Considering he was technically a Jedi during Jabba's Palace, I'd say he was, well, a Jedi.
I know Yoda in his half dazed, cross eyed, dying breath says the only way Luke can be a true Jedi is if he confronts Vader, but that's sort of ********. How isn't he one? There's a huge jump from the Luke we see in Empire to the Luke we see in Jedi. He made his own lightsaber, has new force powers, he seems wiser, etc. Even his decisions before even facing off against Vader are noble. So he knew before hand what it meant to be a "Jedi" until he's pushed by Vader and Palps who won't stop buggin' him. So yeah, he's a frickin' Jedi.
Return nothin'. In Star Wars, there's Ben. In Empire, there's Yoda. In Jedi, there's Luke and Yoda (until Yoda bites it).
Besides, "crossing" over or "being turned" is stupid. Even if Luke chopped Vader's head off, who's to say he wouldn't (or couldn't) resist the Emperor? That's what I always found dull. What enticement is there in these types of scenarios? The Emperor is always like, "yo dawg, join me and stand by my side". What? What if I just kill Vader, kill the Emperor, and want to be "good" (i.e. don't become an evil dictator, support the Rebels, Republic and Democracy)? So what, if I lash out a bit I'll get Sith eyes and can't go into the "light side", huh? It never made sense. It's especially ludicrous when the Emperor and Vader's motives are dead set against what Luke is trying to achieve. They just threatened his good buddies, his friends. They're taunting him saying they're trapped, going to die, and that maybe they can turn one of them. Uhhh, why would I want to join them again?
It's especially evident in the Prequels. Like with Dooku. Anakin just chopped the guys' hands off, Dooku is clearly beaten/frightened. You won Anakin! This guy is pissin' in his pants. You don't kill him and his life will be even worse. He even knows he shouldn't when Palps is egging him on. But . . . he does it. Whaaaat? Then Palps tells him to leave his best friend behind to die. Whaaaaaaaaat? Kill that old ****. Granted, later on Palpatine pulls off the old "I can save your wife bro" after some weird, backwards *** reasoning like "go kill innocent kids, then I'll show you", but still. What does this old, wrinkly ******* EVER have to offer? Unless you're an idiot, the dark side is pretty damn stupid. You'd have to be an idiot to "give in". Why the **** didn't Vader grab up Palpatine earlier in his life? As soon as Palpatine was like, "yo, she's dead", Vader should have grabbed him up then and there for manipulating him. But nah. Stupid. Video games and EU **** do the same crap. The offer that the "dark side" always presents is some kind of BS that can clearly ruin you, and yet, the person making the decision is having a difficult time deciding?
And as far as Prequels go, the Jedi and their council isn't any better. There are times where Obi-Wan, Mace, Yoda, etc. aren't being as heroic as they "should" be as far as the rules are concerned. They all have this weird lifestyle and are easily duped by a couple of emo *******s. Even Qui-Gon wasn't buying what they were selling.
**** the light and dark side,