Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (12/18/15) Discussion Thread

Great observation.Given she's the only person in the SW universe who can hit anything with a blaster, I can only imagine how horrifying she'd be with a lightsaber.![]()
Mark Hamill is awesome.
Mark Hamill is awesome.
You can hear him doing the voices for characters on Regular Show.
The lightsaber he's holding sure looks a lot like an over-ripe banana.![]()
It weird cuz mark was the youngest yet he didn't age too well, carrie fisher looks bad though.
When was this pic taken? Omg...he looks great his 5 chins are gone...
wow, some of those questions are cool, but some of them are so stupid... What a waste of time, I feel bad reading them.
I don't know if people were trying to be funny or what, but I can't believe the kind of crap people were asking around.. pathetic.
Due to budget constraints, Mark will be using an old banana catering tossed in the dumpster in lieu of a prop lightsaber, and his sith nemesis will be the monkey from the movie "Ed".
Harrison Ford aged well because he had such a long career as an action star. Mark Hamill aged like a normal dude because for all the work he's had, you never see him. He's just voices to our ears. No need to keep in shape if he's not running, jumping, punching, pointing a finger, swinging, or rolling around like Harrison's had the opportunity to do.
It's funny to think Han called Ben an "old fossil" and yet Han Solo will be canonically older than Obi-Wan was in the OT. Of course I ignore the prequles so in my mind, Obi-Wan wasn't just 59 and truly was an old as dirt Jedi.