Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Everyone hoping for that BIG reveal that is equivalent to "I am your father" will be greatly disappointed.

Everyone already knows what's going to happen anyways, worst kept secret ever.
Everyone hoping for that BIG reveal that is equivalent to "I am your father" will be greatly disappointed.

Everyone already knows what's going to happen anyways, worst kept secret ever.

No doubt. Even when they use invisible ink on the master script, it still manages to "leak" to the public.
I don't want to alarm anyone, but. . .looks like we have a member of the Illuminati in our midst. :panic:


Assumption: So Threepio gets into the First Order and ends up with a red arm -- red highlights seem to be a First Order thing (like Finn's TIE).

Anyone think that the first part of "Han's mission" is to rescue Threepio from the First Order because he has a clue to where Luke is hiding?

Dang...... you make that up or read it online? That actually is a really good thought.

But.... C-3PO would be scared ****less and would probably surrender/run away/hide immediately as he is known to do.
Everyone hoping for that BIG reveal that is equivalent to "I am your father" will be greatly disappointed.

Everyone already knows what's going to happen anyways, worst kept secret ever.

Luke is Tracy Morgan's father?

Thanks for the spoiler, brah.
Despite the "hype" so far(everyone involved in the movie says it's the bee's knees etc) I am STILL nervous and think it may not be as great as we are hoping- I'm sure it'll be good and entertaining but let's not hoist it up the "classic" flagpole yet...I'm sure it will be devisive as every movie talked about on this forum.

It'll make a bazillion dollars no doubt
I only have one question--why so many conspiracies? I mean, I support all of them of course, but it seems a little overboard.

The Conspiracies theories were actually started by us, they are there to divert those intelligent enough to otherwise see through the shroud into our master plan.

I don't want to give it away, but it involves rudabagas and the number 42.
Everyone hoping for that BIG reveal that is equivalent to "I am your father" will be greatly disappointed.

Everyone already knows what's going to happen anyways, worst kept secret ever.

When Chewie will roar saying Rylo Ken... err... Kylo Ren is his son you'll eat your words :lecture
"Paint 3POs arm then he is different to all the other toys we have sold!!"

So that's his daughter that's landos son maybe? Where is the other Sprogs??
was about to post it !!! YEAH !!!! Nice new shots !!! The ties in the sun set !!! LOVE IT

I wonder why Rens Blade is so different then any other lightsaber
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It looks like it was hand made by someone who doesn't know wth they're doing.

Which is awesome.

