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There you go. You finally figured it out.

Well nobody gets harrassed for being in a good movie, lol.

You actually have no problem with the people who harassed them? All because you think it was a bad movie. You seriously are defending them?

What don't you get about this? They didn't contemplate suicide or suffered mental problems from being in a bad movie, it's from the people harassing them because they thought it was a bad movie.

Just because a movie is bad in your eyes, gives no right to harass someone.

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You actually have no problem with the people who harassed them? All because you think it was a bad movie. You seriously are defending them?

What don't you get about this? They didn't contemplate suicide or suffered mental problems from being in a bad movie, it's from the people harassing them because they thought it was a bad movie.

Just because a movie is bad in your eyes, gives no right to harass someone.

Ducky you are way off course on this one.

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Honestly, what is wrong with you two? Where have I personally insulted either of you? Yet you enjoy calling me deranged over and over again?

Dude.. Do you really think STDS is a real thing?? Do you really think I diagnosed you with something? Its a joke.. It a play off of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

One only becomes deranged when confronted by a certain subject. Yeepers

I stated it because the post you had made where I made the original statement was a bit goofy.

No, it's not. Check the thread, quoted and bolded.
I think you misunderstood him.

Key word: try.

Did you expect me to say nice things about the ST because you said nice thing about the PT? :lol

I already said I liked TFA before TLJ. Then TLJ made me hate it because I can't like a movie that is going down a path that I can't follow.

Nope.. Just expected a bit more maturity... I'll have to go find the post but it was goofy and added nothing to the debate.

You, JAWS, and Jye have been in this thread non-stop saying how great TROS is and questioning how anyone can hate it, going as far to say in roundabout ways how others taste in Star Wars is bad, how y'all are the superior fan, how it's better than the PT... constantly re-imagining lines... completely ignoring all the legitimate complaints about the movie.

Hmmmmmmm I never questioned anyone.. In fact I have stated and I know Khev has also that we understand why people may not like it.. Hell I didn't like the first two ST movies so I really understand...

Now I have had several posters claim that Khev and Jye and I guess I am there also
(Khev Jay jaws from now on :lol )
that we "Have bad taste in Star Wars movies" "The Only reason we like it is because of the original actors" We are easily pleased by fan service" and its been repeated that "How can anyone really like these films"

Sorry that my disagreement with you comes across as a personal attack but I really don't care if you like it. I just want some intelligent discussion about why you don't..

Here is the quote when I used the STDS on you
Everything they added to Star Wars in the ST is complete utter **** and people chow down on it. The dyad was a joke and some 50 Shades of Grey/Twilight level Tumblr loving freaky **** just to prop up Mary Rey Sue into another level.

I mean where are we supposed to go with that?? I cant imagine the puddle of jello you would turn in to if my arguments about the PT were framed so.. Umm Eloquently.

I've already said why I understand people may not like the PT, inconsistent with the OT, inconsistent acting, bad dialogue, too much CGI at times....

Can any of you accept why people hate the ST? At all?

You have?? Obviously we both need to do more reading because I don't remember you saying any of that really and you obviously don't remember me saying that I get the hate for the ST.

But KJJ have all said that we get why many don't like it.

Because anytime I've had a conversation, it's, "well I get the TLJ hate but let me tell why TROS is the best movie since ESB!" takes

Nope Ive said the TROS saved the ST for ME...

KJJ have all said that there are only two perfect SW movies and the rest all have issues.
You actually have no problem with the people who harassed them? All because you think it was a bad movie. You seriously are defending them?

What don't you get about this? They didn't contemplate suicide or suffered mental problems from being in a bad movie, it's from the people harassing them because they thought it was a bad movie.

Just because a movie is bad in your eyes, gives no right to harass someone.

Um, what? :lol
You actually have no problem with the people who harassed them? All because you think it was a bad movie. You seriously are defending them?

What don't you get about this? They didn't contemplate suicide or suffered mental problems from being in a bad movie, it's from the people harassing them because they thought it was a bad movie.

Just because a movie is bad in your eyes, gives no right to harass someone.

I hope your heart bleeds as much for Kelly Marie Tran and all the attacks she got from the STDS folks.. RJ also.. He got a lot of hate.. In fact i am willing to bet Rose and RJ got way more hate because twitter wasn't a thing yet when TPM came out.

I hope Daisy don't come here to find out she looks like a special needs child..

:lol :lol

I think jye started calling him BY which initially confused the hell out of me until he clarified so I assumed everyone knew, lol.

And I believe they it's BBY for "Before the Battle of Yavin." :D
Ducky you are way off course on this one.

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I don't think I am and you are missing the main point of the issue here too. You are blaming a movie for people's actions and not the actions of the people themselves.

I wonder why you two are trying to justify this.... hmm.

Dude.. Do you really think STDS is a real thing?? Do you really think I diagnosed you with something? Its a joke.. It a play off of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

One only becomes deranged when confronted by a certain subject. Yeepers

I stated it because the post you had made where I made the original statement was a bit goofy.

I knew what it was based on. But calling someone deranged, multiple times, crosses that joke border.

Nope.. Just expected a bit more maturity... I'll have to go find the post but it was goofy and added nothing to the debate.

Just an opinion. I've already debated enough here.

Sorry that my disagreement with you comes across as a personal attack but I really don't care if you like it. I just want some intelligent discussion about why you don't..

I'll be watching the ST over again in a few weeks-month. I'll give you a better discussion then when everything is fresh :lol

You have?? Obviously we both need to do more reading because I don't remember you saying any of that really and you obviously don't remember me saying that I get the hate for the ST.

I made an entire comment on what I would fix with the PT, re-wrote it and everything, take out the garbage romance lines, more real locations, etc... :lol

I hope your heart bleeds as much for Kelly Marie Tran and all the attacks she got from the STDS folks.. RJ also.. He got a lot of hate.. In fact i am willing to bet Rose and RJ got way more hate because twitter wasn't a thing yet when TPM came out.

I hope Daisy don't come here to find out she looks like a special needs child..


I feel bad for Kelly. Never had an issue with her personally and never insulted her personally. RJ... well he brought some stuff onto himself. Some stuff fans told him passed a line though.

I'm willing to bet the TPM actors received more real hate. You know the level of dedication it takes to stalk someone and harass them? Or personally write them a letter and literally send hate mail? This is beyond a 15 second ill advised not thinking about it tweet. Some aspects of the hate feels different, maybe more personal? I don't know, I just feel there is a difference between pre-social media hate vs social media hate.

Daisy doesn't look like that all the time, but it's the exaggerated facial expressions Disney made her do for whatever reason in the ST that does make her come off like that. Any other thing she was in, she didn't act like that. Any interview she doesn't look like that.

I have no idea why they made her do those goofy expressions, I posted them many pages back, but they were just so out of place in Star Wars for me. Same with her going "woo-hoo," just so odd what they had her do.
I have no idea why they made her do those goofy expressions, I posted them many pages back, but they were just so out of place in Star Wars for me. Same with her going "woo-hoo," just so odd what they had her do.

Finding stills of anyone could cause them to look like they just had a mini stroke.

Perhaps Woo-hoo was an homage to Yippee. :)

In all honesty I don't remember Woo-hoo… Just a lot of Woo from Finn.
:lol :lol

I think jye started calling him BY which initially confused the hell out of me until he clarified so I assumed everyone knew, lol.

And I believe they it's BBY for "Before the Battle of Yavin." :D

OK I knew Yavin was BBY or something like that... I literally looked at BY for 10 min trying to figure out what you meant :lol
I knew what it was based on. But calling someone deranged, multiple times, crosses that joke border.

Hmmmm I guess I just don't see "Deranged" with regards to a persons feeling about a movie to be crossing the joke boarder.

I'll be watching the ST over again in a few weeks-month. I'll give you a better discussion then when everything is fresh :lol

I'll see you then :)

I made an entire comment on what I would fix with the PT, re-wrote it and everything, take out the garbage romance lines, more real locations, etc... :lol

I remember that.. Its when I found out that I liked the PT more then you ;) ;) ;)

If you think for a second that I have not talked about what I would change in the ST then you are very wrong.. Hell I just spent two pages disagreeing with Khev over force healing powers.
Now that ajp opened the door for Khev to 100% make sense of FH within the context of what has come before everything else is just noise now.

Close the door all you want now ajp but Khev already raided the hen house lol

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Now that ajp opened the door for Khev to 100% make sense of FH within the context of what has come before everything else is just noise now.

Close the door all you want now ajp but Khev already raided the hen house lol

He really did help me see that Force Healing does line up very seamlessly with what we've seen Jedi do in the past and I never had a problem with it in the first place, lol.
Now that ajp opened the door for Khev to 100% make sense of FH within the context of what has come before everything else is just noise now.

Close the door all you want now ajp but Khev already raided the hen house lol

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Now Jye, I don't want to shock you but Khev's opinion is NOT a fact :lecture
I hope your heart bleeds as much for Kelly Marie Tran and all the attacks she got from the STDS folks.. RJ also.. He got a lot of hate.. In fact i am willing to bet Rose and RJ got way more hate because twitter wasn't a thing yet when TPM came out.

I hope Daisy don't come here to find out she looks like a special needs child..


I would gladly give an STD to Kelly Special needs Rey.