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Did you ever watch this video?

He did a really awesome job of making a case for Rey being a Palpatine and that was before even the release of TLJ! But he does mention her using the Palps thrusty attack and calls out how she seems filled with the Dark Side the way that she paces and stalks Kylo like Maul when he was separated from Obi-Wan by that force field thing in TPM.

If you want to go really off in EU land then apparently Palps' primary fighting "technique" was his ability to just mimic the style of whomever he was fighting. And so it was suggested that Rey had that aptitude too. I found it interesting that TROS almost suggested that she does *better* when she just relies on instinct over training as evidenced in that one early sequence where she just can't seem to outfight the training remote with her saber and instead has to kind of cheat with her staff.

Then when she finally has her big rematch with Kylo on the wreckage of the Death Star she actually does worse against him after years of training than when she had no training and simply relied on her own instincts and the Force. Of course that could also simply be attributed to Kylo being that much better himself, not wounded, and all that but I still thought it was cool either way.

I have not watched that.. Will have to do so later.. I gotta get back to work.
Watching the BTS docs on the RoS makes me like it even more. So much love.

Nothing like the TLJ doc with RJ funeral-marching Hamill around the porg island set.
Watching the BTS docs on the RoS makes me like it even more. So much love.

Yeah that one has fast become one of my favorite SW documentaries. Not quite on the level of "Empire of Dreams" or the big one they did for TPM but it's definitely up there. I especially love the constant intercutting between TROS and OT BTS footage, much of which I don't believe I had even seen before.

Nothing like the TLJ doc with RJ funeral-marching Hamill around the porg island set.

:lol :lol
Had no idea Maz was mostly practical. Unbelievable.

Yeah it's funny that she and Jabba are now presented similarly over the 9 films if you watch them chronologically. First two appearances CGI (TPM/OT SE for Jabba, TFA/TLJ for Maz) and then practical in their final appearance (ROTJ/TROS.)
Did you ever watch this video?

He did a really awesome job of making a case for Rey being a Palpatine and that was before even the release of TLJ! But he does mention her using the Palps thrusty attack and calls out how she seems filled with the Dark Side the way that she paces and stalks Kylo like Maul when he was separated from Obi-Wan by that force field thing in TPM.

If you want to go really off in EU land then apparently Palps' primary fighting "technique" was his ability to just mimic the style of whomever he was fighting. And so it was suggested that Rey had that aptitude too. I found it interesting that TROS almost suggested that she does *better* when she just relies on instinct over training as evidenced in that one early sequence where she just can't seem to outfight the training remote with her saber and instead has to kind of cheat with her staff.

Then when she finally has her big rematch with Kylo on the wreckage of the Death Star she actually does worse against him after years of training than when she had no training and simply relied on her own instincts and the Force. Of course that could also simply be attributed to Kylo being that much better himself, not wounded, and all that but I still thought it was cool either way.

Hmm, so you're saying she's Taskmaster. "Strike me down, and you're journey to the MCU will be complete".
I'm surprised no fan has done a stop motion Jabba for that ANH scene. How many iterations of that cgi turd have there been since the first SE? :lol
"Taskmaster taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his movie got moved to Disney+ while he slept. Ironic, he could help others bring his fighting technique to the big screen, but not himself."


Your ability to improvise SW quotes at the drop of a hat is downright frightening sometimes. Impressive (most impressive), but frightening. :lol


Like the PT it kind of started with a trade dispute! A certain IP holder was annoyed that a lot of 1/6 scale boot leg figures were being sold of their IP and they weren't getting the licence fee cheques for them. They looked to Sideshow to try and screw down on this activity as they were one of their legitimate licence holders in the 1/6 field in the US. This website used to be an affiliate of Sideshow and I believe used to receive sponsorship from them in the form of advertisement fees (the banner at the top of the page used to link to ? once upon a time Sideshow reps even came to the boards to discuss figures but they were scared away by angry collectors critiquing their work. Sideshow flexed their muscles and told all affiliates (including this board) that if they continued to discuss these bootleg figures or advertised them in anyway then they would lose 'affiliate' status and the perks that went with that. There was a lot of confusion around what a 'bootleg' meant as this board used to a have a very healthy customs section (it was honestly awesome) and Sideshow seemed confused as well by what the certain IP holder wanted so they erred on the side of caution to ban all bootlegs and custom projects. Dave (the dude in charge of this board) did his very best to balance what Sideshow had 'requested' but also manage the removal of the customs scene (there were a lot of ongoing projects with a lot of money invested in them which couldn't just disappear over night otherwise people would be left high and dry) ? long story short Sideshow got spooked and pulled the 'affliate' status and this board suffered as a result (the customs scene was already gone by this point anyway so it was a loss a loss all round).

At the same time a massive nerd war was waging in the TLJ thread between those who legit loved TLJ (the misguided love anything Star Wars progressive feminist types) versus those who really hated it (the whiny basement dwelling self-entitled neck-bearded incel man-babies... of which I was one, frothing at the mouth as I posted here). The nerd war was like no other before it the mods swung their mighty ban hammers mercilessly (mostly... almost entirely.... ok 100%) banning only the most whiny of the TLJ haters in a bid to make the TLJ board a safe space for TLJ lovers.

A rival we hate TLJ page was started and for a time all was well again. No-one knows who fired the first shot but somehow the streams crossed. Before you knew it, we had TLJ lovers in the 'we h8 TLJ' thread spouting their fluffy love for it and TLJ h8rs spitting their vile bile hatred all over the 'we wuv TLJ' thread. The ban hammers were lifted and swung again ? landing coincidentally only on the heads of the TLJ h8rs (bad luck I guess). The threads were locked down and again for a time there was peace. Then all the h8rs started to vent their anger in the legit toy threads where you were only meant to discuss upcoming figures. This tiny minority of haters kept getting larger despite the ban hammer culling their numbers.... it was a dark time indeed.

As a result of the customs schism a new custom boards were springing up all over the place. It was at this time that many of the h8rs angry at TLJ and the prejudice of the ban hammer left for this new pasture free to ridicule TLJ to their hearts content. I put a foot in the door for a time but I missed the passion of wuvvy TLJ lovers and their (sometimes) convoluted way of re-contextualising the OT to fit the ST... sad to hear the other place tore itself a part.

In the end a new TLJ thread was opened where the luvvers could talk mostly undisturbed. The odd TLJ hating weed would spout up but the TLJ triple threat of AJP (with his vast Star Wars knowledge and verbose but sound arguments), Khev (also with almost unparalleled Star Wars geek knowledge - though Khev flip-flopped on his luv for TLJ, often playing devils advocate to keep the discussion alive) and Jye (with his funny meme army) would annihilate them into submission ... mostly. And again for a time there was peace.

Then TROS came and the well drawn lines of wuv and h8 were thrown out of the window. AJP, once the staunchest defender of TLJ, did a heel turn casting aside his love for the ST but rather than hate he only had apathy towards it. Jaws returned from the unknown regions to fill the void left behind by AJP's absence, declaring his retrospective love for all things ST. Khev and Jye were overjoyed and too declared their love for all things ST. Alas there was no one left for them to battle. Like Grandmaster AJP, TROS had turned the h8rs and many of the previous wuvvers to apathy, hardly anyone legit cared about the ST anymore.

The force dyad of Khev and Jye led by new supreme leader Jaws every so often try to kick the PT hornets nest to have someone to debate with and so keep this thread and the ST alive, but the debates are tired. Everyone knows that the PT is superior in world building with more interesting characters and designs (and a better over-arching plot narrative) whilst the ST had Mark Hamill, Carrie and Ford, better acting and was a homage to the OT (read looked like and basically ripped it off).

Like BY, Mando has force heeled some and returned them to their former Star Wars love (remember before the ST we all used to like Star Wars, if not all parts of it, enough to be satisfied by it) but it seems it may not be enough to save all. The legacy of KK and the ST is not the force is female but the force is apathy.

Holy crap! :rotfl

Generations from now, someone researching the role of geekdom in the decay of human culture will tediously dig through material from an antiquated version of cyperspace and come across this post. A sad microcosm of a strange pocket of society in the early 21st century summarized in satirical flowery prose. The reaction will be: "No wonder everything went to ****."

You have done a service to the future morbid curiosity of mankind while doing a disservice to some of us in this community. I salute you, good sir. :duff
Holy crap! :rotfl

Generations from now, someone researching the role of geekdom in the decay of human culture will tediously dig through material from an antiquated version of cyperspace and come across this post. A sad microcosm of a strange pocket of society in the early 21st century summarized in satirical flowery prose. The reaction will be: "No wonder everything went to ****."

You have done a service to the future morbid curiosity of mankind while doing a disservice to some of us in this community. I salute you, good sir. :duff

He also included himself in the "whiny, basement dwelling, self-entitled, neck-bearded, incel man-babies" crowd. I'm chalking that up to self-deprecation rather than self-awareness. :lol


Like the PT it kind of started with a trade dispute! A certain IP holder was annoyed that a lot of 1/6 scale boot leg figures were being sold of their IP and they weren't getting the licence fee cheques for them. They looked to Sideshow to try and screw down on this activity as they were one of their legitimate licence holders in the 1/6 field in the US. This website used to be an affiliate of Sideshow and I believe used to receive sponsorship from them in the form of advertisement fees (the banner at the top of the page used to link to ? once upon a time Sideshow reps even came to the boards to discuss figures but they were scared away by angry collectors critiquing their work. Sideshow flexed their muscles and told all affiliates (including this board) that if they continued to discuss these bootleg figures or advertised them in anyway then they would lose 'affiliate' status and the perks that went with that. There was a lot of confusion around what a 'bootleg' meant as this board used to a have a very healthy customs section (it was honestly awesome) and Sideshow seemed confused as well by what the certain IP holder wanted so they erred on the side of caution to ban all bootlegs and custom projects. Dave (the dude in charge of this board) did his very best to balance what Sideshow had 'requested' but also manage the removal of the customs scene (there were a lot of ongoing projects with a lot of money invested in them which couldn't just disappear over night otherwise people would be left high and dry) ? long story short Sideshow got spooked and pulled the 'affliate' status and this board suffered as a result (the customs scene was already gone by this point anyway so it was a loss a loss all round).

At the same time a massive nerd war was waging in the TLJ thread between those who legit loved TLJ (the misguided love anything Star Wars progressive feminist types) versus those who really hated it (the whiny basement dwelling self-entitled neck-bearded incel man-babies... of which I was one, frothing at the mouth as I posted here). The nerd war was like no other before it the mods swung their mighty ban hammers mercilessly (mostly... almost entirely.... ok 100%) banning only the most whiny of the TLJ haters in a bid to make the TLJ board a safe space for TLJ lovers.

A rival we hate TLJ page was started and for a time all was well again. No-one knows who fired the first shot but somehow the streams crossed. Before you knew it, we had TLJ lovers in the 'we h8 TLJ' thread spouting their fluffy love for it and TLJ h8rs spitting their vile bile hatred all over the 'we wuv TLJ' thread. The ban hammers were lifted and swung again ? landing coincidentally only on the heads of the TLJ h8rs (bad luck I guess). The threads were locked down and again for a time there was peace. Then all the h8rs started to vent their anger in the legit toy threads where you were only meant to discuss upcoming figures. This tiny minority of haters kept getting larger despite the ban hammer culling their numbers.... it was a dark time indeed.

As a result of the customs schism a new custom boards were springing up all over the place. It was at this time that many of the h8rs angry at TLJ and the prejudice of the ban hammer left for this new pasture free to ridicule TLJ to their hearts content. I put a foot in the door for a time but I missed the passion of wuvvy TLJ lovers and their (sometimes) convoluted way of re-contextualising the OT to fit the ST... sad to hear the other place tore itself a part.

In the end a new TLJ thread was opened where the luvvers could talk mostly undisturbed. The odd TLJ hating weed would spout up but the TLJ triple threat of AJP (with his vast Star Wars knowledge and verbose but sound arguments), Khev (also with almost unparalleled Star Wars geek knowledge - though Khev flip-flopped on his luv for TLJ, often playing devils advocate to keep the discussion alive) and Jye (with his funny meme army) would annihilate them into submission ... mostly. And again for a time there was peace.

Then TROS came and the well drawn lines of wuv and h8 were thrown out of the window. AJP, once the staunchest defender of TLJ, did a heel turn casting aside his love for the ST but rather than hate he only had apathy towards it. Jaws returned from the unknown regions to fill the void left behind by AJP's absence, declaring his retrospective love for all things ST. Khev and Jye were overjoyed and too declared their love for all things ST. Alas there was no one left for them to battle. Like Grandmaster AJP, TROS had turned the h8rs and many of the previous wuvvers to apathy, hardly anyone legit cared about the ST anymore.

The force dyad of Khev and Jye led by new supreme leader Jaws every so often try to kick the PT hornets nest to have someone to debate with and so keep this thread and the ST alive, but the debates are tired. Everyone knows that the PT is superior in world building with more interesting characters and designs (and a better over-arching plot narrative) whilst the ST had Mark Hamill, Carrie and Ford, better acting and was a homage to the OT (read looked like and basically ripped it off).

Like BY, Mando has force heeled some and returned them to their former Star Wars love (remember before the ST we all used to like Star Wars, if not all parts of it, enough to be satisfied by it) but it seems it may not be enough to save all. The legacy of KK and the ST is not the force is female but the force is apathy.

Epic post is epic what a read!

I have retired my meme army and unfortunately there is no other lol

I am now in a nursing home living out my half conservative half liberal non binary life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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I guess Rey will always be forever attached to her staff , even after being a Jedi ( sort of ) by making a saber out of it :lol

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I like that Leia left it to Luke to pass on her lightsaber to future generations of Jedi.

And then Rey buried it. :lol


It was symbolic of the twins being forever reunited after being separated at birth though.

Sheesh people scoff at Rey when she uses the OT heroes' stuff and then scoff again when she doesn't. Poor girl just can't catch a break. ;)
No I'm sure when Leia said "pass if on" she meant "bury it like a cat turd on a s-hole planet I've never been to but my only known blood relatives hated."

But that's good, it shows the Mary Sue choir that Rey could score a big old fail. Those force ghosts shoulda been like "nooooo...dafuq you doing?!"
No I'm sure when Leia said "pass if on" she meant "bury it like a cat turd on a s-hole planet I've never been to but my only known blood relatives hated."

But that's good, it shows the Mary Sue choir that Rey could score a big old fail. Those force ghosts shoulda been like "nooooo...dafuq you doing?!"

Post-credits scene has that scavenger lady who asked her name digging up the Skywalker sabers the moment Rey takes off, lol.