It's already been pushed back to December of 2015. It can't be pushed back any further.
Wasn't it was pushed back to the December 2015 so it didn't clash with the other big releases in Summer 2015 and not due to production issues?
Wasn't it was pushed back to December 2015 so it didn't clash with the other big releases in Summer 2015 and not due to production issues?
Maybe. Maybe not. But they're not pushing it back any further than the end of 2015.
It's already been pushed back to December of 2015. It can't be pushed back any further. And there was an article already posted here how the PT each had three whole years of development time and were train wrecks. SW and ESB were rushed and we all know how those turned out.
I'm not saying that this will be great or even good, but the end product will probably have little to do with the limited amount of time they've given themselves.
This will either be pushed back or be a rushed, train wreck of a film. Or, they are possibly more along than they are saying and just keeping everything very hush hush.
If Marvel is Disney's bastard cousin, I wonder what will Star Wars be?![]()
Mother's milk?![]()
Here you go, a very, very small pinch of news...
Red ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’ Script Makes Internet Debut!
Printing scripts on red paper with dark ink is news to me. Pretty cool and interesting. That guy was wrong before and would be an idiot for doing something like this for the publicity. If this is real, I'd fire the guy. That's not his property to share. I can see extras hired leaking pics left and right, but someone who was entrusted with a script should know better.
Calculated releases of information to feed the hype wagon. Posting pictures of the cover of the scipt or a page with no information gets people to drool, but doesn't spoil anything.