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I still remember standing outside Mann's Chinese on Hollywood Blvd opening night (crazy scene) at like 2am or something and just being dumbfounded at what I had just seen. It took me days to figure out how to even articulate the crushing disappointment. I finally just decided to not talk about it.:lol

I caught the 2 am showing of AOTC at Mann's Chinese Memorial Day weekend. The only time I've ever watched a SW movie in that theater and the swell of history combined with the initial wow factor of the digital projection (one of only a handful of theaters showing it that way at the time) actually made for a pretty incredible experience, despite it being AOTC, lol.
I'm not disagreeing with you here but the only thing I'll say in defense of Yoda's saber is that he has to be able to kill an enemy somehow and he doesn't have Sith lighting or even choking at his disposal. It's always felt like the sith have an unfair advantage in that regard :lol

Dooku shot lighting at Yoda and he had no trouble deflecting it. As far as offensive attacks, with the exception of Palpatine, I thought Yoda should have been able to overpower most opponents with either force pushing them hard enough like he did against the red guards in ROTS, or with some kind of "light side" energy projection to incapacitate, not kill. Maybe go full Profesor X and do a mental attack, which is less violent.

When I saw the OT, I never saw Yoda as a fighter. First of all, he was a puppet, and he could barely walk because of his old age. He was like the Dalai Lama or Gandhi. A reclusive, wise figure that guided people if they could find him. He was all about knowledge and wisdom, not combat. Not once did I see him (I could be wrong) teaching Luke how to be more proficient with a lightsaber. His training was more introspective and mental. Maybe that's why Luke lost his hand. :lol

Then again, when I first saw the OT, I had no knowledge of the Jedi Order or what role they played in the galaxy, because all the Jedi were dead, with the exception of Obi Wan, who had a lightsaber, had fought in the Clone Wars, and his description of what a Jedi Knight was seemed different in my mind than what it was shown in the PT. Seeing Yoda as a council leader in those large temples with all that access to technology and presumably financial wealth was strange for me. All of a sudden, the Jedi looked more like the Catholic Church , and the Jedi Knights were Priests or Monk like figures. Still, as weird as it all was, I still didn't see Yoda as a fighter. He was in a room making decisions or "meditating"...probably sleeping.

Maybe in the EU Yoda was shown as a fighter before the PT came out, but I didn't read those books or comics, so perhaps it's my own fault, due to my own lack of understanding or ignorance on the subject. That's the problem when the mythology is a mystery, and you let the audience create their own ideas about that fictional world, that by the time the filmmakers finally explore that mythology like they did in the PT, it just doesn't match the fan expectations. :lol
Yep, that build-up was amazing. I remember the line from George lucas, "... THESE are the versions that i envisioned back then but the technology was not available to make it happen..."

I hate when George Lucas lies.

He becomes the very thing he hates every time.

I remember a younger Lucas believing in unknown talent so star power doesn't overwhelm the character... later, what does he do? He casts Star Wars "up" with names in the PT, even in nothing roles. Exactly opposite of his belief when he started out. It is a small example of how everything changed for him.
Yeah I'm sure George was frustrated that rock stacking technology wasn't advanced enough in 1976 to place them in front of R2 when he was hiding from the Sandpeople, lol.

Or that 20th Century Fox refused to increase the budget enough to let him add an extra laser blast coming out of Greedo's gun. "Fine but one day I'm gonna do this scene *right*!"
Yeah I'm sure George was frustrated that rock stacking technology wasn't advanced enough in 1976 to place them in front of R2 when he was hiding from the Sandpeople, lol.

According to Ancient Astronaut Theorist, it would have been nearly impossible for humans to stack large rocks in front of R2D2 without the assistance of advanced technology. :monkey1

Why watch the ST when you can watch *Daisy* watching the ST? You're welcome, lol.

Man she looks good in that light. :drool

Let me look upon her with my own eyes.


Real shame she ended up with a studio that was making stuff up as they went along because for a nobody she did an incredible job.

No blame should be placed on her.

Dooku shot lighting at Yoda and he had no trouble deflecting it. As far as offensive attacks, with the exception of Palpatine, I thought Yoda should have been able to overpower most opponents with either force pushing them hard enough like he did against the red guards in ROTS, or with some kind of "light side" energy projection to incapacitate, not kill. Maybe go full Profesor X and do a mental attack, which is less violent.

When I saw the OT, I never saw Yoda as a fighter. First of all, he was a puppet, and he could barely walk because of his old age. He was like the Dalai Lama or Gandhi. A reclusive, wise figure that guided people if they could find him. He was all about knowledge and wisdom, not combat. Not once did I see him (I could be wrong) teaching Luke how to be more proficient with a lightsaber. His training was more introspective and mental. Maybe that's why Luke lost his hand. :lol

Then again, when I first saw the OT, I had no knowledge of the Jedi Order or what role they played in the galaxy, because all the Jedi were dead, with the exception of Obi Wan, who had a lightsaber, had fought in the Clone Wars, and his description of what a Jedi Knight was seemed different in my mind than what it was shown in the PT. Seeing Yoda as a council leader in those large temples with all that access to technology and presumably financial wealth was strange for me. All of a sudden, the Jedi looked more like the Catholic Church , and the Jedi Knights were Priests or Monk like figures. Still, as weird as it all was, I still didn't see Yoda as a fighter. He was in a room making decisions or "meditating"...probably sleeping.

Maybe in the EU Yoda was shown as a fighter before the PT came out, but I didn't read those books or comics, so perhaps it's my own fault, due to my own lack of understanding or ignorance on the subject. That's the problem when the mythology is a mystery, and you let the audience create their own ideas about that fictional world, that by the time the filmmakers finally explore that mythology like they did in the PT, it just doesn't match the fan expectations. :lol

This truly is an epic post.

Yeah I'm sure George was frustrated that rock stacking technology wasn't advanced enough in 1976 to place them in front of R2 when he was hiding from the Sandpeople, lol.

Or that 20th Century Fox refused to increase the budget enough to let him add an extra laser blast coming out of Greedo's gun. "Fine but one day I'm gonna do this scene *right*!"


Damm we still on about the PT huh?

Join us or die.

How come Obi Wan didn't use the jedi mind trick on Han? It would have been so much easier and less expensive.

Obi Wan don?t mess with folks that don?t need messing with and I think he recognized that Han was a natural leader and they might get more out of him long term than what first impressions might imply so first try being truthful via organic negotiations and besides who?s to say he didn?t lol

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Why watch the ST when you can watch *Daisy* watching the ST? You're welcome, lol.

Man she looks good in that light. :drool

Khev has a major thing for high foreheads and bonded teeth.:lecture Err... I meant British brunettes.:monkey3:lol

I was at the session after you - and had the same reaction, only with sunrise to add to the disorientation!

I caught the 2 am showing of AOTC at Mann's Chinese Memorial Day weekend. The only time I've ever watched a SW movie in that theater and the swell of history combined with the initial wow factor of the digital projection (one of only a handful of theaters showing it that way at the time) actually made for a pretty incredible experience, despite it being AOTC, lol.

The scene on Hollywood Blvd before that first showing of TPM was just totally insane. Even though the movie was traumatizingly bad, for a fleeting moment it felt like you were in a major historical moment.

I hate when George Lucas lies.

He becomes the very thing he hates every time.

I remember a younger Lucas believing in unknown talent so star power doesn't overwhelm the character... later, what does he do? He casts Star Wars "up" with names in the PT, even in nothing roles. Exactly opposite of his belief when he started out. It is a small example of how everything changed for him.

In 1988/89 he came to his old Alma Mater USC film school and talked about helping young filmmakers make vanguard/experimental movies as a focus, that Skywalker Ranch was part of that.

It somehow transformed into a luxury hotel for crew doing their post, FX or mixes on $200m studio tentpoles. I'm sure those young filmmakers got to live the film dream getting coffee for them though - you even got to say to buddies "I'm up at Skywalker..." like the pros.

Maybe he should have named the complex Lars Ranch instead - given how things ended up. He even betrayed Luke.:dunno
Khev has a major thing for high foreheads and bonded teeth.:lecture Err... I meant British brunettes.:monkey3:lol

Especially when they give the appearance of being just out of the shower "the next morning" and ready to watch and talk SW, lol.

I don't know what it is about toothy British brunettes, maybe it's the thought of living dangerously, lol.
I remember a younger Lucas believing in unknown talent so star power doesn't overwhelm the character... later, what does he do? He casts Star Wars "up" with names in the PT, even in nothing roles. Exactly opposite of his belief when he started out. It is a small example of how everything changed for him.

Who you referring to? I didn't think the PT had any "huge" names. Jacko was rejected for Jar Jar, remember.

That's wrong on multiple Force levels!

The morning after:

The TLJ Visual Dictionary has probably revised this, but I only just realised the EU material upon which RJ based Force projection said it could be a projection of other things as well - even multiple things - not just oneself.

Dooku shot lighting at Yoda and he had no trouble deflecting it. As far as offensive attacks, with the exception of Palpatine, I thought Yoda should have been able to overpower most opponents with either force pushing them hard enough like he did against the red guards in ROTS, or with some kind of "light side" energy projection to incapacitate, not kill. Maybe go full Profesor X and do a mental attack, which is less violent.

When I saw the OT, I never saw Yoda as a fighter. First of all, he was a puppet, and he could barely walk because of his old age. He was like the Dalai Lama or Gandhi. A reclusive, wise figure that guided people if they could find him. He was all about knowledge and wisdom, not combat. Not once did I see him (I could be wrong) teaching Luke how to be more proficient with a lightsaber. His training was more introspective and mental. Maybe that's why Luke lost his hand. :lol

Then again, when I first saw the OT, I had no knowledge of the Jedi Order or what role they played in the galaxy, because all the Jedi were dead, with the exception of Obi Wan, who had a lightsaber, had fought in the Clone Wars, and his description of what a Jedi Knight was seemed different in my mind than what it was shown in the PT. Seeing Yoda as a council leader in those large temples with all that access to technology and presumably financial wealth was strange for me. All of a sudden, the Jedi looked more like the Catholic Church , and the Jedi Knights were Priests or Monk like figures. Still, as weird as it all was, I still didn't see Yoda as a fighter. He was in a room making decisions or "meditating"...probably sleeping.

Maybe in the EU Yoda was shown as a fighter before the PT came out, but I didn't read those books or comics, so perhaps it's my own fault, due to my own lack of understanding or ignorance on the subject. That's the problem when the mythology is a mystery, and you let the audience create their own ideas about that fictional world, that by the time the filmmakers finally explore that mythology like they did in the PT, it just doesn't match the fan expectations. :lol

I always thought that Yoda and the Emperor were above using lightsabers..

In fact in the Making of The Return of the Jedi book there are transcripts of lucas discussing where the story was going to go for the 3rd film and he said that Yoda would never use a lightsaber and I think he said the same about the emperor.. I will have to check that again..

Basically he said they were more powerful then what a saber could do.

Is he her granddaddy, sugar daddy or both? Palps' gotta be a billionaire in-universe.


Yeah I never understood the "Palps had sex" argument against TROS.. Powerful men are always finding a beautiful woman willing to deal with their ugliness to get a step up in life... Or as the Emperor he just forced himself on someone.. Hell Even Jabba had slave girls.

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