Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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There was a discussion a few pages back that I can't seem to find now, about how Luke's lightsaber came to be. Han asked Maz that very same question to which she responded "That's a story for another time". Obvious foreshadowing is obvious. We'll find out eventually. I'm sure Luke is curious enough as well and may seek out Maz in the next film.

I believe there needs to be more to Rey than just possibly being trained by Luke. She has to be related to one of them, or perhaps emaculately conceived by the force like Anakin, which I really really hope not.
There was a discussion a few pages back that I can't seem to find now, about how Luke's lightsaber came to be. Han asked Maz that very same question to which she responded "That's a story for another time". Obvious foreshadowing is obvious. We'll find out eventually. I'm sure Luke is curious enough as well and may seek out Maz in the next film.

''That's a story for an EU novel or comic...which will be official canon.....until it is not''
There was a discussion a few pages back that I can't seem to find now, about how Luke's lightsaber came to be. Han asked Maz that very same question to which she responded "That's a story for another time". Obvious foreshadowing is obvious. We'll find out eventually. I'm sure Luke is curious enough as well and may seek out Maz in the next film.

I believe there needs to be more to Rey than just possibly being trained by Luke. She has to be related to one of them, or perhaps emaculately conceived by the force like Anakin, which I really really hope not.

Dooku's granddaughter.

RIP Christopher Lee
Since jedi seem to breed jedi by default why is it forbidden for them to have sexual relations and to have children? They want to limit their number? They solely rely on jedi spontaneously arising from non-jedi parents?
One thing that struck me was how much Luke's lightsaber seemed to behave like the One Ring or a Palantir. You (or at least Rey) barely touch it and get these violent visions. SW has always borrowed from Tolkien so this wouldn't surprise me. I almost got the impression that Luke's saber was *pissed* that Kylo killed Han and was all "I don't THINK so" when he tried to retrieve it with the Force.

I took this scene as a sign that Rey is Lukes daughter. It would make sense to me that Rey would be more naturally powerful than Kylo if her father is indeed Luke. Luke was a Jedi master and if he did have a kid I assume she would be much more force sensitive than your average Jedi. Liea was never a Jedi but had light force sensitivity, which in turn to me Kylo would have to work much harder to hone his Jedi powers. We've only seen two Jedi go through training, Vader (The chosen one), and Luke (Son of the chosen one), both of which were trained by Jedi masters. Isn't Kylo one of the first non master Jedi or Sith we've seen? It makes sense to me that Rey's raw power would be able to over power Kylo's skill.
Wasn't there a big thing of mystery and secrecy involving Luke in this movie during filming? Didn't Hamill say his role is very hush-hush? Seems ridiculous now for just 3 seconds of screen time.
It's kind of funny how similar the opening scroll is to what happened to the franchise.

"George Lucas has vanished. The Force Awakens has risen from the ashes of the ****y prequels. Kathleen Kennedy has asked one of her best directors to meet with some old friends and see if they'll return to Star Wars..."
The EU contains Luke's ESB saber being recovered (along with his hand from which he is cloned), a super weapon that destroys entire systems (Suncrusher), Han and Leia's son turning to the Darkside (Jacen Solo/Darth Caedeous), a new generation character named Ben (Luke's son), and more Imperial bad guys (the Imperial Remnant). These parallels along with the ANH beats make me less and less impressed with this movie. If I didn't read countless hours of EU growing up I probably would love this movie. But as it stands it's just a rehash all around. The part I took issue with most (Luke's absence) is the most original part that I look forward to them trying to explain.
You can tell Lucas sort of regrets selling Star Wars off. He looked miserable at the premiere and during interviews about all of it. All of his answers were glib.

If he had doubts, he should have just kept it to himself and not sold it off. This is the guy that was independent, anti-Hollywood and against big studios and yet he sells out to the biggest corporation of all time. :lol
The film was dark... Almost too dark... Not saying it's a bad thing... Its just usually the 2nd film in a series is when things get their darkest... If it gets darker then this one... Eek!!!L

Well if you go back to SW being a "saga" and not separate trilogies (remember ESB and ROTJ were always marketed as "The Saga Continues") then TFA is the fourth film of the saga and the tone of the series has gone light/dark/light/dark. Hard to imagine Episode VIII going "ROTJ light" but unless something worse than death happens to a major character I don't see how it can be darker than TFA.

I mean my gosh it wasn't bad enough that Kylo skewered Han but after he stabbed him he *shoved it in farther* causing additional pain to one of our favorite heroes of all time. Talk about DARK.
The EU contains Luke's ESB saber being recovered (along with his hand from which he is cloned), a super weapon that destroys entire systems (Suncrusher), Han and Leia's son turning to the Darkside (Jacen Solo/Darth Caedeous), a new generation character named Ben (Luke's son), and more Imperial bad guys (the Imperial Remnant). These parallels along with the ANH beats make me less and less impressed with this movie.

In Vanity Fair Abrams said "We decided that we had to first go backwards in order to go forward." You can tell that he really wanted to clear the palette and I'd say he succeeded. Case in point: Everyone talks about how TFA gave us a THIRD Death Star attack, completely ignoring the fact that TPM also featured pilots attacking a space battleship with torpedoes. Good. People should be forgetting that.
Ain't nothing light about getting thrown into a vag that digests you for thousands of years, or being a trooper that gets strangled by a little midget in a furry costume then turned into a musical instrument, or getting electrocuted as your dad takes up to a minute to make up his mind as some mindless slave.

On a serious note, Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru being reduced to burnt skeletons from trigger happy Sandtroopers or Luke and the gang getting crushed to death in the trash compactor was more traumatizing to me than "oh noesss, Han Solo was made into a sculpture", or "the empire won one battle and Vader is Luke's father!"
There was a discussion a few pages back that I can't seem to find now, about how Luke's lightsaber came to be. Han asked Maz that very same question to which she responded "That's a story for another time". Obvious foreshadowing is obvious. We'll find out eventually. I'm sure Luke is curious enough as well and may seek out Maz in the next film.

I believe there needs to be more to Rey than just possibly being trained by Luke. She has to be related to one of them, or perhaps emaculately conceived by the force like Anakin, which I really really hope not.

Reminded me of Destiny


She coulda used the same breath saying the actual explanation as saying its a tidbit I'm not bothering to share

They had numerous loose ends like this that need explaining but didn't care to to and half of them probably will never be answered. I doubt they'll bother answer how Maz obtained the saber or who Max Von Sidow was and how/why he had a part of the map to Luke.

They were there to move the plot along but likely done without care as to give any reasons how and why.

I Imagine the conversation went something like;

"So we need someone to give Poe the map piece to start things"
"just toss in some mysterious rebel ally to hand it over"
"how and why does he get it?"
"who cares, the fans will come up with theories and ideas so we don't need to complicate things with actual reasons for him having it"
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Reminded me of Destiny


She coulda used the same breath saying the actual explanation as saying its a tidbit I'm not bothering to share

They had numerous loose ends like this that need explaining but didn't care to to and half of them probably will never be answered. I doubt they'll bother answer how Maz obtained the saber or who Max Von Sidow was and how/why he had a part of the map to Luke.

They were there to move the plot along but likely done without care as to give any reasons how and why.

I Imagine the conversation went something like;

"So we need someone to give Poe the map piece to start things"
"just toss in some mysterious rebel ally to hand it over"
"how and why does he get it?"
"who cares, the fans will come up with theories and ideas so we don't need to complicate things with actual reasons for him having it"

I'm fine with Maz and Max von Sydow not being explained fully. It's a big galaxy. They made it feel bigger. The new EU will explain those and likely Luke's lightsaber in greater detail. I am going to agree with Khev with the exception of the First Order/Resistance's existence alongside a useless Republic, nothing else needed to be explained in any more detail. My issue with the aforementioned characters is why the heck do you need "big name" people for characters like Max von Sydow, Maz, or Phasma? They were all wasted and seems like a waste of money to have hired them when they could have gotten nobodies for all of those roles.
It's kind of funny how similar the opening scroll is to what happened to the franchise.

"George Lucas has vanished. The Force Awakens has risen from the ashes of the ****y prequels. Kathleen Kennedy has asked one of her best directors to meet with some old friends and see if they'll return to Star Wars..."


Good stuff :lol

You can tell Lucas sort of regrets selling Star Wars off. He looked miserable at the premiere and during interviews about all of it. All of his answers were glib.

If he had doubts, he should have just kept it to himself and not sold it off. This is the guy that was independent, anti-Hollywood and against big studios and yet he sells out to the biggest corporation of all time. :lol

He's too busy pissing off his billion dollar neighbors building affordable housing units on his massive property. :lol

Affordable housing in Marin County is defined as anything inbetween 2-3 million dollars. :lol