The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
He was also responsible for the Luke/Vader/Emperor Scenes. The forest chase, the end battle and Jabba's court.
If you want to hold him responsible at least make it fair and balanced.
Those are flawed as well

First, Luke's "plan" and court scene. He goes to talk to Jabba looking and acting like a badass (for the first time in the trilogy) and he quickly gets captured. His plan A, to shoot Jabba with gun...really? Plan B worked and the only reason his rescue attempt worked is because R2-D2 was positioned on top of Jabba's ship to launch his lightsaber. Fine, and what would Luke have done if that little dwarf in a can-costume didn't show-up on top of that ship? What if the ship was simply too far for R2 to even reach Luke with his lightsaber throw? What if Jabba thought R2 was a crappy robot and broke it in hundreds of pieces or just left R2D2 behind? What if Jabba scanned the robot and saw it was hiding a lightsaber or some weapon? What if Luke were dropped in the sand monster with handcuffs? If this is the best plan he could come up with after months of preparation? And lets not forget, one of the worst deaths in film history, Boba Fett (yes he was dead).
Then, Yoda dies minutes after Luke shows up to finish his training. Right before Luke entered his hut, Yoda was standing there making a little soup and everything, not sick in bed

The forest scenes, well we see the Rebel commando team in the forest of Endor wearing camouflage and painting their faces like Arnold in Comando to stay hidden from the "Elite" storm-troopers. Great, but it's pointless when you also bring C3P0 who is a golden robot that reflects light, can’t run or crouch, makes loud robotic noises when moving, never shuts the hell up, and makes everyone grunt and make noises when they interact with him.
Then, On Endor, the Storm troopers are so ELITE that they don’t need radio transmitters. No sir, when they want to talk to their main base about anything, let’s say: an incoming surprise raid which could threaten the Empire, they have to hop on super-sonic bikes and travel through a racing track that would make Mario Kart’s rainbow road look like a piece of cake. But that's not all, The Elite Storm Troopers on Endor are incapable of beating teddy bears. It would be similar if we took the best special forces has to offer today, send them in the past to fight less equipped people and see them lose. Except that in ROTJ the soldiers also have futuristic armor, laser guns and robots, while the enemy are nothing more than 20-pound teddy bears that can barely run. It makes no sense.
Not to mention, there shouldn't be an Endor since the destruction of the second death star (which had the same flaw as the first one...what could go wrong the second time?) would cause so much damage that anything around shouldn't even survive it, even the rebels. It's basically a freaking artificial small moon exploding!

Lets talk about Luke,Vader and the Emperor. The Emperor's plan sucks. He has very strong, clairvoyant powers in the force yet refuses to use them to find whoever is threating his Empire. Instead, his whole plan to not completely destroy the Rebel troops in space is to get Luke in an angry mood to push him towards the dark side of the make him an ally. That's pretty cunning, man! But why tell your plan to Luke? ''Take your weapon. Strike me down with all your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!''. Why would you say something like that? Why would you tell Luke exactly what was in store for him if he followed your manipulation? Dumb...still not as dumb as droids feeling pain and screaming when you burn their feet.
Then after Luke beats Vader in the slowest lightsaber fight ever, the Emperor is slowly killing Luke with his lightning bolts/Thor powers; Vader then takes him up – walks toward the reactor shaft – and throws him down with no resistance on his part. Why didn’t the emperor react? In fact, it’s not like Vader had that much grip on him having only one hand. One hand and he was dying of asthma!! The Emperor had a good 10-15 seconds to do something...anything and he's like super "powerful." Well, apparently not, so no need for Luke to join Vader to overthrow the emperor and rule the galaxy as father and son, yeah...Vader could have done it all with one hand all along. Well, that craps on ESB. Way to go, GL.
I only like the first two films, I thought ROTJ was garbage to sell more toys to be honest. I give credit to Lucas for the first film though