Actually, Hot Toys has more often than not released incomplete sets or teased/prototyped figures that are pure vaporware so the moral is unless you are satisfied with the figure on it's own without the partner, don't buy. Chirrut on his own is not something I was happy with so passed. K2, while I'd prefer to partner with Cassian, I was happy with on his own. While I'd prefer a partner for the Solo version of Han, the figure looks to stand on it's own so have ordered it.
So no, I won't just blindly buy something just because a company puts it out to somehow "earn" the second half of the set. Trust goes both ways and I have zero trust HT will finish sets because they have proven they won't.

And look at The Matrix 'line'. One figure. It has fallen to third party companies to make the glaringly obvious companion figures. If this site was still affiliated with Sideshow the threads for those unofficial figures wouldn't even be allowed because Hot Toys would be angry about it. **** 'em, they're not getting it done.
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