i say let the guy recover... delay the film until 2016... May 2016.
is there an official account of what actually happened, all I heard was he hurt his ankle existing the Falcon?Now I'm hearing he is hurt worse then the producers are letting on and the rest of the cast is pissed about safety conditions. Not a great start to relaunching the franchise.
Never tell me the oddsA broken ankle's not an easy to thing to live with. You're a good fighter Solo, we hate to lose you.
Safety conditions? The man tripped. What do they want? Sounds silly to me.
Safety conditions? The man tripped. What do they want? Sounds silly to me.
I’m going to say it again for clarity: I have not had communication or spoken to anyone that has held a script in their hands or read it. This rumor is a rumor amongst the people around Pinewood, some on Star Wars VII and some in the vicinity. These people are informed but things are still a mystery to them too.
- The bad guys in Star Wars: Episode VII are being called “Jedi Hunters” by people working on and around the film. These are scary individuals, dressed in black, some helmeted, that hunt Jedi for the Empire. They all said the premise of the Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels sounds identical to what is in the film itself. It should be noted that none of the sources heard the term “Inquisitor.” They just heard “Jedi Hunters” as they were referred to on and around the sets in various departments. These hunters use lightsabers. One said they had the impression the Jedi were fighting this group for a very long time.
- A third source is adamant that David Oyelowo is voicing one of the three villains in the film. That lines up with what Jedi News heard a while back. Maybe it is old information, I have no idea.
- Another source says Lupita Nyong’o, Adam Driver, and David Oyelowo are making up the cast of villains in the film and they’re “Jedi Hunters.” They also said Lupita might wear “yellow contact lenses” in the film as she was seen trying them out and walking around with them some time ago to try them out.
- The villains are said to be characterized by black and chrome with troopers in similar black and chrome uniforms. They’re very imperial, but very new.
- Supposedly the “Jedi Hunters” or Inquisitors are the reason there is no New Republic after Return of the Jedi. That’s right, they’re saying there is no New Republic. Source #2 claims to have been on set for a sequence in which we learn the Jedi Hunters worship the Sith and want to resurrect them. Their mandate was to protect the Sith at all costs and insure their survival.
- This source also believes Luke Skywalker has been fighting to stop this for the last thirty years of his life, but he is outnumbered, tired, and in need of help. The bad guys have a goal: The resurrection of the Sith and it “sounds like it happens in the next film” meaning Episode VIII and “I guess they kill him (said resurrected Sith) in IX.”
It was ol' Georgie Lucas. The Phantom of Pinewood.
Swinging around in the rafters in a checkered cloak and half an old Jar Jar kids mask.
Every time Abrams tried to record a line if dialogue, a whisper can be heard chanting from the shadows, on the studio gantry far above them.. "...faster, more intense, faster, more intense, faster, more intense...