Star Wars: The Acolyte

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jaztermareal is saying that most of the 1's are genuine because the show is bad and people hate it, but most, or a least a lot, of the 10s are fake because a minority have admitted to voting 10 to counter the 1's.

My argument is that just because a small minority on one side has admitted something and the other hasn't, doesn't mean that's how things are actually going down. I understand it at least.

That's the problem with ratings.

Some will rate 1 to counteract the high ratings, and others rate 10 to counteract the low ones.

Lovers and haters both want to see their feelings reflected, to send their own message about the worthiness or unworthiness of a film or series.
Buffy and Angel were excellent. I remember watching them on TV during covid for the first time in many years and came away feeling the same as you - damn they were good. And they truly were at the forefront of 'representation' back then and yet I can't help but suspect they'd be considered not nearly diverse enough now, perhaps even frowned upon.

I don't know whether I'm reading too much into it but it seemed obvious to me, that Sabine and Shin in Ahsoka were like Buffy and Spike: enemies drawn to each in spite of themselves, who'll eventually get together and become Willow and Tara ("The course of true love never did run smooth"). :lol

In short, I'm saying that there was more subtlety in Ahsoka, without any fanfare, and that was the most recent benchmark for The Acolyte.

As much as some might hate Ahsoka for similar reasons for hating The Acolyte, it had something that encouraged me to watch it a second time. I appreciated it more, felt the epic quality they were going for in certain scenes, and even with its faults I sense a genuine love for Star Wars in its creation, as opposed to The Acolyte.

jaztermareal is saying that most of the 1's are genuine because the show is bad and people hate it, but most, or a least a lot, of the 10s are fake because a minority have admitted to voting 10 to counter the 1's.

My argument is that just because a small minority on one side has admitted something and the other hasn't, doesn't mean that's how things are actually going down. I understand it at least.
What I said was not that most 1's are genuine vs most 10's not, I said that 1's are more likely to be genuine than 10's based simply on A: how a project fits into a universe (subjective) vs how well made it is (objective) and B: the psychology of negative emotions eliciting action more often than positive ones. People who are angry are more likely to dismiss something entirely vs people who are happy to embrace something fully. When a show is bad it will anger folk more and anger is a strong motivator, so 1's will be genuine more often than 10's even if not objective.

Those who rate it 10 to stick it to the trolls are also motivated by negativity too, except theirs is not to do with the show/creators but with the fanbase, so their opnion is not about the quality of the product but the quality of the consumer, making it less valid than the haters who's opinion is on the quality of the product and its creators.

This means that (as an example) 40% of 1's (not most, but a sizable minority) could be coming from a genuine opinion while only 20% of the 10's come from genuine opinion of the show. In both cases the majority of 1's and 10's are not genuine but the 1's are more likely to be genuine than the 10's.

And nowhere did I ever claim that 1 side admitting to false score while the other doesn't means only 1 side is lying/not genuine, not sure where that came from. We know both engage in artificial inflating/deflating of score, it is simply a case of if the ratio's of dishonest rating match.

EDIT again: also, I was arguing Devils advocate style to explain why some are willing to count 1's but ignore 10's, my actual opinion as posted earlier: "Which is why I suggested ignoring all 1/5 (1, 1.5 and 2/10) and all 5/5 (9, 9.5 and 10/10) ratings. What is in between is more accurate."
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I am sure that had he gone around talking endlessly about the lesbian characters in the show (Cinta and Vel) people would have been less likely to give the show a chance. People want to know how good a story and how much effort you put into making it the best show possible (Gilroy approach), not about who is sleeping with who, whether the cast mostly has outies or innies or what hue of skin tone is on screen at any time (the usual Disney approach).

This show (Acolyte) was handicapped before even starting the race due to the marketing. Even if it ends up good in the end many will have skipped it due to all the current day stuff in the run up to the show releasing.
Yep. And at the moment after hearing some of the lead's self satisfied remarks about a certain demographic, I finally got really irritated. Probably won't watch this ever. This actress seemed in a real hurry to become box office poison, fast.:lightnin

Because humanity might be a species that is willing to be not-nice to each other in general; but, there's been event films where EVERYONE is blowing money on merch, camping out, costuming; it's a blast. SW has been one of those.
Mando S1/2 managed to bring some of that back.:bounce

E.g. it bothers me, looking at the reaction thrill and happy bucket heads as Favreau introduced the Mandalorian, compared to this *&^%$. And nobody there - including the actors/actresses - was spouting "but this would be SO much better, if only it was DIVERSE" :stake .

IMO all this series did, in a larger societal sense, between a mediocre-messaging-rehash production and showrunner/cast remarks, is *&^%$ off fandom. I don't feel like backing that by watching. Am sure Disney has a way of tracking views. Gonna make it twice as hard for Filoni's film. I was looking forward to that; but unless Disney starts getting back to the basics am feeling pretty dubious.
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But, is Disney getting THE MESSAGE? 😁

Review bombing or not, the fact that people are making the effort with the only voice they have, is something at least their stock holders should pay attention to. Paying customers.

BTW is SW gonna be like that Twilight guy now, where you're under contract to take your shirt off 5X during production and no Big Macs?

Hungry Diet GIF by BLoafX
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Why is Andor so much better than any DSW? Because, by his own admission, Tony Gilroy hates SW. So he couldn't give a **** about fans or his own hubris and agenda; his first concern is great writing and storytelling.
This is an interesting take if I ever saw one. So, do you suggest that Gilroy accidentally created "good" Star Wars by keeping as far away as possible from the style and feel of the OT, or were you never a fan of classic Star Wars to begin with? Tony Gilroy, Rian Johnson and Leslie Hedland (All apparently haters of different, but equally essential aspects of the Original Trilogy), should've never been invited to work on this franchise to begin with. Much less allowed to freely deconstruct it to their own liking. Lucasfilm is so severely screwed it's hard to even comprehend anymore...
This is an interesting take if I ever saw one. So, do you suggest that Gilroy accidentally created "good" Star Wars by keeping as far away as possible from the style and feel of the OT, or were you never a fan of classic Star Wars to begin with? Tony Gilroy, Rian Johnson and Leslie Hedland (All apparently haters of different, but equally essential aspects of the Original Trilogy), should've never been invited to work on this franchise to begin with. Much less allowed to freely deconstruct it to their own liking. Lucasfilm is so severely screwed it's hard to even comprehend anymore...
Actually, I think what differentiates Gilroy from the others is that he respects what came before and is trying to tell a good story within the universe. Johnson wanted to subvert the franchise, Hedland seems to want to co-opt the brand for her message. Johnson and Hedland come from a selfish position, Gilroy from the opposite. He asks "how can you build up this lore and find interestingstories within it" while the others ask "how can I use this franchise as a vehicle for my own message, whether it makes sense or not".

Gilroy respects the brand and its fans, the others do not. Simple really.