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You know Rey’s lightsaber skills were pretty flawless in TROS..which makes me wonder since Leia was training her the whole time..could’ve Leia been just as skilled as a Jedi if she didn’t quit :lecture
Flawless? She swung it like a bat kylo had grace and a move set . Rey swings it like some crazed idiot
Flawless? She swung it like a bat kylo had grace and a move set . Rey swings it like some crazed idiot

I'm waiting for the white knight to proclaim "But...but...but...she's a Palpatine and beyond the use of a lightsaber" or some other such nonsense.
Flawless? She swung it like a bat kylo had grace and a move set . Rey swings it like some crazed idiot

I'm waiting for the white knight to proclaim "But...but...but...she's a Palpatine and beyond the use of a lightsaber" or some other such nonsense.

Nah.. The ST just went for a more OT style of Lightsaber Duel. Luke was pretty crazy with the saber in ROTJ.
Nah.. The ST just went for a more OT style of Lightsaber Duel. Luke was pretty crazy with the saber in ROTJ.

Do you see what us old OT farts with one foot in the grave have to deal with now, fans who were reared only on the PT we now have to explain lightsaber swings similarities lol

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Nah.. The ST just went for a more OT style of Lightsaber Duel. Luke was pretty crazy with the saber in ROTJ.

Nobody in the OT fought like that. Luke only swung it like that when he was angry. So nah
Do you see what us old OT farts with one foot in the grave have to deal with now, fans who were reared only on the PT we now have to explain lightsaber swings similarities lol

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You old farts need new glasses comparing the fights from this to the OT. The fights here were terrible . But of course it?s Disney wars and for some reason your convinced it flows so well and matches up with the OT perfectly but it?s nothing more than a soulless product lol
It's sad to think that these guys will be the ones discussing Star Wars when we are gone, lol.

I can totally picture what SW discussions will look like:


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I see this thread blew up again. :lol I ignored this for a couple of days while binging The Americans, but my copy of TROS finally arrived yesterday so I watched it again last night (I enjoy it more every time I do!), then decided to play catch up. Reading this thread reminds me of watching a 1970s/1980s era women's clay court tennis rally, the kind that you thought no one would win and would go on forever. Somebody please pull a metaphorical hamstring and default already. :slap

I did get a chuckle over a-dev's consternation over the abundance of acronyms being thrown about. Clearly he hasn't worked for a major manufacturing company. If he did, he'd probably need to learn a half dozen new TLAs every day. :lol
Reading this thread reminds me of watching a 1970s/1980s era women's clay court tennis rally, the kind that you thought no one would win and would go on forever. Somebody please pull a metaphorical hamstring and default already. :slapl

Just curious: what's your preferred alternative for this thread? What is it you'd like the discussion to be about? Throw something out there; change the subject to something you think would be more interesting. Be the change you want to see. ;)



Sometimes I feel like we're on the brink of acronymizing entire sentences in here.

:lol :lol :lol
Just curious: what's your preferred alternative for this thread? What is it you'd like the discussion to be about? Throw something out there; change the subject to something you think would be more interesting. Be the change you want to see. ;)

:lol :lol :lol

I actually enjoy the discussion when it stays on point, it's when it diverges into PT vs. ST debates that I find it tedious, especially when people feel obliged to write a thesis defense every time they feel that their POV is being disrespected/attacked.

Not just tennis but clay court tennis lol

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The analogy doesn't hold up without the clay. :lol And to be clear, I was mentally excluding Martina Navratilova when I made it. :D

p.s. - Sorry, a-dev: POV = Point Of View.

p.p.s. - p.s. = postscript. ;)
I actually enjoy the discussion when it stays on point, it's when it diverges into PT vs. ST debates that I find it tedious, especially when people feel obliged to write a thesis defense every time they feel that their POV is being disrespected/attacked.

Well speaking of staying on point them I'm glad to hear that you're still enjoying TROS. :rock