Palpatine's manipulation of Anakin was so poorly written, so one-note, so unconvincing there's no way a Jedi with an ounce of training should have fallen for it. I think I've criticized Hayden Christensen too much in the past; clearly this is all on Georgie boy. I actually thought HC's acting was confident & convincing in the early going, right up to the point Palpatine told him to kill Dooku. Then everything went south, and quickly. Damn, when you create an entire trilogy for the express purpose of demonstrating a main character's fall from grace, maybe spend a little more time fleshing that out and a little less worrying about the never ending CGI.
Interesting.. I think I like the film overall more then you but That is when the film fell apart for me also... I was having a decent enough time with it up until the Jedi came to arrest Palps.. I actually really like the first confrontation of Anakin and Palps.. It was the most dramatic thing in the PT but then the Palps vs Mace and other Jedi part came (took me out of the film cause Ian, Jackson and the other Jedi actors are just awful Saber users) and the turn of Anakin. It just lost me after that for the same reasons you posted.
I think the end still could have been saved for me if not for the Yoda vs Palps Saber fight and if the Anakin vs Obi Wan stayed a little more grounded..
I like it more then I use to but it could have been so much more.