Collector Freaks Forum

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Intothevoid. Haven't seen him in a long time. Or Maglor. Big Nolan Batman guys from 'back in the day'.

Jeez that guy was annoying. Got all mad cause people didn?t like tdkr.

Wow come to think of it this place had a crap ton of mods. What happened to Jen? Or the ween? I remember thirsty guys use to hit on her and Star puffs cause they were girls
He's still here isn't he? I thought I saw him crop up in some of the collectible threads.

Could be I don't know. I don't think he got banned, he just got exposed for making a bunch of claims that were not true. The big talker on the playground sort of deal.
Jeez that guy was annoying. Got all mad cause people didn?t like tdkr.

Wow come to think of it this place had a crap ton of mods. What happened to Jen? Or the ween? I remember thirsty guys use to hit on her and Star puffs cause they were girls

A few years ago I had a public banter of sorts with what appeared to be a female boardie - Jess - I believe was the name. Snake and the others took a fair bit of piss out of it in the sandbox. The assumption tends to be that it's catfishing because no genuine and eligible hotties could possibly be toy collectors and post on the internet. :lol Well, whatever the case, I blame DiFabio. He was putting me up to it because 'she' was Irish. Apparently she was Brainiac's (another boardie, not the DC character) girlfriend.
A few years ago I had a public banter of sorts with what appeared to be a female boardie - Jess - I believe was the name. Snake and the others took a fair bit of piss out of it in the sandbox. The assumption tends to be that it's catfishing because no genuine and eligible hotties could possibly be toy collectors and post on the internet. :lol Well, whatever the case, I blame DiFabio. He was putting me up to it because 'she' was Irish. Apparently she was Brainiac's (another boardie, not the DC character) girlfriend.

After reading the last two pages of this thread, I wouldn't even be surprised if it actually was the Braniac. :lol:lol:lol

No offense, but Freaks is an appropriate name considering the stuff that went down here, geezus, :lol
I still remember the incident from a couple years ago when SNIKT claimed to have left his theater showing an absurd amount of times all because some people in the audience wouldn't be quiet and then threatened to beat the same people up out in the parking lot. :lol
I still remember the incident from a couple years ago when SNIKT claimed to have left his theater showing an absurd amount of times all because some people in the audience wouldn't be quiet and then threatened to beat the same people up out in the parking lot. :lol

Was Snikt the body builder? I can't remember if he was here or in another forum. :D
He was the guy who said he lifts at the gym and wanted to fight black people for being to loud or something. Lol.

I think the funniest moment was the force vampire thing he actually convinced himself TLJ was going to do. Then was surprised and mad as hell when it didn?t happen . Also he had various accounts .

Lol another gem is that oscorp guy who I think was a snikt account. The guy who said he was giving his wife **** and looked at his Spider-Man toy and lost his masculinity or something. It was a huge rant on him being manly and giving up his collection .
Lol another gem is that oscorp guy who I think was a snikt account. The guy who said he was giving his wife **** and looked at his Spider-Man toy and lost his masculinity or something. It was a huge rant on him being manly and giving up his collection .

LOL.... All these years I've been hanging out in the toy forums.. I should have looked elsewhere in this site for more fun. :D
Snikt's "Bram Stoker's The Last Jedi" was masterful. He crafted this elaborate fan fic story in his head about Snoke and Rey, and he honest to god convinced himself that it was real. Then when he finally saw the **** show that the real movie was, he lost his mind and got banned very shortly thereafter.
He was so happy about Rian Auteur Johnson. Then he left the theater thirsty for vampires and mad as hell. :lol

He also randomly claimed to own restaurants. It's like he was catfishing multiple hobby boards and kept mixing up
His notes.