Super Freak
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread


They would look awesome in 3D, I want it.
Has it been mentioned if Episode 7 will be shot in 3D?
Although unconfirmed all signs point to a post 3D conversion. It's being shot on film, not digital.
I have had the hope that Michael Fassbender would be cast in this movie. He'd make a great Imperial.
Although unconfirmed all signs point to a post 3D conversion. It's being shot on film, not digital.
You don't need digital to shoot 3D
You don't need digital to shoot 3D
yeah, they are...I thought all the modern 3D cameras were Digital?
You don't need digital to shoot 3D
One of the main problems with shooting 3D Film is this. Film is an organic process, it weaves through the camera spools and isn't exact. It shifts slightly and sometimes significantly as it is exposed. Camera weave. When two cameras are recording the same information at the same time, for true 3D, camera weave which is not synced between the two can ruin the effect or need a huge amount of correction later. HD cameras match exactly, don't have double the film stock or processing costs (huge on movies) and are light weight. And 3D effects work better because the image is sharper and the depth of field greater. Film has greater drop off of focus within shots, especially with anamorphic lenses so again more troublesome.They aren't 3D cameras, it's a special rig that attaches two cameras together. Digital cameras have only been dominant for about the last 5 years or so.
To be honest I'm not sure who the third guy is...
That pic is full of win, only counting Spielberg and Cameron. To be honest I'm not sure who the third guy is but I'm sure he must be good.
EDIT: Jeffrey Katzenberg - CEO of DreamWorks Animation