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Okay holy crap TCW is just sealing the deal for the PT being canon even more.

Today's episode was freaking awesome.

Though I'm not sure I understand why
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jye they're literally just turning it into ROTS:Extended Edition with scenes right out of ROTS being repeated only so they can immediately extend those very same scenes to include Ahsoka and Maul, lol. :yess:

Aw man... I just started the season.. I have so long to get there...
Okay holy crap TCW is just sealing the deal for the PT being canon even more.

Today's episode was freaking awesome.

Though I'm not sure I understand why
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jye they're literally just turning it into ROTS:Extended Edition with scenes right out of ROTS being repeated only so they can immediately extend those very same scenes to include Ahsoka and Maul, lol. :yess:

Dude I literally just started watching at Episode 9 since that's where the tie-in to ROTS begins, forget the rest of the season, lol.

Now wait just a second. Weren't you the guy that said repeatedly that if it's not in the movies it's not (for you) canon? Last I checked, there is only one TCW theatrical release and that's not what you're referencing here. When did you decide to cross over that line? Oh and speaking of which,

Ill finish up till 9 this weekend then and watch 9 - final on Monday

Good plan!

Now wait just a second. Weren't you the guy that said repeatedly that if it's not in the movies it's not (for you) canon? Last I checked, there is only one TCW theatrical release and that's not what you're referencing here. When did you decide to cross over that line? Oh and speaking of which,


Yep initially I said that letting TCW be canon would be living a lie and would destroy us. But now I truly, deeply, love TCW and the PT, lol.

(Though for the record I previously said that if it wasn't live-action then it isn't canon since I've never had a problem with Mando.)
In the opening space battle of ROTS a Republic Star Destroyer fires a giant blue beam at a Separatist Capital ship and destroys it with one shot. The cannon that fired the beam was located in the underbelly bay just like the planet destroying cannons of the Exegol Sith Fleet! :panic:
Yep initially I said that letting TCW be canon would be living a lie and would destroy us. But now I truly, deeply, love TCW and the PT, lol.

(Though for the record I previously said that if it wasn't live-action then it isn't canon since I've never had a problem with Mando.)

IIRC it was in response to people dissing the ST based on content in the comic tie-ins, but if comics don't count then neither should cartoons.
But as I've also started watching TCW (the complete series in the approved, chronological order), I'm not going to give you too much flak about it. :lol

That said, while I have no issue (midi-chorians aside) with the PT being canon, I don't see myself ever deeply loving it. I mean SERIOUSLY, WTF? Is this a new COVID-19 symptom???
IIRC it was in response to people dissing the ST based on content in the comic tie-ins, but if comics don't count then neither should cartoons.
But as I've also started watching TCW (the complete series in the approved, chronological order), I'm not going to give you too much flak about it. :lol

That said, while I have no issue (midi-chorians aside) with the PT being canon, I don't see myself ever deeply loving it. I mean SERIOUSLY, WTF? Is this a new COVID-19 symptom???

:lol :lol :lol

Maybe I should have held off on that rep till I finished all new posts.
Okay holy crap TCW is just sealing the deal for the PT being canon even more.

Today's episode was freaking awesome.

Though I'm not sure I understand why
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jye they're literally just turning it into ROTS:Extended Edition with scenes right out of ROTS being repeated only so they can immediately extend those very same scenes to include Ahsoka and Maul, lol. :yess:

I agree using the Anakin Padme music from when they were gazing at each other across coruscant was a nice touch but honestly Khev I cannot accept
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Sorry Khev they lost me there lol

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IIRC it was in response to people dissing the ST based on content in the comic tie-ins, but if comics don't count then neither should cartoons.
But as I've also started watching TCW (the complete series in the approved, chronological order), I'm not going to give you too much flak about it. :lol

That said, while I have no issue (midi-chorians aside) with the PT being canon, I don't see myself ever deeply loving it. I mean SERIOUSLY, WTF? Is this a new COVID-19 symptom???

Okay you definitely haven't watched the PT in a while have because I was simply quoting Padme, I don't actually truly deeply love the PT, lol. ;) More than 50% (probably 60-70%) of AOTC is still just painful, and then I like maybe 60% of TPM and close to that amount of ROTS. So they're still deeply flawed to be sure, with poor acting, dialogue, and low res CGI throughout. But...I'm finding that there is still enough fun to be had with each movie and all the newfangled tie-ins with the ST, Mando, and these new TCW episodes are causing me just say "whatever" about the stupid stuff and to just allow them as canon, warts and all.

I agree using the Anakin Padme music when they were gazing at each other across coruscant was a nice touch but honestly Khev I cannot accept
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Sorry Khev they lost me there lol

I'm choosing to allow it because
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It's a bit thin I suppose but since I like the end result and have been getting literal chills watching these latest episodes I'm fine with them stretching continuity a bit with that and
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But obviously I'm not gonna fault anyone who doesn't accept any of this stuff as canon.
Okay you definitely haven't watched the PT in a while have because I was simply quoting Padme, I don't actually truly deeply love the PT, lol. ;) More than 50% (probably 60-70%) of AOTC is still just painful, and then I like maybe 60% of TPM and close to that amount of ROTS. So they're still deeply flawed to be sure, with poor acting, dialogue, and low res CGI throughout. But...I'm finding that there is still enough fun to be had with each movie and all the newfangled tie-ins with the ST, Mando, and these new TCW episodes are causing me just say "whatever" about the stupid stuff and to just allow them as canon, warts and all.

With as little as I enjoyed ROTJ this past week I figure if I gotta accept that as canon I might as well accept everything as Canon.. Including the Holiday Special and the Ewoks: Battle for Endor.
It did t save anything. Only for you three. It made people disinterested in Star Wars and propped up mando as the savior

This thread should just be renamed.

Exogol: Star Wars Hell...Greetings from the proprietors Kheev Kennedy, Jye Johnson, and Jaw Jaws Abrams
Lol 29 is old enough. Come on. Yea rots has lots of faults but it?s a great film in the Star Wars library

Yes I agree, I just couldn't resist messing with you given you're a year younger than my son. :lol As I mentioned previously, I'm going to give ROTS another try soon. I'll reserve final judgment on it until after I've rewatched it.

OK, I just finished watching ROTS. What was I thinking??? OMG, it's worse than I remembered. There's 2 hours and 20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back, and given we're in the midst of a deadly pandemic I really shouldn't be wasting it like that. :slap Palpatine's manipulation of Anakin was so poorly written, so one-note, so unconvincing there's no way a Jedi with an ounce of training should have fallen for it. I mean, Jake Lloyd Anakin would have seen right through it, so no way a 20+ year old version of him would have been so naive. I think I've criticized Hayden Christensen too much in the past; clearly this is all on Georgie boy. I actually thought HC's acting was confident & convincing in the early going, right up to the point Palpatine told him to kill Dooku. Then everything went south, and quickly. Damn, when you create an entire trilogy for the express purpose of demonstrating a main character's fall from grace, maybe spend a little more time fleshing that out and a little less worrying about the never ending CGI.

If that is a "great" SW film, it's in the same way that Trump did a "great" job preparing us for COVID-19. :D