Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

George is part of the scripting process.

F-CK F-CK F-CK!!!!!

Well, so much for that.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

George is part of the scripting process.

Hopefully that means sweet **** all. But if not....why?! He himself knows, and has admitted that he can't write for $h!t, so why does he insist on being involved in that?! You're an ''outline'' man George.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

George is part of the scripting process.

F-CK F-CK F-CK!!!!!

Well, so much for that.

I'm perfectly fine with that. He WAS part of the scripting process for The Empire Strikes Back after all. We just need someone else in the director and editor's chair to allow inspired ad libs "I know" and to delete out the garbage that falls flat (like the horrid extended Han/Leia Echo base conversation.) I've even heard that AOTC plays as a pretty decent SW film by simply eliminating half a dozen of the worst lines.

I want him involved to the point that these still feel like true SW films but not so much that he calls all the shots and won't listen to reason.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

George is part of the scripting process.

F-CK F-CK F-CK!!!!!

Well, so much for that.

Why wouldn't he be? It is HIS story. The hope behind this whole Disney thing at least for me, is that more talented people will take his awesome ideas and create a great movie out them. Something Lucas wasn't able to do with the prequels. That is all. :lecture
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm perfectly fine with that. He WAS part of the scripting process for The Empire Strikes Back after all. We just need someone else in the director and editor's chair to allow inspired ad libs "I know" and to delete out the garbage that falls flat (like the horrid extended Han/Leia Echo base conversation.) I've even heard that AOTC plays as a pretty decent SW film by simply eliminating half a dozen of the worst lines.

I want him involved to the point that these still feel like true SW films but not so much that he calls all the shots and won't listen to reason.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Why wouldn't he be? It is HIS story. The hope behind this whole Disney thing at least for me, is that more talented people will take his awesome ideas and create a great movie out them. Something Lucas wasn't able to do with the prequels. That is all. :lecture

Yep, no need for the pendulum to swing too far the OTHER way out of fan over-reaction to the prequels. I want the OT balance between George's ideas and great filmmakers restored. :lecture
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

This is just George getting his foot in the door. Ultimately, he will have total control once again :yess:
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Seriously though, Star Wars 3 made $850 million, Clones made $650 mil, and Phantom Menace made over a billion dollars apparently. A quality movie doesn't need to be made in order to get folks to buy tickets.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm perfectly fine with that. He WAS part of the scripting process for The Empire Strikes Back after all. We just need someone else in the director and editor's chair to allow inspired ad libs "I know" and to delete out the garbage that falls flat (like the horrid extended Han/Leia Echo base conversation.) I've even heard that AOTC plays as a pretty decent SW film by simply eliminating half a dozen of the worst lines.

I want him involved to the point that these still feel like true SW films but not so much that he calls all the shots and won't listen to reason.

:exactly: :goodpost: :clap

Why wouldn't he be? It is HIS story. The hope behind this whole Disney thing at least for me, is that more talented people will take his awesome ideas and create a great movie out them. Something Lucas wasn't able to do with the prequels. That is all. :lecture

:goodpost: :lecture :exactly:

I totally agree with bot comments. I could not have said it any better, gents. :duff
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Seriously though, Star Wars 3 made $850 million, Clones made $650 mil, and Phantom Menace made over a billion dollars apparently. A quality movie doesn't need to be made in order to get folks to buy tickets.

No but I'm sure Disney is shooting for a 2 billion dollar "Avatar" haul over a 650 million AOTC dud.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

On the one hand I fully believe that but on the other - if he really thinks its the worst why has it historically been the least altered of all the OT.

Because it's so bad that even Lucas's creative CG magic can't do anything to salvage it.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Lucas wrote the 2nd draft of Empire, excluding most of the romantic stuff. But it wasn't until Kasdan wrote the 4th draft that the dialogue began to resemble the finished film. The 2nd draft of ROTJ (Lucas's draft) is one of the worst scripts you'll ever read. The dialogue would make AOTC's dialogue seem perfect sense, and thats not mentioning the idea of having Obi-Wan returning from the dead.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Well, sort of. The filmmakers didn't listen to him. For good reason.

That is why I fear any involvement of his. He doesn't understand his own creation.

Why would you edit out the part of my post that states his involvement is fine as long as he has other filmmakers vetoing his crappy contributions only to then make the same point yourself? :duh :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Well, sort of. The filmmakers didn't listen to him. For good reason.

That is why I fear any involvement of his. He doesn't understand his own creation.

Its also the only film in either Trilogy that he had the least to do with. If you read all the making of Empire books you'll find out how the film was taken out of his hands until the editing stage. He had a major falling out with Gary Kurtz before firing him, blaming him for the many problems that occured. At one time during filming it seems he fell out with Irvin Kirshner and returned to the US without the filmed scenes as planned. So if he means it was the worst as far as its making felt to him then he has a point, but to criticise it as a film is ridiculous and shows how disconnected he is with the fans.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Why would you edit out the part of my post that states his involvement is fine as long as he has other filmmakers vetoing his crappy contributions only to then make the same point yourself? :duh :lol

Because I hate George Lucas. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

but to criticize it as a film is ridiculous and shows how disconnected he is with the fans.

He is disconnected from the fans. I saw him on the Jon Stewart show around a year ago saying that the new younger fans love the prequels just as much as the fans that were young when the OT came out loved those films.

(The crowd started booing!)