Thank you for pointing that out to me, young fella. It's not like I've actually watched him before and seen him get full of himself and his brilliant theories or anything.
So, is it your point of view that Palpatine is saying that the Plaguies-related power to keep someone from dying is something the Jedi know about?
Or are you claiming that Palps is suggesting that the Jedi know some other separate power, but only let those ranked as Jedi Master learn it?
Keep in mind that Anakin had seen Jedi die with actual Jedi Masters in the area. None of them used this "secret ability" to prevent the deaths. I'd love to know where you're getting this interpretation from.
What I said was that Anakin would no longer resent them for withholding knowledge of a secret power to keep people from dying. Any resentment about other things is something I never touched on, so no clue why you're adding that in here.
On Mustafar he shouldn't be as far gone down the dark side seduction as he'd be in ROTJ, and yet he still chose to end Palps to save his son. Twenty years earlier I'm supposed to believe that he goes from turning Palpatine in as being the secret Sith to slaughtering younglings and choking his "beloved" wife?
I can accept a gradual dark turn, but it would need to be set up better in the actual films. Anakin goes from praising Obi-Wan as a father to wanting to kill him in, what, a single day? Do you not see how the slaughter of younglings would be irredeemable? And he got to that point *that* quickly?
You don't accept that 30 years is enough for Luke to go from OT hero to grief-stricken exile; but 5 minutes is enough for Anakin to go from good-hearted Jedi, husband, and father-to-be all the way to child killer and wife choker? A turn that dramatic in the same day?
I get that dark side temptation puts you on a dark path that you might not ever get away from. I actually do understand that, and like it as a story element. But I think it would've been better storytelling in ROTS if that path was longer than my driveway.
Anakin was resisting the dark side (no matter what hangups he had about his mom or the Council) just before turning. Then he just went with it, for Padme's sake. Then he choked her out. And after learning of losing Padme, he still went with it. I think it could've been handled/told better. A lot better. But I'm 44 years old, so you must think it's just senility. Have pity on me, young one. I was watching these PT movies when you were still just TheDuckling.