The only thing that bothers me about this new film is that it makes ROTJ almost irrelevant. Everything that occurred in Return of the Jedi was for nothing. The Rebels and the Empire still exist 30 years after the Battle of Endor. Everything Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, and the rebels did, was for nothing. That Ewok that got killed in the forest? For nothing. The Empire still exists and is still a threat. The Rebels still exist and still fight the Empire. Blowing up the second Death Star was for nothing. The teddy bear picnic in the forest was for nothing. Those fireworks and the world celebrations? Doesn't matter. The sith still exist and someone has to "defeat" them.
Say what you will about the prequels, but there wasn't too much that damaged the original trilogy. If you wanted, you could simply ignore the prequels and it would have no effect on the story. But this new film is actually the sequel to Return of the Jedi. Old Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewbacca are going to be in this. We go from the celebration on the forest moon of Endor, to old people. Old crazy Carrie Fisher, disfigured Mark Hamill, and 70 year old Harrison Ford. I still want to see the original cast, but the more I think about it, I get flashbacks of Indiana Jones 4

If this film is not good, it's Terminator 3 all over again.