Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

But Ewoks are so cute and cuddly.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I have yet to wrap my mind around this and actually accept that there will be a new Star Wars movie.

George Lucas Promised that there would be no more Sar Wars movies.

He promised.

He has come to hate Star Wars fans.

And now he is helping with the production of a new film?

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I have yet to wrap my mind around this and actually accept that there will be a new Star Wars movie.

George Lucas Promised that there would be no more Sar Wars movies.

He promised.

He has come to hate Star Wars fans.

And now he is helping with the production of a new film?


He clearly stated in the interview earlier in this thread, that he said HE wasn't going to make anymore films, and that is true. Disney is now.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

So what he told us was true, from a certain- :gah:

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I am all for a new Star Wars movie and I can't wait to see it.

But I am really thrown for a loop on this backpeddle from Lucas and I would truly like to know what made him change his mind.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

be happy it wasn't Wookies... same sets... same lines... Wookie family from the Christmas special sitting around the bonfire...

Wookies are still cool because we got to use our imaginations with them...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm 23 and I highly enjoy the PTs other than Jar-Jar to be honest. The dialogue during the saga at one point or another is terrible. Both trilogies have their faults and most people who are attached to the OT didn't give the PT its chance after TPM due to most part of Jar-Jar and the age of Anakin in relations to Padme.

Didn't give the PT a chance after TPM? I think the majority of us in this topic have agreed TPM is the best of the PT. We all wanted the next ones to be better but they're not...

I just watched ANH today. It was the 2006 theatrical DVD. I loved it despite the poor picture quality and lack of surround sound. Anyways there's a lot of goofy/silly moments in that film people forget. Chewbacca growling at the Mouse Droid and making it scurry away scared. Chewbacca growling at the ceremony and making people snap into attention. The Stormtroopers having the blast doors sealed and then calling out to have them opened. A lot of the dialogue Luke, Leia, and Han say is pretty childish. Things were happening before Ewoks, folks.

And anyways, I like the Ewoks. I wish they'd show more of them dying and making them more fierce like Teebo was and not so cutesy like Wicket. People would have less of a problem with them I think.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Ewoks knocking unconscious and or killing heavily armored soldiers.

It started in 83. :(

When ROTJ came out, it was just before my 12th birthday. Even at that age I remember crigning during many moments of the movie...

The musical number in Jabba's Palace

Leia being revealed to be Luke's sister


More Ewoks!

Ewoks defeating Stormtroopers!!

These moments actually embarrassed me as though somehow I had something to do with it. I will admit, as much as I disliked the ewok's, I still laughed pretty hard during the Endor fight, mostly at the comical dispatching of the AT-ST's. And there was enough good stuff to keep me coming back over and over again that summer.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Didn't give the PT a chance after TPM? I think the majority of us in this topic have agreed TPM is the best of the PT. We all wanted the next ones to be better but they're not...

TPM better than ROTS? I don't know about that...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM better than ROTS? I don't know about that...

Agreed. The only PT movie I want nothing to do with is AOTC.

I liked alot of things about ROTS, and my soul had been hardened enough by what came before it to not be too letdown by the bad parts of the movie.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Check Kevin Smiths blog about a story to do with time traveling Boba Fett. Pretty cool concept, Maybe something they can do there after the next 3 instalments...............

All i care is that they have the 2 droids!! The Millennium Falcon!! Cameos from the Trio themselves!! and most importantly they manage to capture the Magic the look and the feel of the best of them all!! ESB ! ! !

Aside from my own dreams, wishes, ''no pun intended'' and visions of what would make me happy. I must say, Ever since hearing the news even though my initial response to my misses was ''bullsheeeet they are making a new star wars movie''

Followed then by ''whaaaat-thaaaaaaa-fuhhhhhh'' when i read it for myself ofcourse. My feelings are only growing more with excitment and i couldnt be happier.

Im feeling like rigging a countdown timer at my house like in fanboys to countdown til Episode VII.

But also like in fanboys final scene i find myself thinking ''what if it sux'' But thanks to the prequels it cant possibly be any worse right ???
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM better than ROTS? I don't know about that...

Easily. TPM is the only prequel that I enjoy, thaks to Maul and Qui-Gon and the wonderful Williams score. I rememember how much I couldn't stand AOTC. It felt nothing like Star Wars.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The Jango / Kamino scenes are pretty good, & the ground battle stuff towards the end from the clones' perspective is great too.

Feel free to poo poo the rest of course. :lol