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Well speaking of staying on point them I'm glad to hear that you're still enjoying TROS. :rock

Definitely. I keep finding more things to enjoy, like Rey climbing around in the Death Star harking back to her first appearance on Jakku in TFA. Leia's reaching out to Kylo/Ben before he could kill Rey also really works for me now, as I interpret it as her using the all of her life force to literally shock him out of his dark place & cause him to drop his lightsaber. I do still wish that JJ had passed on the Independence Day montage at the end with the Ewoks (Seriously, who was left to take out the First Order ships when everyone and their brother went to Exegol to fight the Last Order?), but it could have been worse.
Definitely. I keep finding more things to enjoy, like Rey climbing around in the Death Star harking back to her first appearance on Jakku in TFA. Leia's reaching out to Kylo/Ben before he could kill Rey also really works for me now, as I interpret it as her using the all of her life force to literally shock him out of his dark place & cause him to drop his lightsaber. I do still wish that JJ had passed on the Independence Day montage at the end with the Ewoks (Seriously, who was left to take out the First Order ships when everyone and their brother went to Exegol to fight the Last Order?), but it could have been worse.

Ha ha, yes, it's definitely a cliche to end movies that way these days (even in SW, lol) but I do like that for the first time a war ends not just with planets celebrating being saved by someone else (the Rebels, etc.) but rather showed each individual system rising up against their oppressors. To me that does give the Saga some much needed finality by suggesting that the victory will be sustainable from here on out.
Ha ha, yes, it's definitely a cliche to end movies that way these days (even in SW, lol) but I do like that for the first time a war ends not just with planets celebrating being saved by someone else (the Rebels, etc.) but rather showed each individual system rising up against their oppressors. To me that does give the Saga some much needed finality by suggesting that the victory will be sustainable from here on out.

Well I suppose I could get on board with that if most of the stormtroopers instantly went rogue when they received word that the Rebels defeated the Last Order, but otherwise I can't figure out who had the firepower to do all the rising up. Unless I missed a big time jump there every time I've seen it (6 times now, I think). I'm going with it being something JJ was forced to tack on. :lol
Especially when you consider that the Holdo Maneuver was pulled over Endor. Perhaps Paploo was piloting the ship …..


"How about we pull some Holdo maneuvers and do some real damage."

Finn: "Give me a break that was blind luck, one in a million." *whispers to Connix* "Just kidding an ewok could do it."

Well I suppose I could get on board with that if most of the stormtroopers instantly went rogue when they received word that the Rebels defeated the Last Order, but otherwise I can't figure out who had the firepower to do all the rising up. Unless I missed a big time jump there every time I've seen it (6 times now, I think). I'm going with it being something JJ was forced to tack on. :lol

Well according to the VFX reel they rendered 16,000 ships for the Resistance Fleet so I doubt that was really every ship in the galaxy. Coruscant alone would have more than that so I'm sure there were plenty left over to rise up from each planet. Though I guess we'll have to assume that there were some pretty badass ewoks on Endor and junk traders on Jakku that each took down a full FO Star Destroyer on their own, lol.

Now I'm picturing that old lady who sat at the cleaning table with Rey in TFA going all Randy Quaid on the FO, lol. "Hello boys, I'm baaack!"

Definitely one of those "best not to think too hard about it" deals. :lol
Nobody in the OT fought like that. Luke only swung it like that when he was angry. So nah

You need to watch the sail barge fight again.. And lets face it.. There was nothing special about the choregraphy in OT. Especially in ROTJ... Its all sword parry left, sword parry right, sword parry top, rinse and repeat... It was however about atmospher and drama. I think all the duels in TROS had that.. I was not a fan of the other two films duels but i kinda like TFA one now :)

Watch the film again how many times this move is repeated.. In the same 30 sec scene.


Rey even steels a move from the PT ;)

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"How about we pull some Holdo maneuvers and do some real damage."

Finn: "Give me a break that was blind luck, one in a million." *whispers to Connix* "Just kidding an ewok could do it."


Well according to the VFX reel they rendered 16,000 ships for the Resistance Fleet so I doubt that was really every ship in the galaxy. Coruscant alone would have more than that so I'm sure there were plenty left over to rise up from each planet. Though I guess we'll have to assume that there were some pretty badass ewoks on Endor and junk traders on Jakku that each took down a full FO Star Destroyer on their own, lol.

Now I'm picturing that old lady who sat at the cleaning table with Rey in TFA going all Randy Quaid on the FO, lol. "Hello boys, I'm baaack!"

Definitely one of those "best not to think too hard about it" deals. :lol

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

OK, I just snorted Diet Coke up my nose. By now I should know better than to take a swig while reading one of your posts. :lol
What a hilariously specific analogy, lol.

Not just tennis but clay court tennis lol

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I actually enjoy the discussion when it stays on point, it's when it diverges into PT vs. ST debates that I find it tedious, especially when people feel obliged to write a thesis defense every time they feel that their POV is being disrespected/attacked.

The analogy doesn't hold up without the clay. :lol And to be clear, I was mentally excluding Martina Navratilova when I made it. :D

p.s. - Sorry, a-dev: POV = Point Of View.

p.p.s. - p.s. = postscript. ;)

:lol :lol

Obi-wan - ''So what I told you was true - from a certain POV''

Luke - ''POV?''

Obi-wan - ''Point of view''

Luke - ''Oh'

Obi-Wan - ''Now.....wait, where was I?''

Especially when you consider that the Holdo Maneuver was pulled over Endor. Perhaps Paploo was piloting the ship ?..

:lol :lol

Especially when you consider that the Holdo Maneuver was pulled over Endor. Perhaps Paploo was piloting the ship ?..

:lol :lol :lol


"How about we pull some Holdo maneuvers and do some real damage."

Finn: "Give me a break that was blind luck, one in a million." *whispers to Connix* "Just kidding an ewok could do it."

Well according to the VFX reel they rendered 16,000 ships for the Resistance Fleet so I doubt that was really every ship in the galaxy. Coruscant alone would have more than that so I'm sure there were plenty left over to rise up from each planet. Though I guess we'll have to assume that there were some pretty badass ewoks on Endor and junk traders on Jakku that each took down a full FO Star Destroyer on their own, lol.

Now I'm picturing that old lady who sat at the cleaning table with Rey in TFA going all Randy Quaid on the FO, lol. "Hello boys, I'm baaack!"

Definitely one of those "best not to think too hard about it" deals. :lol

Holy crap lol

You need to watch the sail barge fight again.. And lets face it.. There was nothing special about the choregraphy in OT. Especially in ROTJ... Its all sword parry left, sword parry right, sword parry top, rinse and repeat... It was however about atmospher and drama. I think all the duels in TROS had that.. I was not a fan of the other two films duels but i kinda like TFA one now :)

Watch the film again how many times this move is repeated.. In the same 30 sec scene.


Rey even steels a move from the PT ;)


Damn son great post

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I never noticed that Rey/Anakin gif before, that's awesome.

I also like the parallels between the wrist to wrist grappling in the burning vs. freezing environments.

At least in the Anakin vs. Dooku duel they both have their guard up so it sort of makes sense but in the Rey vs. Kylo part of the gif Kylo has his lightsabre pointed at the ground and then at her chest and actively moves it out of the way and steps back so she doesn't impale herself lol
I never noticed that Rey/Anakin gif before, that's awesome.

I also like the parallels between the wrist to wrist grappling in the burning vs. freezing environments.


That picture looks dirty Khev. Look between Rey's legs. She is going full Holdo Manuever on Ren.
You need to watch the sail barge fight again.. And lets face it.. There was nothing special about the choregraphy in OT. Especially in ROTJ... Its all sword parry left, sword parry right, sword parry top, rinse and repeat... It was however about atmospher and drama. I think all the duels in TROS had that.. I was not a fan of the other two films duels but i kinda like TFA one now :)

Watch the film again how many times this move is repeated.. In the same 30 sec scene.


Rey even steels a move from the PT ;)


Nah. While some scenes mimic others the fight choreography is awful and bland. Rey always swings her sword wildly like that. Anakin was using a saber move. Way different. There?s no connection really. Just bad fighting styles. Also the OT fights looked like the sabers had a great weight to them or something. They kind of twired them more. Again Luke hitting darth Vader was the only time he fought like Rey like an idiot.

Also that gif is stupid. She?s running at him with her sword above her, anakin just lifts it above his head. Huge difference
In seriousness could Rey's style be her attempt to compensate for being physically weaker? I hope it's not considered sexist to suggest that, it shouldn't be.

edit - although, does physical strength matter with lightsabers....