Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
I bet Pixy was just dying to be there to approve
oh no doubt

But that does rais an interesting thought.
Open question to the board.
YOu've been tasked by the "gaurdians of the Holocron" ( Which is appearently the name of the Comittie Disney has created to deal with the EU)
You're allowed to Remove ONE thing from star wars. But ONLY one. it can Be a character, a species. A self-contained Book series ( The Yuuzon vong war coveres 12 books, but it's one series. By contrast the Thrawn Trilogy is only three books), a video game, A Comic book Story arc, but not an entire publication, etc. you CAN NOT Excise EVERYTHING. you're only allowed to remove ONE thing. You can ALSO remove ALL books written by a single author if you like, should you feel he's a hack.
You're also allowed to preserve ONE thing. Same Rules apply as removing something.
Some Notes.
If it's A movie or a TV show, you CAN'T touch it. This means the Original Trilogy is safe, As is the Prequel Trilogy, and The Clone Wars, which both versions are being folded into each other as best as they can.
If you remove a character, you DON'T remove the associated story. A new, generic character takes his place. the events of said story still transpire.
Example: Removing Grand Admaral Thrawn, he would be replaced with " unnamed imperail commander" in the official canon.
If you remove a book series, but it has events that are central to other stories, then any " dramatic events " from said story are gone, but the important central aspect would stay.
Example: Removing the Kevin j anderson book series. The events of those books never take place, But Luke Still founds a jedi academy. He just never gets put in a coma by an insane sith ghost who tries to steal his body. No DEath star super laser spaceship named The Darksaber stupidity is ever built. But the characters he created still exist, as Kyp Durran, Admaral Daala, and Callista are important elsewhere.
What's the one thing you want gone?
What's the one thing you could live without.