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TPM - Weird experience... I liked some parts and was shocked at how bad other parts were... Still enjoyed it overall. Mostly because of Pod Racing and Saber duel.

Same here. It was a few awesome sequences tenuously strung together.

TPM hated right away opening night

AOTC hated right away opening night

ROTS enjoyed some parts hated other parts opening night

TROS is the most negative I've felt coming out of a SW film since TPM. Only with TPM I was torn because I wanted to like it. With TROS I didn't really care cos I wasn't as invested in the characters.
Very well put and I would agree.. That is where I am :)

However just to point out.

Overall first time viewing I enjoyed the PT. As weird and awkward as it all was... I still had fun with it.

TPM - Weird experience... I liked some parts and was shocked at how bad other parts were... Still enjoyed it overall. Mostly because of Pod Racing and Saber duel.
AOTC - I actually thought this was a better movie then TPM... Mostly because No Jar Jar?
TORS - I enjoyed this one also and at the time thought it was the best of the PT

However, and this is weird, TPM, IMO holds up the best of the three films.. I actually find enjoyment out of it. I do think much of that is Nostalgia and the fact that it has the least amount of Green Screen.

I think AOTC is the worst SW film and really find ROTS to be kinda boring and frustrating.

So I am not a full on hater of the PT.. I can watch them and find enjoyment out of them.

I just dislike the acting, overall direction the story went, and many of the goofy ideas... But its SW so I still find enjoyment out of them.

But I see them as bad movies overall... If it did not take place in the world of SW, I am sure I would have never gave them a second thought. Like that Carter movie... Cant remember the title right now.. But that's because I never gave it a second thought :lol

I was more optimistic about the PT than my brother when the films came out. We saw TPM and AOTC together. I don't remember if there was any hate at the time aside from Jar Jar. I remember looking forward to AOTC, especially after watching an MTV special about an early screening from Skywalker Ranch. I still remember Jack Osborne (Ozzy Osborne son) saying it was as good or better than ESB. He was smoking a cigarette like he had just finished having was weird. Anyway, I enjoyed the lack of Jar Jar, the increase of action, and Potman's body. I didn't hate it tho. ROTS was all about the final shots of Vader with Palpatine and the double sunset. That was a perfect ending.

The best thing I can say about that time period is thank god for the LOTR trilogy. :lol Also, the SW Pod Racing game for the N64, Darth Maul double lightsaber toy...and I think that's it. Also, the Shadow of the Empire game, but I don't remember if that was before the PT.

In retrospect, it's kind of strange how two different generations of children grew up with two very different versions of SW. It's unfair the criticism those kids (now adults) get for liking the PT when it was a trilogy made for children. It must have been annoying for them to see those films constantly criticised. Ironically, I think history will soon repeat itself, because there's a generation of kids that will grow up liking Disney SW, yet hearing the same hate the PT got. Ironically, the majority of that hate will come from the PT generation...and to a lesser extent, the OT generation.
Same here. It was a few awesome sequences tenuously strung together.

TROS is the most negative I've felt coming out of a SW film since TPM. Only with TPM I was torn because I wanted to like it. With TROS I didn't really care cos I wasn't as invested in the characters.

TlJ and Atoc, with atoc being the worst i felt coming out of the theater. I dislike last jedi even more but my mind didnt have time to process what i saw in that film. AtoC i felt like walking out once anakin was assigned to protect padme it went down hill so fast. Those naboo scenes were so bad i couldnt believe what i was seeing, i was embarrassed to be in the theater watching that ****. Couldnt believe the same guy who made ESB made this **** too
Yeah...I think I had the Jedi characterized a bit differently, and Anakin in my treatment was an extremely talented young pilot Obi Wan met by chance.

I had always thought they met during the Clone Wars and that Anakin (roughly the same age as Luke on Tatooine) was a fighter pilot who was force sensitive that Obiwan mentored.
TPM hated right away opening night

AOTC hated right away opening night

ROTS enjoyed some parts hated other parts opening night

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So here's the weird thing: I really can't remember how I reacted to the PT. Mostly.

I think I actually enjoyed TPM when it came out. I wouldn't have liked the Baby Anakin stuff or Jar Jar...wait I do remember that I didn't like the pod race and found it drawn out and unnecessary...and the stereotypical accents must have jumped out at me, but I think I was just stoked for new Star Wars and the final lightsaber duel blew my mind. I also liked the Naboo starfighters.

I have no memory of AOTC but I'm sure I didn't like the awkward romance.

ROTS...again, no memory other than...laughing out loud when Yoda drew a lightsaber and went Sonic. I kind of went with it and said "okay sure". Oh...I also liked the quiet opening before it dove down into a massive naval battle.
Oh yeah, I forgot about leaping frog Yoda. I remember someone mentioning in a review prior to me seeing the film that we would finally get to see what Yoda was capable of and why he was the greatest jedi. It's all coming back to me like a repressed memory. :lol

I was actually waiting for that moment. In my mind I thought Yoda was going to project energy or something similar to Palpatine in ROTJ. Then the little guy with a limp showed up, and everyone in the audience went,"Ohhhhwhahhh." I went, "Oh my god, this is it!" A geriatric looking Christopher Lee with arthritic hands threw stuff. Yoda deflected it and did a Bruce Lee pose. So far, I was enjoying it. And then it happened, he whipped out a miniature lightsaber and screamed into battle twirling and dancing all over the place like an angry Kermit the Frog. :lol I laughed, because I could not believe what I was watching. The thought of a tiny lightsaber was absurd on its own, but the fact that he needed one was even worse, because you'd think MASTER Yoda would have been above such things as needing a gawdamn weapon. Palpatine never needed one in the OT, and that's why he sat on the big chair. That was perhaps the lowest moment in the PT for me. Yoda was screaming the whole time too...what were they thinking? Yoda's voice is kind of ridiculous to begin with, but it works because he's a wise elder figure who speaks in a calm manner when his voice isn't being used for comedic effect like in ESB. That's not the kind of voice that sounds cool roaring in battle. He sounded like an angry Miss Piggy the whole time.
I thought it was great to see Yoda in action.

When you read the book and realise he chose Ataru to make for his lack of mobility and reach it kind of makes sense to see him leap & flip around. I don't get all the "leaping frog" etc complaints.
I?m actually split on that, part of me does think Rey dying would?ve actually been more impactful.

Meaning that the Vader bloodline would?ve actually lived this time after taking out Palpatine.

Rey dies like Maximus.

Kylo carries her out and says Honor Her.

Kylo leads the resistance.

Would?ve definitely been a tear jerker.



That?s why i?m torn on it.

I think that maybe they made the right decision.

Movie is still boring anyways lol

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Whether or not Rey survived, I think the only logical ending to Kylo's story was for him to die as well. Had he survived, he still would (should) have paid for all his crimes. IMO he never would have earned a heroic return to the resistance. IMO, Kylo should have died in that fall, or at the very least, never come back to keep things ambiguous. Rey should have then stayed dead after she defeats Palps.
TPM hated right away opening night

AOTC hated right away opening night

ROTS enjoyed some parts hated other parts opening night

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This guy keep bringing PT into the discussion to justify the ST?s miserable failure :lol.
Oh yeah, I forgot about leaping frog Yoda. I remember someone mentioning in a review prior to me seeing the film that we would finally get to see what Yoda was capable of and why he was the greatest jedi. It's all coming back to me like a repressed memory. :lol

I was actually waiting for that moment. In my mind I thought Yoda was going to project energy or something similar to Palpatine in ROTJ. Then the little guy with a limp showed up, and everyone in the audience went,"Ohhhhwhahhh." I went, "Oh my god, this is it!" A geriatric looking Christopher Lee with arthritic hands threw stuff. Yoda deflected it and did a Bruce Lee pose. So far, I was enjoying it. And then it happened, he whipped out a miniature lightsaber and screamed into battle twirling and dancing all over the place like an angry Kermit the Frog. :lol I laughed, because I could not believe what I was watching. The thought of a tiny lightsaber was absurd on its own, but the fact that he needed one was even worse, because you'd think MASTER Yoda would have been above such things as needing a gawdamn weapon. Palpatine never needed one in the OT, and that's why he sat on the big chair. That was perhaps the lowest moment in the PT for me. Yoda was screaming the whole time too...what were they thinking? Yoda's voice is kind of ridiculous to begin with, but it works because he's a wise elder figure who speaks in a calm manner when his voice isn't being used for comedic effect like in ESB. That's not the kind of voice that sounds cool roaring in battle. He sounded like an angry Miss Piggy the whole time.

Great post

I thought it was great to see Yoda in action.

When you read the book and realise he chose Ataru to make for his lack of mobility and reach it kind of makes sense to see him leap & flip around. I don't get all the "leaping frog" etc complaints.

Clown is right


Whether or not Rey survived, I think the only logical ending to Kylo's story was for him to die as well. Had he survived, he still would (should) have paid for all his crimes. IMO he never would have earned a heroic return to the resistance. IMO, Kylo should have died in that fall, or at the very least, never come back to keep things ambiguous. Rey should have then stayed dead after she defeats Palps.

Wow both die interesting.

This guy keep bringing PT into the discussion to justify the ST?s miserable failure :lol.

I don?t like the ST or PT I just simply dislike the PT more.

Both had some amazing moments peppered throughout but I think the ST had more of them.

I love Palpatine in ROTS and the emperor in TROS.

I also find the ST much easier to watch even though they ultimately are pointless.

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TPM hated right away opening night

AOTC hated right away opening night

ROTS enjoyed some parts hated other parts opening night

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I still remember standing outside Mann's Chinese on Hollywood Blvd opening night (crazy scene) at like 2am or something and just being dumbfounded at what I had just seen. It took me days to figure out how to even articulate the crushing disappointment. I finally just decided to not talk about it.:lol

Yes, I admire the world-building and the reach of the PT - but as coherent, engrossing stories with engaging characters and good dialog they were just such a train wreck. Just SO wrong in so many ways. And the "Bugs Life" effects shots - way too much reliance on CGI way too early.

ROTS had a few decent parts and is the only PT movie I can watch parts of, though I could never sit through the whole thing (ugh, that 2 hour lava saber battle kept me SO on the edge of my seat as to what might hapen - would Obi Wan be killed, would Anakin be burnt in lava and reborn in a black suit?:slap:lol)

I still remember standing outside Mann's Chinese on Hollywood Blvd opening night (crazy scene) at like 2am or something and just being dumbfounded at what I had just seen. It took me days to figure out how to even articulate the crushing disappointment. I finally just decided to not talk about it.:lol

Yes, I admire the world-building and the reach of the PT - but as coherent, engrossing stories with engaging characters and good dialog they were just such a train wreck. Just SO wrong in so many ways. And the "Bugs Life" effects shots - way too much reliance on CGI way too early.

ROTS had a few decent parts and is the only PT movie I can watch parts of, though I could never sit through the whole thing (ugh, that 2 hour lava saber battle kept me SO on the edge of my seat as to what might hapen - would Obi Wan be killed, would Anakin be burnt in lava and reborn in a black suit?:slap:lol) lucky SOB.


I remember on my 2nd viewing of TPM being frustrated that I would have to sit thru all of the gungan and trade federation ship battle nonsense just to experience the saber battle again.


I remember the lack of JarJar and gungans in AOTC being a good thing but once the dialogue started is when I started putting my hands over my face lol


I remember thinking oh well we?re not even getting a big space battle in the PT. I remember absolutely loving every second of Ian Mcdiarmid and hating every second of Hayden, Vader and Grievous Oooomba lol

The ST is not much better though. :gah:

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I do prefer the prequel trilogy to the sequel trilogy. The former does have a storyline that it follows throughout even though some of it forced to fit with the original trilogy. The sequel trilogy is such an incoherent mess because they had no plan and it shows. Both sets of movies have some great standout scenes and some groan inducing ones too. The original trilogy is by far the best but it has some cheesy moments too. I enjoy Star Wars as a whole but the overall stand out movies for me Are Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One.
Oh yeah, I forgot about leaping frog Yoda. I remember someone mentioning in a review prior to me seeing the film that we would finally get to see what Yoda was capable of and why he was the greatest jedi. It's all coming back to me like a repressed memory. :lol

I was actually waiting for that moment. In my mind I thought Yoda was going to project energy or something similar to Palpatine in ROTJ. Then the little guy with a limp showed up, and everyone in the audience went,"Ohhhhwhahhh." I went, "Oh my god, this is it!" A geriatric looking Christopher Lee with arthritic hands threw stuff. Yoda deflected it and did a Bruce Lee pose. So far, I was enjoying it. And then it happened, he whipped out a miniature lightsaber and screamed into battle twirling and dancing all over the place like an angry Kermit the Frog. :lol I laughed, because I could not believe what I was watching. The thought of a tiny lightsaber was absurd on its own, but the fact that he needed one was even worse, because you'd think MASTER Yoda would have been above such things as needing a gawdamn weapon. Palpatine never needed one in the OT, and that's why he sat on the big chair. That was perhaps the lowest moment in the PT for me. Yoda was screaming the whole time too...what were they thinking? Yoda's voice is kind of ridiculous to begin with, but it works because he's a wise elder figure who speaks in a calm manner when his voice isn't being used for comedic effect like in ESB. That's not the kind of voice that sounds cool roaring in battle. He sounded like an angry Miss Piggy the whole time.

I'm not disagreeing with you here but the only thing I'll say in defense of Yoda's saber is that he has to be able to kill an enemy somehow and he doesn't have Sith lighting or even choking at his disposal. It's always felt like the sith have an unfair advantage in that regard :lol
I'm not disagreeing with you here but the only thing I'll say in defense of Yoda's saber is that he has to be able to kill an enemy somehow and he doesn't have Sith lighting or even choking at his disposal. It's always felt like the sith have an unfair advantage in that regard :lol

Luke choked Gamorrean guards, Baby Yo choked out Cara Dune, I'm sure Yoda could choke a Sith if he had to. Or go all telekinetic on him.

(Whenever I get in discussions like these I feel like we need to be trading Star Wars cards on the playground).
Luke choked Gamorrean guards, Baby Yo choked out Cara Dune, I'm sure Yoda could choke a Sith if he had to. Or go all telekinetic on him.

(Whenever I get in discussions like these I feel like we need to be trading Star Wars cards on the playground).

Yeah, that lighting though :lol. Seems like there isn't much answer to it besides lopping off a melon(I'm dismissing the ridiculous ending of ST of course).

Also I'm not sure we have established if Baby Yoda is good, bad, or just a neutral guy who occasionally intervenes on behalf of his friend?:)
Yeah, that lighting though :lol. Seems like there isn't much answer to it besides lopping off a melon(I'm dismissing the ridiculous ending of ST of course).

Yoda tanked it in the PT. Deflected it, absorbed it, took it on the chin and came back swinging. Given Palpatine's track record with the stuff I'm surprised Yoda didn't throw it back in his face. :lol

Also I'm not sure we have established if Baby Yoda is good, bad, or just a neutral guy who occasionally intervenes on behalf of his friend?:)

Fair, although I'm guessing he's good. Some of his moves are reminiscent of Yoda taking out Palpatine's guards in ROTS.
I still remember standing outside Mann's Chinese on Hollywood Blvd opening night (crazy scene) at like 2am or something and just being dumbfounded at what I had just seen. It took me days to figure out how to even articulate the crushing disappointment. I finally just decided to not talk about it.:lol

I was at the session after you - and had the same reaction, only with sunrise to add to the disorientation!

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