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:lol :lol

Or if Ben's head materializes and rises between Vader's legs as he's about to shoot Luke.

"I have you now."

"Hello there."




:lol :lol :lol

Dude I still laugh that Tico got kicked off on the final assault to save the galaxy.

Like every single ship showed up in the last ditch desperate effort for salvation of the galaxy YET Rose still gets told to go the opposite direction of the battle lol

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The big nosed lady never really bugged me but they could?ve toned it down just a tad bit, no.


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I’m so glad that they added that Leia was training as a Jedi because it justifies Rey becoming a Jedi through Leia

Good job JJ :clap
So TLJ was on TV yesterday and I was reminded of a misconception I had stemming from Luke's description of the night Ben destroyed his Jedi temple:

LUKE: I went to confront him. And he turned on me. Ben, no! He must have thought I was dead. When I came to, the temple was burning. He had vanished with a handful of my students and slaughtered the rest. Leia blamed Snoke, but it was me. I failed. Because I was Luke Skywalker. Jedi master. A legend.

Now when I first heard that, I assumed that the handful of students that left with him became the Knights of Ren. Am I the only one who thought that was the case? I understand that now there's a whole history of the KoR that's been fleshed out in a novel & some comics that indicates they'd been around for a long time. Not knowing that when I saw TROS, I was expecting them to be those ex-Jedi students with at least some Force abilities, so I was rather disappointed when Ben dispatched them so quickly during their battle. Now that I know those students weren't the KoR, my question is: WTH happened to them???
So TLJ was on TV yesterday and I was reminded of a misconception I had stemming from Luke's description of the night Ben destroyed his Jedi temple:

LUKE: I went to confront him. And he turned on me. Ben, no! He must have thought I was dead. When I came to, the temple was burning. He had vanished with a handful of my students and slaughtered the rest. Leia blamed Snoke, but it was me. I failed. Because I was Luke Skywalker. Jedi master. A legend.

Now when I first heard that, I assumed that the handful of students that left with him became the Knights of Ren. Am I the only one who thought that was the case? I understand that now there's a whole history of the KoR that's been fleshed out in a novel & some comics that indicates they'd been around for a long time. Not knowing that when I saw TROS, I was expecting them to be those ex-Jedi students with at least some Force abilities, so I was rather disappointed when Ben dispatched them so quickly during their battle. Now that I know those students weren't the KoR, my question is: WTH happened to them???

Honestly the only way the KoR work for me is if they ARE Luke's other students. Everything about Luke's comments in TLJ seemed to indicate that they were and since I don't give a crap about what the novels and comics say (when they contradict the films) and Luke's other students are never seen otherwise then for me I'll always see them as being the KoR. And I do think they had the Force hence them being able to track so well without probe droids and whatnot. But I don't think they were that skilled in the Force beyond that (possibly they were struggling with Luke's teaching with regard to "knowledge and defense" and were more interested in combat and that was an aspect of their resentment and willingness to turn on him with Ben.) Just fun stuff to theorize about which we always used to do with SW in the past.

I know that those who kneel at the altar of KK's SJW Story Group (18 women who don't have a clue about SW) will say "nuh uh Khev, you're wrong, the comics and novels are canon!" but I don't care. All that matters to me are what the films say and I think that RJ and JJ set up the KoR as being Luke's remaining pupils.
Honestly the only way the KoR work for me is if they ARE Luke's other students. Everything about Luke's comments in TLJ seemed to indicate that they were and since I don't give a crap about what the novels and comics say (when they contradict the films) and Luke's other students are never seen otherwise then for me I'll always see them as being the KoR. And I do think they had the Force hence them being able to track so well without probe droids and whatnot. But I don't think they were that skilled in the Force beyond that (possibly they were struggling with Luke's teaching with regard to "knowledge and defense" and were more interested in combat and that was an aspect of their resentment and willingness to turn on him with Ben.) Just fun stuff to theorize about which we always used to do with SW in the past.

I know that those who kneel at the altar of KK's SJW Story Group (18 women who don't have a clue about SW) will say "nuh uh Khev, you're wrong, the comics and novels are canon!" but I don't care. All that matters to me are what the films say and I think that RJ and JJ set up the KoR as being Luke's remaining pupils.

Yeah KOR really took the shaft in TROS ...the least they could’ve done is something like a flashback of Palapatine corrupting them into turning into the KOR

Makes Rey’s vision in TFA of the KOR make absolutely no sense at all :pfft:
Honestly the only way the KoR work for me is if they ARE Luke's other students. Everything about Luke's comments in TLJ seemed to indicate that they were and since I don't give a crap about what the novels and comics say (when they contradict the films) and Luke's other students are never seen otherwise then for me I'll always see them as being the KoR. And I do think they had the Force hence them being able to track so well without probe droids and whatnot. But I don't think they were that skilled in the Force beyond that (possibly they were struggling with Luke's teachings and that was an aspect of their resentment and willingness to turn on him with Ben.)

I know that those who kneel at the altar of KK's SJW Story Group (18 women who don't have a clue about SW) will say "nuh uh Khev, you're wrong, the comics and novels are canon!" but I don't care. All that matters to me are what the films say and I think that RJ and JJ set up the KoR as being Luke's remaining pupils.


It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who looks at it that way. And I suppose Ben's skills would be significantly greater than theirs, both due to his Skywalker bloodline as well as his continued training under Snoke. Still, I wish they would have been at least as formidable as Snoke's throne room guards. I suppose it's possible they were but some of the fight was trimmed for time...
Yeah even though they weren't on the level of Snoke's guards I thought they served their purpose in TROS well (a super prolonged fight scene wouldn't really have fit in that moment IMO) and at least they had a better final showing than Boba Fett, lol.

Or maybe Luke's other students that turned on him *were* badasses and *they* became Snoke's guards while the KoR were something else. I could lean that way too but again I just go by what the films say and nothing else.
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Agreed, dragging that fight out would have been a mistake. I suppose it also served to demonstrate how skilled in battle Ben/Kylo was when he was focused and neither distracted by his anger nor consumed with the need to measure up to Vader's bad-assed-ness. lol
Agreed, dragging that fight out would have been a mistake. I suppose it also served to demonstrate how skilled in battle Ben/Kylo was when he was focused and neither distracted by his anger nor consumed with the need to measure up to Vader's bad-assed-ness. lol

Ooooo great point I like that.


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Also Rey and Kylo's skills had been improving for several years since TLJ to the point where even Rey was no longer a match for him so maybe even the Praetorian Guards would have been a joke to both of them at that point. Rey seemed to pretty effortlessly take out Palps' guards at the end.
Also Rey and Kylo's skills had been improving for several years since TLJ to the point where even Rey was no longer a match for him so maybe even the Praetorian Guards would have been a joke to both of them at that point. Rey seemed to pretty effortlessly take out Palps' guards at the end.

She had some cool moves during that scene.

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Yeah KOR really took the shaft in TROS ...the least they could?ve done is something like a flashback of Palapatine corrupting them into turning into the KOR

Makes Rey?s vision in TFA of the KOR make absolutely no sense at all :pfft:

Like I said they had know plans for these movies and pumped them out. No concrete story whatsoever. This series should be taught in classes on bad writing and how to avoid it
Like I said they had know plans for these movies and pumped them out. No concrete story whatsoever. This series should be taught in classes on bad writing and how to avoid it

This is very true. There needed to be someone there to really guide this storyline.. Not let RJ, who admitted he had no interest in telling a franchise story but tell his own story, come in and leave the next filmmaker painted in a corner.

But that is why many of us here find TROS to be a small miracle. As it somehow brought the story together for us. But its easy to see why it didn't for some.
This is very true. There needed to be someone there to really guide this storyline.. Not let RJ, who admitted he had no interest in telling a franchise story but tell his own story, come in and leave the next filmmaker painted in a corner.

But that is why many of us here find TROS to be a small miracle. As it somehow brought the story together for us. But its easy to see why it didn't for some.

It's easy to blame RJ because he has been the (very) public face of SWs post TLJ and pre TRoS. However, even if he wanted to tell his own story, "his story" will still need to be approved by LF/Disney. I don't think they didn't have a plan. I think they had to walk back on those plans because of the TLJ backlash.