Yet I love Leia, Ahsoka, Hera, Mace and Lando!
You know why I find Lizzo in SW vile and reprehensible?
Because Lizzo was poorly integrated while the others were not.
You know what other character I find vile and reprehensible in SW?
Jack Black’s character, a WHITE MALE, go figure!
He was as poorly integrated as Lizzo was.
So poorly actually that fans only know them as Lizzo and Jack Black their real names and not their character names.
Same as Christopher Lloyd another white male that I hated in SW with his lame inclusion.
Can you please stop labeling me with those names if you knew me you would know that I don’t hate women or minorities and that I hold white male characters to the same standards as all characters introduced in movies and TV series.
Never go full KK!
Don’t make me whip out my Willrow Hood trading card lol
If the only thing that mattered to me was that I must have white males in my movies I would love those Terminator sequels after T2 lol
I don't think I said anything like that, in fact I said 'equal opportunities haters'