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There is no greater SW fan here that keeps my spirit alive for this troubled franchise more than Khev.

Talking SW with Khev is not only great fun but also rewarding.

:rock :duff

The great thing about SW is that the perfect foundation built from ANH and ESB is so freaking solid and strong that it is able to withstand and hold up the weight of the entire troubled franchise starting with ROTJ going forward.

Had ANH and ESB not been so perfectly strong and solid it all would have already come crumbling down but because both of those movies are it allows us to also enjoy the other movies imperfections and all.

I?m listening to TFA trailer 1 and 2 music right now just that alone makes me want to dump more money on SW collectibles that I have no more room for lol

PT and ST are part of the charm of SW warts and all.

So true, were it not for ROTJ being subpar (and to a lesser extent the HS) then it'd be almost impossible to accept anything else that wasn't perfect. But ROTJ being alternately boring and absolutely dopey in parts it has opened the door to enjoying almost any level of schlocky additions to the Saga from that point on, lol. If the entire OT was SW/ESB quality *and* it had a nice self-contained finale then that would be it and we most likely wouldn't have been able to enjoy anything after (similar to how a lot of people feel about LOTR.)

Sure it's awesome to have a "perfect" trilogy (and I thank God that we essentially do with LOTR) but SW is so infinitely rewatchable it's more fun to have more than just three options to go back to over and over.
:rock :duff

So true, were it not for ROTJ being subpar (and to a lesser extent the HS) then it'd be almost impossible to accept anything else that wasn't perfect. But ROTJ being alternately boring and absolutely dopey in parts it has opened the door to enjoying almost any level of schlocky additions to the Saga from that point on, lol. If the entire OT was SW/ESB quality *and* it had a nice self-contained finale then that would be it and we most likely wouldn't have been able to enjoy anything after (similar to how a lot of people feel about LOTR.)

Sure it's awesome to have a "perfect" trilogy (and I thank God that we essentially do with LOTR) but SW is so infinitely rewatchable it's more fun to have more than just three options to go back to over and over.

I?m sure someone will respond with that the OT DID give us a perfect 3rd entry ending lol

But can you imagine just how much worse TPM in 99 would have felt had ROTJ been able to go toe to toe with ANH/ESB in quality!

Boring, sloppy, goofy, deflating ROTJ helped make that transition into the PT a little easier lol

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See after reading your assessment of Conan the Barbarian I knew the PT didn't stand a chance. :lol

Well yes, nobody (not even ironwez) will dispute anything you said in bold. The question is did you like it though, lol. You absolutely cannot watch ROTS or any prequel movie hoping to see a well made film or a movie that will make any of the characters you love from the OT cooler. You can only hope to see just enough cool stuff that you like either with regard to world building, visual designs, decent additions to the mythos (among all the bad), memorable/quotable characters (which the PT isn't lacking for better or worse), and so on. Plus there are a smattering of genuinely poignant moments and cool action sequences sprinkled throughout.

Not very much. I honestly expected to like it more, but in retrospect I think my enjoying it back in 2005 had more to do with seeing it in a theater with my kids, because going to event movies was something we always did together (not because dad was cool but because he'd buy the tickets :lol). Funny you should mention ironwez, because my kids were about his age when this came out (15 & 13), and I can guarantee that neither of them have ever bothered to watch any of the PT films again. Well, maybe for laughs or as part of a drinking game. As for myself, in the end I don't like it because (IMO) it provided what was ultimately an unsatisfactory (& unnecessary) backstory for the greatest cinematic villain of all time. I simply would have preferred to keep a bit of mystery as to his fall to the dark side. To me it's a bit like Solo. A great many SW fans found it almost sacrilegious for someone to play Han other than Harrison Ford. Well to me, Darth Vader is undermined when you show him first as a cute little kid, then as a hot-headed teenager. The only voice that should have ever been associated with him is that of James Earl Jones (well, maybe with a dash of Sebastian Shaw thrown in), lol.

The other thing that still bugs me is the unnecessary inclusion of R2D2 & C3PO in the PT. Obi-Wan spends half the damn trilogy (I exaggerate) with R2, then he doesn't remember him?? C3PO had his memory wiped, not Obi-Wan. :slap With all the other stuff GL threw into the mix, he couldn't create a couple of new droids?

When I say I'm fine with the PT being canon it's more that I'm just finally accepting that all the references (subtle that they may be) in both the ST and Mando as *actually referencing the PT* and not some made up alternate cooler version in my head. So when TLJ Luke mentions Darth Sidious yeah he's really talking about PT Sidious. Those SBD's in Mando really are from the PT Techno Union or whatever. I'm just fine with it now. Otherwise beyond those references each trilogy has its own aesthetic and feel to such a degree (with OT and ST overlapping very nicely) that it's hard not to compartmentalize them even when binging them all in short succession.

Because that's the other thing I've noticed. If I watch the PT, then the OT (*especially* the original theatrical versions) then the ST the "cloud of the PT" really doesn't linger past ROTS. So if they're that harmless I've decided to just allow them and accept the bad with the good. Plus stuff like Mando, the ST, and new TCW episodes really have made the PT cooler in retrospect as well which has definitely helped.

I have no issue with it being canon. Lucas made the PT and it is what it is. I'm still planning on plowing through TCW, so maybe that will make some of it easier to digest. At least GL was collaborating with someone (Filoni) on it, so hopefully some of his goofier ideas were reined in a bit. :lol
Lucas just got the timeline wrong.. Should not have started Anakin so young. 1st film introduce an 18 year old Anakin to Qui Gon and Obi wan and have his behavior be erratic but his abilities amazing. 2nd film should be like the clone wars cartoon series. Show Anakin and Obi Wan as friends and how Heroic Anakin is but also show that he has a mean streak and does not have issues with killing those he thinks might deserve it. Introduce Palps tempting Anakin and encouraging bad behavior. Spend 1st half of 3rd film watching Anakin fall from grace and then turn... Watch Obi wan try and convince him to come back (Obi Wan once thought as you did) and then the final duel happens and the birth of the Vader we know.

Yes, if the PT HAD to be made, that would have been infinitely better.
I?m sure someone will respond with that the OT DID give us a perfect 3rd entry ending lol

But can you imagine just how much worse TPM in 99 would have felt had ROTJ been able to go toe to toe with ANH/ESB in quality!

Yikes, lol.

Boring, sloppy, goofy, deflating ROTJ helped make that transition into the PT a little easier lol

ROTJ is a path to many prequels that some would consider to be unnatural.

Not very much. I honestly expected to like it more, but in retrospect I think my enjoying it back in 2005 had more to do with seeing it in a theater with my kids, because going to event movies was something we always did together (not because dad was cool but because he'd buy the tickets :lol). Funny you should mention ironwez, because my kids were about his age when this came out (15 & 13), and I can guarantee that neither of them have ever bothered to watch any of the PT films again. Well, maybe for laughs or as part of a drinking game. As for myself, in the end I don't like it because (IMO) it provided what was ultimately an unsatisfactory (& unnecessary) backstory for the greatest cinematic villain of all time. I simply would have preferred to keep a bit of mystery as to his fall to the dark side. To me it's a bit like Solo. A great many SW fans found it almost sacrilegious for someone to play Han other than Harrison Ford. Well to me, Darth Vader is undermined when you show him first as a cute little kid, then as a hot-headed teenager. The only voice that should have ever been associated with him is that of James Earl Jones (well, maybe with a dash of Sebastian Shaw thrown in), lol.

The other thing that still bugs me is the unnecessary inclusion of R2D2 & C3PO in the PT. Obi-Wan spends half the damn trilogy (I exaggerate) with R2, then he doesn't remember him?? C3PO had his memory wiped, not Obi-Wan. :slap With all the other stuff GL threw into the mix, he couldn't create a couple of new droids?

Yep, can't argue with any of those criticisms. The things that I enjoy about the PT are definitely in spite of those shortcomings and not because of them.
Maybe China will have the largest audience watching the entire saga on monday...


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Well yes, nobody (not even ironwez) will dispute anything you said in bold. The question is did you like it though, lol. You absolutely cannot watch ROTS or any prequel movie hoping to see a well made film or a movie that will make any of the characters you love from the OT cooler.

There you go again Khev trying to pass off your opinion as a fact. Obi-wan was AWESOME in the PT, it was great to see him in full flight. It definitely made him cooler for me.

p.s. I dispute the bold too.
There you go again Khev trying to pass off your opinion as a fact. Obi-wan was AWESOME in the PT, it was great to see him in full flight. It definitely made him cooler for me.

p.s. I dispute the bold too.

We're all simply stating opinions here. Speaking for myself, there's no expectation that I'll be changing anyone's mind. I respect your right to be wrong! :D

p.s. - Obi-Wan was pretty awesome for the most part. I'm looking forward to his series....
I got news for you Filoni fanatics and Lucas apologists it was neither one of the two who came up with your precious ARC troopers it was freaking Hasbro take that lol

Really!!?? And here I was thinking it was Tartakovsky.

It was also Kenner who gave us such iconic names as Snaggletooth, Hammerhead and Lobot. And let's not forget this baby:


I was unconvinced he had reached the point where he'd suddenly murder innocent kids (let alone the guys on Mustafar) based solely on Palpatine saying he'd teach him how to save her.

I guess after helping kill one of the top two Jedi Masters he felt there was no turning back.
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