Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread
Well that certainly looks better than the crap in TOR.
Yeah, Bioware, and in some cases OBsidian ent/ Black Isle has had a real problem with continuity stuff, and making sure things look how they are intended to look in their Star Wars Games, and in some cases with their Dungeons and dragons games. They seems to often " phone it in" on imagry sometimes.
In KOTOR II, for example, you work with the Mandolorians untill you can secure use of their Basalisk War droid to get back to Whereever you needed to go.
1) Basalisk's don't have hyperdrives. So this is kinda dumb, but whatever.
This is what they show you in the game.

Hey... wait a second...that looks familior.

Yup, that's not a Basalisk, it's Prince Xixor's one man fighter, the Virago, from shadows of teh empire.
A Basalisk, is a Droid MOUNT.

they're not enclosed. The Pilot must wear a vac-suit, if they are going to ride it down from orbit as a dropship. Which they are capable of doing.
the Moral is, don't trust Bioware or BLack Isle/ Obsidian when it comes to getting Lore, or the look of things correct.