Star Wars + Last Supper = Awesomeness???

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Exactly. Some might say that this is the reason why there are so many different religions. Everyone wants to apply their own interpretation to things.

As for those who take everything at face value, I just read this:



I feel REALLY sorry for that kid. He's going to have a tough time in life. With science advancing at it's current pace, science will begin to solve's some of life's mysteries and that's kids going to be in the freaking dark ages.
Can you prove those didn't happen? Then its yours and other atheists opinion that they didn't. There have always been doubters and they have the right to believe that way. In the end they will suffer if it turns out to be true. 4 me my faith and belief says they are true and I'm all the better for it.

What do you mean by "suffer"? Does that mean non-believers get an automatic trip straight to Hell?
What do you mean by "suffer"? Does that mean non-believers get an automatic trip straight to Hell?

Also, what type of God punishes people(his creation)and makes them "suffer" if they don't believe in him, given that he has left no definitive evidence that he actually does exist. That always got me on religion; if he does that, then what's the point? He might as well just have a bunch of servants instead of people.
Also, what type of God punishes people(his creation)and makes them "suffer" if they don't believe in him, given that he has left no definitive evidence that he actually does exist. That always got me on religion; if he does that, then what's the point? He might as well just have a bunch of servants instead of people.

I dig the Old Testament God who threw down fireballs and stuff... but i'm Catholic, so what do I know?
...Meh, I'm just a notoriously bad speller. Please note the title under my name my friend. Seriously though, Yeah time to type sometimes is not something i've got alot of. I find spellcheck to be an invaluble tool, perhaps i should start copy-paste my posts into wordpad first...

For all of the bad spellers on the board (myself included) there is a Spell Checker you can get for IE! I have been using it for a long time now and highly recommend it! And it's free!!
Nope, but most of them, didn't have any witness, except for the Splitting of the Dead sea, so, you take Eve's, Moses and Jonas word for it?
Then you should believe every UFO report out there...

Yes, I will take their words for it. I believe and have faith in that what they saw happened.

How this is the same as UFO reports is beyond me I suppose? Me believing what comes from the bible just doesn't have the same corilation as the spin you're trying to put on it.

I have a question, why do you assume I'm an atheist?

Have you not read any of your posts? I mean really. You've come out and said the Bible is 110% fiction and that if I believe whats in their I must believe every UFO report. Which tells me at least you don't believe in God or a God.

Second, I don't doubt the credibility of the Bible, I know that some of the things there are metaphors, you acknowledge that too, right?
Now, so I will burn in hell because I didn't believe in Mythology?, that would be priceless...

I believe some of whats in their are metaphors. However, the reason I said you would suffer for was not beliving as a whole.

I'm not telling you what to believe, just to understand that the last supper painting it's an artist's interpretation that's not "God's art", so you shouldn't be offended by it...

Yes, you are. Again, you've said the Bible is fiction which is telling me I shouldnt believe it because its not true, and you've said that by taking the words from those in it I probably believe in every UFO report. The painting is an interpretation of the event but I have an issue when someone tries to take something like SW with it. The reason it offended me any was for that reason.

I agree, I'm not attacking people's beliefs, just saying that it's just a painting, it's not holy or anything like that, so, having pop-culture fun with it, is in no way degrading or disrespectful...:rolleyes:

IMO it is disrespectful. It may not be for you and again I think that says something but thats your deal.
What do you mean by "suffer"? Does that mean non-believers get an automatic trip straight to Hell?

What I mean is that if you're not willing to be a good person, treat others as you want to be treated, etc. Live your life as best (in my case) Christian life you can then you will have to pay the piper for not doing so. That's if you're not willing to accept your sins and ask for forgivness.
Wow...where did that come from? about religious extremism...

Anyway, I'm sorry you took this to a personal level, I don't even know you and obviously you don't knowme. That's exactly the problem with most religions...dividing people, and if they don't agree with their dogmatic ways, they'll burn in Hell!!

Oh well, at least I'll get the chance to meet some interesting characters while I'm there! :monkey3
Brethren, my I take this holy opportunity to quote from the book of Wayne Chapter 2 verse 6:

Book of Wayne said:
This man came up to me just the other day and I asked me if I'd been born again. I told him I didn't think I had. That I had been rejected.

and verse 7:

verse 7 said:
But I think Hells got all the good bands anyway.

What I mean is that if you're not willing to be a good person, treat others as you want to be treated, etc. Live your life as best (in my case) Christian life you can then you will have to pay the piper for not doing so. That's if you're not willing to accept your sins and ask for forgivness.

Okay. It's just that you used "atheist" in your statement, so I thought you meant anyone who doesn't have the same belief system would have to suffer.
"Never discuss religion, politics and Sideshow VS Medicom!"
~ lcummins

6500 posts if anyone cares...
If not believing in Christ is a sin, well, that's forgiven too. One of the greatest men I know is a Jew. He's a man devout to his own faith in G_d, and he's a good man who cares deeply for all people, not just his own friends and family. I refuse to believe God wil not accept him.

See there's the thing. Your friend may indeed by "great" compared to you or me (I'm sure he is compared to me :lol), but when you get down to it, he really isn't good. None of us are. If every single thought or selfish, sinful desire or action of each person were known we'd see that no one is truly good. Not your friend, not Mother Theresa, not Billy Graham or Moses, NO ONE. No one except Jesus.

We all deserve death, but He paid the price for us. Everyone doesn't enjoy the benefit of that sacrifice because God believes in free will. See the other guy's post about us not being robotic servants.

If God created the universe, created me, gave me lots of awesome experiences for me and then showed up here and died in my place so I could live happily for eternity, well then as far as I'm concerned He get's to call the shots. He definitely has that right. I don't believe God sends anyone to hell. I believe He let's them choose that for themselves, even if they appear to be "great men" compared to lowly folk like myself. :)
Anyway, I'm sorry you took this to a personal level, I don't even know you and obviously you don't knowme. That's exactly the problem with most religions...dividing people, and if they don't agree with their dogmatic ways, they'll burn in Hell!!

Oh well, at least I'll get the chance to meet some interesting characters while I'm there! :monkey3

No, you took it to a personal level by saying for a fact that the Bible is 110% fiction, and stating that because I believe the way I do that I must also believe every UFO report.

So don't try to put this on me.

Okay. It's just that you used "atheist" in your statement, so I thought you meant anyone who doesn't have the same belief system would have to suffer.

No, sorry I wasn't as clear with that as I should have been.

"Never discuss religion, politics and Sideshow VS Medicom!"
~ lcummins

6500 posts if anyone cares...

Congrats on 6500 Lonnie :)
No, you took it to a personal level by saying for a fact that the Bible is 110% fiction, and stating that because I believe the way I do that I must also believe every UFO report.

So don't try to put this on me.

I never said 110%, that was your interpretation, I said it IS fiction as well as historical, and narrative, please read my posts.

Regarding the UFO thing, because according to your logic, if somebody said it, it must be true. Besides, only Moses wrote part of the Bible, so Eve's story, Jonas story and hundreds of others were written by different people than the actual characters who lived them. So that doesn't turn them in to facts, you might believe them and that's fine.

Some people believe UFO reports, who are you to say those aren't true or valid, or as important as your religious beliefs?

Now, do people who believe in Chac, Mahoma, Buda, Ra, Apollo or whatever deity are wrong and will burn in hell?

As I said, don't take this personal, it's just a painting!
This will be my last post in regard to this, since it confirms what I said earlier...religions divide people...
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