

They did light up the Batman signal for retired medics (and other healthcare professionals) to volunteer but I don?t want to take the risk in that capacity now that I have a young son so I just fulfill my social responsibilities by keeping 6 feet back.

I was on the front line for decades and suited up for many outbreaks my last being Ebola but all of those were mostly for extra layers of precaution and also some show business BUT this one is the real deal!

So now i?m home ramping up for the ST Forum Defense Act in support of team Khev fight against this nasty Duckywez PT virus.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ducky wez? Lol and it?s ST more of a virus? It put Star Wars in quarantine for a good while. Who knows when we will see a movie again. The Disney plus content is the doctors and nurses trying to rehabilitate it.

After the PT Star Wars was still relevant and strong . Soooooo