Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM better than ROTS? I don't know about that...

Yah. Welcome to the conversation. Go a few pages back. Just because we got to see all the stuff we'd been waiting for in RotS doesn't make it good. I will agree RotS is better than AotC, but I wouldn't rank it anywhere near TPM. I am not saying I love TPM either. But I can sit through it and find more moments to enjoy in it than the other two.

We came up with a list of great stuff from the prequels a few pages back too. Some of my favorite moments come from RotS, but again, judging the movie as a whole, TPM is a better movie.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yah. Welcome to the conversation. Go a few pages back. Just because we got to see all the stuff we'd been waiting for in RotS doesn't make it good. I will agree RotS is better than AotC, but I wouldn't rank it anywhere near TPM. I am not saying I love TPM either. But I can sit through it and find more moments to enjoy in it than the other two.

We came up with a list of great stuff from the prequels a few pages back too. Some of my favorite moments come from RotS, but again, judging the movie as a whole, TPM is a better movie.

So, do you like **** in the right side of your mouth or left? Cause that sounds like what you're arguing about.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I am all for a new Star Wars movie and I can't wait to see it.

But I am really thrown for a loop on this backpeddle from Lucas and I would truly like to know what made him change his mind.

see next few posts

He clearly stated in the interview earlier in this thread, that he said HE wasn't going to make anymore films, and that is true. Disney is now.

So what he told us was true, from a certain- :gah:


$4.05 billion. :lol

Doubt it, considering he gave all most all of it away.

In essence, GL GAVE Star Wars to Disney almost for free. In My opinion, he did so to put it in the hands of someone who knows how to defend their IP.
The way marvel has thrived under Disney likely has something to do with his willingness to do this I'll wager.

Check Kevin Smiths blog about a story to do with time traveling Boba Fett. Pretty cool concept, Maybe something they can do there after the next 3 instalments...............

All i care is that they have the 2 droids!! The Millennium Falcon!! Cameos from the Trio themselves!! and most importantly they manage to capture the Magic the look and the feel of the best of them all!! ESB ! ! !

Aside from my own dreams, wishes, ''no pun intended'' and visions of what would make me happy. I must say, Ever since hearing the news even though my initial response to my misses was ''bullsheeeet they are making a new star wars movie''

Followed then by ''whaaaat-thaaaaaaa-fuhhhhhh'' when i read it for myself ofcourse. My feelings are only growing more with excitment and i couldnt be happier.

Im feeling like rigging a countdown timer at my house like in fanboys to countdown til Episode VII.

But also like in fanboys final scene i find myself thinking ''what if it sux'' But thanks to the prequels it cant possibly be any worse right ???

All I want from the new movies, Is a Good story, and at least they acknowledge the past 30 years of the EU. They don't nee dto talk about most of it.. or even all of it. Here is the only things I REALLY want to see.

Luke's Wife Mara.

Han and Leia's Children.
Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina.

That's it. hit those "legacy" bits, give me a good story with good writing, and I'm happy.

On the timetable,

30 years after Rotj, puts it Before Chewie dies in the EU.
This puts it before the Truce with the empire, and the formation of the Galactic aliance
This puts it before the Fall of the new republic
and puts it before The Invasion of the Yuuzon Vong.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Doubt it, considering he gave all most all of it away.

Gave away half. Billions even to man like Lucas who has them isn't anything to sneeze at. :lol

Plus in a way it's a way to lose the demon. He considers himself a serious filmmaker as most do but can't shake this from his pedigree as being his defining piece of work. He moves it into another set of hands and then he becomes the creator but no longer the caretaker and anything that goes wrong with it is no longer on his shoulders to bear.

All I want from the new movies, Is a Good story, and at least they acknowledge the past 30 years of the EU. They don't nee dto talk about most of it.. or even all of it. Here is the only things I REALLY want to see.

Luke's Wife Mara, Han and Leia's Children, Anakin, Jacen, and Jaina.

That's it.

Given that they've said it's an original piece and that the writer has been tapped already, there is a great chance you won't see the majority of it. Luke might have a wife named Sally who is green with three eyes and tentacles for all we know. I have a feeling that EU fans will be the most distraught once these actually come out because I have a good feeling that most of it will be "wiped" out.

Although I wonder how they'd react if they kept Mara Jade but completely changed the character, made her a blonde princess from a nearby planet who wasn't even force sensitive for example? That'd be an interesting turn of events.

Agree. AOTC is utter crap.

I liked the idea of Jango Fett, enjoyed the portrayal, Mace Windu and the Clones but everything else was meh. I hated Anakin, Obi-Wan's portrayals and realistically you could have taken the "good" parts from it and pushed them into ROTS and had a good film leaving room for a bridge piece between it and ANH.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Gave away half. Billions even to man like Lucas who has them isn't anything to sneeze at. :lol

Plus in a way it's a way to lose the demon. He considers himself a serious filmmaker as most do but can't shake this from his pedigree as being his defining piece of work. He moves it into another set of hands and then he becomes the creator but no longer the caretaker and anything that goes wrong with it is no longer on his shoulders to bear.

Given that they've said it's an original piece and that the writer has been tapped already, there is a great chance you won't see the majority of it. Luke might have a wife named Sally who is green with three eyes and tentacles for all we know. I have a feeling that EU fans will be the most distraught once these actually come out because I have a good feeling that most of it will be "wiped" out.

Although I wonder how they'd react if they kept Mara Jade but completely changed the character, made her a blonde princess from a nearby planet who wasn't even force sensitive for example? That'd be an interesting turn of events.


That's the thing I guess. we don't know.

Bear in mind, I'm not asking them to do the novels as films.

HOWEVER, they need to take into account that it's the fans of those books that helped keep the spirit of SW alive untill the prequel trilogy came around.

Completely negating the vast majority of the existing fiction will serve to only alienate those fans who kept the fires burning. This generates disdain, and dislike, and can serve to drive away a fanbase.

While I don't see The novels, or the rest of the EU ever making it completely into another media format, I also don't see them completely torpedoing everything that is already "established"

Like I said. Best solution is to acknowledge it, and do their best not to COMPLETELY contradict it.

Hence why, as I as I Said, only looking to see Mara Jade ( and just call her an Ex-imperial. They don't need to go into detail), Jacen, Jaina, and anakin Solo. It would also make sense to have luke re-start the jedi Order based on what he was taught from yoda. They have that, the we're golden. EU fans are kept happy, Non eu fans either don't care, or MIGHT go buy books, and generate more money for SW, which is more money for disney.

I'm under no delusions about it. I know that the new writer could come in, have NO knowlege of the EU, and completely ruin it for those fans. In turn, this would possibly also dramatically affect the sales of those books and comics, and severely hurt those buisness deals as well as disney's long term relationship with those companies..

OR he could go off the deep end. Turn Luke into a closet homosexual in an attempt to bring in the Gay fan-base. Make it so Chewie and han studied with him in the ways of the jedi... and a little more, and have a "brokeback mountain" undertones in the luke and han relationship.
Have leia form an empire-hating a biker-gang in the intervening years, and become a mohawk wearing butch lady who curb-stomps stormtroopers.

My point is, we don't know. Good business sense says don't screw with the EU TOO MUCH. But in the end, it's their property.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

For a property like Star Wars, not to mention all that comes with the sale, like ILM, THX, Indiana Jones, etc..., am I alone in thinking 4 Billion was a pretty good deal?

Hell, Instagram came out the gate and got bought for 1 billion.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yep, I'm aware of his massive donation, I guess I'm just commenting on the value, or perceived value of all that comes with purchasing Lucasfilm. I was surprised at first by how much it went for, regardless of what he did with the money.

But I guess it wasnt the financial windfall he was looking for, but a good home to insure his legacy lives on.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yep, I'm aware of his massive donation, I guess I'm just commenting on the value, or perceived value of all that comes with purchasing Lucasfilm. I was surprised at first by how much it went for, regardless of what he did with the money.

But I guess it wasnt the financial windfall he was looking for, but a good home to insure his legacy lives on.

Exactly my point.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Newest rumor:
Darth vader returns

Vader Returns

Whether or not the source is reliable, I would say that Vader's return is inevitable. You don't pay 4 billion dollars for a franchise and then
let something as insignificant as story logic keep you from using your most marketable character.

Additionally, I don't think his appearances will be limited to flashbacks. I think we will see a full on Jesus-like resurrection occur to give the most popular screen villain of all time a central role in all future star wars movies.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I believe it, but I think the "someone puts on his armor" direction is more likely than a "resurrection" scenario. At least I hope it is...
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Not buying it! Although i have read some supposed script leaks that have a VADER cult, and they could dress like him.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

If it were up to me I'd write a way for Vader to return.

Newest rumor:
Darth vader returns

Vader Returns

Whether or not the source is reliable, I would say that Vader's return is inevitable. You don't pay 4 billion dollars for a franchise and then
let something as insignificant as story logic keep you from using your most marketable character.

Additionally, I don't think his appearances will be limited to flashbacks. I think we will see a full on Jesus-like resurrection occur to give the most popular screen villain of all time a central role in all future star wars movies.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

It would definitely make for quite a cliffhanger at the end of episode viii.

And I think it will be Anakin and not someone else in the suit because...why not? Putting another character in there may mean that people won't accept it as vader. No need to risk it.

Funny thing is that while I would be bothered by the possibility of vader returning a few years ago, after seeing the stuff that Lucas has done, I say go for it.