The Force Awakens should have featured TIE Interceptors. They were an evolutionary upgrade that featured quad laser cannons at the four front tips of their wings (similar to an X-Wing) and were supposed to be much faster than standard TIE's.
Why would the First Order abandon them? I know that Abrams wanted every single silhouette in the movie to harken back to ANH but we could have had the best of both worlds. Special Forces TIE's with rear gunners supplementing waves of Interceptors. And Starkiller Base should have had more aerodynamic atmospheric TIE's like what we saw on Scarif.
From RO to ROTJ both the Rebels and the Empire have new and setting-specific ships across all four films. TFA stands out as having neither when in fact after 32 years you'd think it would have had the most dramatic upgrades of all.
The A-Wing is in Episode VIII so we might see TIE Interceptors again.
Until Midichlorians
It wasn't just his acting. It was the whole concept. Anakin should have been a man in his mid 30s at least. Someone with a battle warn, manly look to him. Not a kid in his early 20s who looked younger due to boyish features and slightly effeminate mannerisms. The long, billowy hair didn't help this impression.
Anakin's age and whininess is a common complaint about the PT, and while I was expecting someone older myself, it makes more sense that someone younger, less developed and more impulsive would fall to the dark side.
Plus Luke was whiny too.
I prefer RO Vader to Prequel Anakin and OT Vader.
He got jokes, kills rebels and ain't fraid of nuffin.
Anakin's age and whininess is a common complaint about the PT, and while I was expecting someone older myself, it makes more sense that someone younger, less developed and more impulsive would fall to the dark side.
Plus Luke was whiny too.
They are absolutely not the same character. Accordingly I disregard them and don't watch them anymore.
I prefer RO Vader to Prequel Anakin and OT Vader.
He got jokes, kills rebels and ain't fraid of nuffin.
This is freaking hilarious. Thank God Lucas didn't think to do this.
Best is when that guy enters the War Room to report on Dantooine and Vader says "Hi"
He actually says Hi to everyone.![]()
Yep the movies that feature recasts of previous leading characters will never fit with the other ones. Ewan, Hayden, Temuera Morrison, Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover and any other main character who gets recast will always represent "Elseworlds" Star Wars and any movie they appear will as well.