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Maybe we should evaluate his comments as a whole rather than taking bits and pieces out of context...

Hmmmm I don?t know. Still sounds like someone who worked on the ST would still say

I just read the whole article...

I have no issue with it. Khev and i have been talking about personal canon for awhile now and I don't see why people cant do that with the EU. Don't like what Disney did.. Screw em and embrace your EU.
I just read the whole article...

I have no issue with it. Khev and i have been talking about personal canon for awhile now and I don't see why people cant do that with the EU. Don't like what Disney did.. Screw em and embrace your EU.

Yep literally everyone has "personal canon," including George Lucas himself who was constantly approving new elements of canon and then instantly ignoring, contradicting, and revising them, lol.

Something that I though was awesome with the TCW finale is that it doesn't touch on Palpatine's kidnapping by Grievous at all or show what Obi-Wan and Anakin were doing immediately before they were called to rescue him so you kind of can say that both Tartofksy and Filoni's series are canon.
Yep what could have been indeed. And lol at you putting friendship in quotes. So true. :lol

I forgot to mention: Even with all the new details that TCW adds to the PT, there wasn't anything that would lead me to believe Anakin would go murder all the younglings in the Jedi temple, let alone so quickly after he helped Palpatine dispose of Mace Windu. Sure, there were instances where he killed and/or tortured enemies contrary to Jedi teachings (especially when Padme was in peril), but those were hardly enough to make his blind obedience in carrying out such a purely evil task even remotely believable...........IMO.

Now, if he declared he was going to do it because he wanted to forever eradicate the term younglings, I could get behind that. :lol
I just read the whole article...

I have no issue with it. Khev and i have been talking about personal canon for awhile now and I don't see why people cant do that with the EU. Don't like what Disney did.. Screw em and embrace your EU.

But sadly the effects of the horrible ST will bleed into future projects . Thankfully it didn?t do well enough for other Star Wars properties to be destroyed by it. Fallen empire for example .

The battlefront EA games imo were trash. Fun for a good hr but turn old real quick .
The internet community can really suck.. I like the SW theory guy. I find him fun to listen to.

Too bad all the ST haters have to be such jerks...????. Just kidding.. Its a Joke!!! ;)

But it is too bad people gotta act like that over someone just finding enjoyment out of something they don't.

Woah now. We aren?t all jerks. But it was funny to see people turn on him cause he liked the movie. Goes to show how divided this fan base is now. If you liked the PT back then you just got a mean look of disgust now it?s passable
Actually I never thought about the title of the song "Duel of the Fates" being such a meaningful title.. That the Duel is literally the Duel for the galaxy.

I've always assumed Qui Gon was the best of all the Jedi and would have done right by Anakin. But I always thought the title of that song was just a cool title :lol

This is MARTHA all over again lol

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Rotten Tomatoes is running a "Ultimate Summer Movie Showdown" voting bracket.

ROTS has defeated Matrix Reloaded, Terminator 2, and currently destroying Endgame. :lol :clap :yess:


Y'all best believe ROTS is well liked :lol

If you guys want to vote here is the link -

Edit: TPM beat The Avengers too! :lol:lol:lol:clap:yess:

Edit: And Batman 89 lost to Finding Nemo. Saving Private Ryan to Shrek the 3rd :lol
Last edited:
Rotten Tomatoes is running a "Ultimate Summer Movie Showdown" voting bracket.

ROTS has defeated Matrix Reloaded, Terminator 2, and currently destroying Endgame. :lol :clap :yess:


Y'all best believe ROTS is well liked :lol

If you guys want to vote here is the link -

Edit: TPM beat The Avengers too! :lol:lol:lol:clap:yess:

Edit: And Batman 89 lost to Finding Nemo. Saving Private Ryan to Shrek the 3rd :lol

ROTS's new claim to fame - It's the Sanjaya of summer movies. :lol
Rotten Tomatoes is running a "Ultimate Summer Movie Showdown" voting bracket.

ROTS has defeated Matrix Reloaded, Terminator 2, and currently destroying Endgame. :lol :clap :yess:


Y'all best believe ROTS is well liked :lol

If you guys want to vote here is the link -

Edit: TPM beat The Avengers too! :lol:lol:lol:clap:yess:

Edit: And Batman 89 lost to Finding Nemo. Saving Private Ryan to Shrek the 3rd :lol

ROTS's new claim to fame - It's the Sanjaya of summer movies. :lol

:lol :lol

Seriously, I don't even know what to say about this nutty poll... I am not dumping on ROTS either (I just voted for it over Avengers: Endgame :lol )

But Empire just beating Spider-man 51 - 49 ? How is it even that close.. Same with Spider-man 2 just losing to Star Wars.. WTH people!!
Shrek the 3rd beating Saving Private Ryan
Spider-man 3 beating Gremlins
Finding Nemo over Ghostbusters
ROTJ over Jurassic Park
TPM over The Avengers
Again Empire is just 56% over Revenge of the Fallen 44%

Right now you got TDKR beating Avengers IW..

This is nuts.. I did find out you can vote more then once and it counts.. So Ducky has probably accounted for 6000 of the votes for ROTS :lol

But even that is strange that it is beating EG 90% to 10% Even though I agree with it.. Maybe people are waking up to just how bad EG is :)

I still smell something fishy..

I am starting to think if TLJ was in this it would be running away with the victory :lol

Oh and its BS that JAWS is being beaten by Raiders of the Lost Ark :lol
So back about 3 years ago when I was down on TFA and frustrated with SW, Cinemawins did help me appreciate the PT a bit more as I got an in-depth view of it from a fan who had some solid theories and mind canon and now its made me fall in love with TROS all over again :rock

:lol :lol

Seriously, I don't even know what to say about this nutty poll... I am not dumping on ROTS either (I just voted for it over Avengers: Endgame :lol )

But Empire just beating Spider-man 51 - 49 ? How is it even that close.. Same with Spider-man 2 just losing to Star Wars.. WTH people!!
Shrek the 3rd beating Saving Private Ryan
Spider-man 3 beating Gremlins
Finding Nemo over Ghostbusters
ROTJ over Jurassic Park
TPM over The Avengers
Again Empire is just 56% over Revenge of the Fallen 44%

Right now you got TDKR beating Avengers IW..

Finding Nemo was actually good imo, plus I have no interest in Ghostbusters, but the others are very odd. Empire should have been like 95 to 5 over ROTF.

This is nuts.. I did find out you can vote more then once and it counts.. So Ducky has probably accounted for 6000 of the votes for ROTS :lol

Those are rookie numbers. Just wait till you see ROTS in the final :nana: :lol

But even that is strange that it is beating EG 90% to 10% Even though I agree with it.. Maybe people are waking up to just how bad EG is :)

I still smell something fishy..

I am starting to think if TLJ was in this it would be running away with the victory :lol

Oh and its BS that JAWS is being beaten by Raiders of the Lost Ark :lol

I just checked and it's being brigaded by reddit, mainly the prequel sub on there. This is the top post.

PT Meme.jpg

ROTS is actually going to win this thing now :lol
Finding Nemo was actually good imo, plus I have no interest in Ghostbusters, but the others are very odd. Empire should have been like 95 to 5 over ROTF.

I like Finding Nemo also.. But Ghostbusters is an All time classic.. OF course you have no interest.. You never seen JAWS or all of and Indy movie.. WTF. :lol

I just checked and it's being brigaded by reddit, mainly the prequel sub on there. This is the top post.

View attachment 485180

ROTS is actually going to win this thing now

Yeah.. ROTS vs EG has way more votes then any of the other films.. That's disappointing that is brigades that are effecting this.. I would like to see the what the voting would be without it.

I have no problem with ROTS beating EG... But if its because the PT fans on Reddit brigading on the post poll.. Well that makes it a bit less fun :(
I like Finding Nemo also.. But Ghostbusters is an All time classic.. OF course you have no interest.. You never seen JAWS or all of and Indy movie.. WTF. :lol

Yeah.. ROTS vs EG has way more votes then any of the other films.. That's disappointing that is brigades that are effecting this.. I would like to see the what the voting would be without it.

I have no problem with ROTS beating EG... But if its because the PT fans on Reddit brigading on the post poll.. Well that makes it a bit less fun :(

I don't think ROTS moves by Endgame without interference. I think it would have been a little close though. But yeah, takes the fun out of it a bit since that sub has 1.3 million members. :lol This poll is pretty much over with that man power behind ROTS.

This is them to any movie that comes up against ROTS

