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Without a doubt, this has become my favorite CW episode ever.

*The reveal with Bo Katan was nice and didn't feel forced. I was literally caught off guard by it. Dave Filoni was right when he said she'd do more than Boba ever did. She had some slick moves.

* 3-way fight was awesome. I loved the way Sidious always had an evil smile. After all the kiddy episodes these past few months, its good to see there's still one evil sonofa***** trying to take over the galaxy.

* Loved the way Savage tried to impale Sidious and missed then ignited the second blade to block Palps attack

* NEVER cared much for Satine but actually felt bad for what happened to her.

One thing that I sort of noticed though was the was A LOT of "homage dialogue". Maybe one too many? I'm also very curious what Sidious has in store for Maul.
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Yeah..i still can't get over how much this episode rocked.

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I want to see Palpatine and Mace Windu go at it in the show, though it will never happen. And although there was no intention to make me think of this on the part of the creators, I can't help but watch these force users abilities and make me go back and be even more impressed with Starkiller's abilities when I play Force Unleashed. The things he did in the games, he'd be a wrecking ball on this show.

That ends my randomness.
Maul is going to be used as a pawn to push Anakin further towards the dark path... Sent after Ahsoka?... Padme?... It should be interesting. I'm sure Sidious wants Anakin to deal with Maul the way that he handled those mother-molesting sandpeople. :horror

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Just finished it and like others here, Whoa, just Whoa! Best episode I've seen in the entire Clone Wars series.

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This story arc has made up for the entire season.
Just finished it and like others here, Whoa, just Whoa! Best episode I've seen in the entire Clone Wars series.

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This story arc has made up for the entire season.

That's what I'm saying.
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I know everybody says Maul was begging like a baby at the end but wasn't it the same as what Palpatine did in ROTS? I think the animation department was just able to put a lot more detail in his face and Witwer was able to match it with his performance.
Maul pleading for mercy before Sidious even started lighting him up seemed wildly out of place for the character even with that thrashing he just received.

On the plus side though Kenobi's mature and calm response to Mauls goading to give into hate and the dark side was well played.
I know everybody says Maul was begging like a baby at the end but wasn't it the same as what Palpatine did in ROTS? I think the animation department was just able to put a lot more detail in his face and Witwer was able to match it with his performance.

I'm pretty sure Palpatine was just acting helpless to give Anakin no other choice but to turn on Mace and "save" Palpatine.
Had to work today so I just finished.

Holy sh t what an episode! BEST EVER. The show should always be this good. I even cried.

the only complaint- Why didn't sidious come off this much of a badass swordsman in E3??
I'm pretty sure Palpatine was just acting helpless to give Anakin no other choice but to turn on Mace and "save" Palpatine.


Which is why I thought Maul was just trying to buy time to find a lightsaber or something to use for one last surprise attack.

It didn't come off that way to me. He was just a beaten man and he knew it.
Had to work today so I just finished.

Holy sh t what an episode! BEST EVER. The show should always be this good. I even cried.

the only complaint- Why didn't sidious come off this much of a badass swordsman in E3??

Everybody on this show is more badass than they are in the movies when they aren't held back by actors with limited human reflexes and abilities as well as none-to-very little swordmanship experience. Even Maul is on a whole different level in the show and he actually looked amazing on film. Look at how much more badass Mace Windu was in season 1 compared to Episode 2.

And as far as Palpatine begging in Episode 3, hasn't it been confirmed by Lucas AND the novel that Mace Windu was really about to win (that Palpatine didn't let him to give Anakin the extra push)? In which case, his begging could have likely been sincere. Either way, we know that fear leads to the Dark Side, so it isn't surprising that many of these sith turn towards cowardice when overwhelmed.
Palps begging in E3 was all an act. At least thats how I've always seen it. He gives Anni a little sideways glance to check and see if his act is working.

That's what I always thought too. Ric Flair did it all the time to buy time to find an opening, why not Palp?:lol It's obvious it works.
Loved it!!!

I still prefer Savage over Maul though. Maul just seems off to me in the series. I thought I would love his return but something has never felt or looked right with him. Hate his voice too...

Anyway, what a great episode!!! I did not expect Palatine to fight them. Wow, super intense. Loved all the original trilogy references too. Plus the music rocked.
Palps begging in E3 was all an act. At least thats how I've always seen it. He gives Anni a little sideways glance to check and see if his act is working.

Well if he was fake-begging while in the face of a real defeat than he's got major cojones...and mucho faith in his persuasive skills.