Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2)

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Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to bash this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it sucked....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

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The fact that has only fairly rarely happened speaks louder than any bashing though.:dunno
I liked TLJ, but the artwork in the comic adaptation is atrocious...

Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to praise this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it was good....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

Why should people ever stop praising something that they love...? By that logic every fan convention, film series, tv series, comic book series, toy line...the list goes on should just be canceled...heck by that logic everyone on this thread who is married should get a divorce today....I tell my wife how much I love her every day but I sure don't send a lot of time talking or thinking about ex-girlfriends that I have had...this is my personal pick for most illogical post on this thread in a while...and that is saying something...
Why should people ever stop praising something that they love...? By that logic every fan convention, film series, tv series, comic book series, toy line...the list goes on should just be canceled...heck by that logic everyone on this thread who is married should get a divorce today....I tell my wife how much I love her every day but I sure don't send a lot of time talking or thinking about ex-girlfriends that I have had...this is my personal pick for most illogical post on this thread in a while...and that is saying something...

but, do you talk about your wife to your friends every day multiple times a day?
do you talk to your coworkers about your kids every single day multiple times a day? do you remind everyone around you that you love them every day multiple times?
because if someone did that i would probably get really tired of them after a few days, if they kept doing that, it would get awkward. like does that make sense?

Do you cover up whenever your kids mess up? do you Argue and FIGHT people whenver your kids misbehave? in order to defend them?
do you love them so much that even if they do something bad you in turn get angry at their teachers or the people they hurt?

i mean, you gave the original example, if we go by that, then those questions are what comes to my mind, you are comparing a movie to a loved one, so by that reasoning if they movie did something people found offense to or felt angry about, it would be like if my kid did something to someone.
the film has literally been discussed the death. every single aspect has been talked about in TWO THREADS.... two..... TWO different threads talking about the same thing.
the lovers are equally crazy as the bashers. the Yin Yang, one side feeds the other, one side compliments the other, equal in every way but on opposite extremes.

I always find it interesting and funny how no one ever questions the extreme love or defending of it. This movie made more than a billion, a sequel is coming soon, the movie is already out on blu ray.

Why do people feel the need to still defend it? the movie already won at the box office, already won rotten tomatoes, fans already own it on blu ray,
what else is there to defend for? what else is there to talk about?
to defend the movie's honor and legacy? it is just a movie, it is equally dumb to bash it to day daily as much as to defend it daily.....
like, do YOU not see the irony here?

No, it’s not irony at all’s definitely not...there is something wrong with spending months on something you hate ....

We all still discuss the OT after 40 that abnormal? We discuss the Dollies, music and art we love after months and years....that’s called a hobby and interest. It’s totally normal. Hating something , and spending months hating on it shouldn’t be a hobby...that’s weird.

What is abnormal is spending months and soon to be years discussing something people claim to loath....something many claim “ruined their childhood. I am not a PT fan, but I don’t sit on the Anakin thread posting videos about how much PT sucks, updating the new suck rating and discussing conspiracy theories on Disney’s plan to take over the world and change our society....dude it is WEIRD. It may be worthy of psychological study.

People spending time discussing things they like is normal....

Its like discussing a race you hate, or food that you don’t like , or the worst day of your life , daily for’s abnormal.

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No, it’s not irony at all’s definitely not...there is something wrong with spending months on something you hate ....

We all still discuss the OT after 40 that abnormal? We discuss the Dollies, music and art we love after months and years....that’s called a hobby and interest. It’s totally normal. Hating something , and spending months hating on it shouldn’t be a hobby...that’s weird.

What is abnormal is spending months and soon to be years discussing something people claim to loath....something many claim “ruined their childhood. I am not a PT fan, but I don’t sit on the Anakin thread posting videos about how much PT sucks, updating the new suck rating and discussing conspiracy theories on Disney’s plan to take over the world and change our society....dude it is WEIRD. It may be worthy of psychological study.

People spending time discussing things they like is normal....

Its like discussing a race you hate, or food that you don’t like , or the worst day of your life , daily for’s abnormal.

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I think something you and everyone else is missing is how people are completely denying and completely ignoring any faults with the movie.
I think thats what makes some people go extra hard on the hate, the need to feel vindicated or proven right. no one on either side will budge and no one is changing their minds. both sides are firmly posted in their place and wont move an inch.

But when you have people mocking anyone for bringing any problems or making them out to be crazy or stupid for thinking the movie had problems, those people will take that personally or will try to make sure their point is extremely detailed because they are being called out. the superfans are literally, Literally accusing them of being stupid or crazy or that there is something wrong for hating the movie.
then obviously the haters get just as aggresive.

I honestly believe if people talked about this movie from a centrist, more moderate point, it wouldn;t get as bad as it got. it is not just here it is everyhwere.
IVe ever seen any other movie with this kind of blind extreme fan base. ive never seen any other movie where people started to INSULT you just for saying the movie was bad... literally insult you as a person

you HAVE to understand that, im not even defending the haters. I dont care about the movie anymore. I DO come in here to read whats being said or to see if anyone posted any funny pictures. I do come here to see if anything new has been said or any news.

But why do you ignore the aggressiveness and cattiness from some of the super fans? thats the irony. NO Other movie has gotten this response. we ALL love different movies, we ALL are fans of certain movies.
I dont think i never saw people get as nasty about a movie than this one (from BOTH sides)
And also searching daily for youtube videos about the movie you don’t like or writing fanfic to support your arguments or freeze-framing the movie you don’t like to count the members of each gender in a given shot...:lol

If people ever do stop liking Star Wars altogether, the people who hate will support it for at least another decade. Hating SW has become a lifestyle choice.
each side feeds each other. each side seems extremely passionate about this for some reason. Neither side will accept or even consider what the other side is saying.
thats all Im saying. But the super fans mocking and insulting the haters doesnt seem to be very productive. or help in anything. The problem is not even the super fans discussing somehinh they love
the problem is the super fans going against the haters. like i said 10 hours ago, whats there to defend? the movie made its money, the next one is coming, why is there a need to defend the Honor of this movie? or to argue over and over about it?
And also searching daily for youtube videos about the movie you don’t like or writing fanfic to support your arguments or freeze-framing the movie you don’t like to count the members of each gender in a given shot...:lol

If people ever do stop liking Star Wars altogether, the people who hate will support it for at least another decade. Hating SW has become a lifestyle choice.

Actually, the reason I keep coming back is that SW content keeps popping up in my Google news feed and my YouTube "recommended videos". Not searching for anything. Its just there in my face. I get curious and then sometimes it compells me to post here. That and the fact that Kathleen Kennedy is still in charge of Lucasfilm.
Anybody else think Maz Kanata’s jetpack looked awfully similar to The Rockteer’s? I’m tempted to pick up the action figure to go next to my Funko Billy Campbell. :lol
The wife comparison is an interesting one.
But, as always with this kind of argument... it's misused to make others look stupid yet only made the user look like imbecile.
(this is a comparison and not an offence, no need to press dat precious report button)

If the wife is a multimedia franchise you love, then... "hating" on a movie is the equivalent of you tellin' someone that you don't like some of wife's habits she picked up recently. It doesn't mean you hate your wife and should fed up on the relationship. :dunno
Very interesting parallel in Clone Wars season 6

Yoda is learning how to become one with the force. Directed to a planet by the force ghost of Qui Gon, he visits beings connected to a planet where midichlorians come from.

He is told he must face trials to see if he is worthy to learn the power of life after death.

He is first charged with defeating his hubris...
Second with defeating his inner dark side.
And last with facing his greatest fear.

Then he must fulfill his destiny (training Skywalker) before he will be allowed to join with the force.

It seems as though this maybe just what Luke did on Achto.

He had to defeat his hubris....which was himself thinking he could train a new batch of Jedi by himself

The he had to face his inner dark side, namely his desire to kill Ben before he could turn into a Sith.

Finally , he had to confront his deepest fear. That he would fail to create the new Jedi and let his friends and the rebels down. Well knowing he could not win the fight as a one man army, he failed this test and hid away.

It is only after he meet Rey does he understand how to help without failing to hubris or giving into fear. (Force projection).

He then fulfills his destiny, much like Yoda did, although his lesson was to not get involved directly, but lead by inspiration. Only then can he become one with the force.

I am probably not articulating this well, as it’s still fermenting in my own mind.

I highly recommend watching these last few episodes of Clone Wars in Netflix, especially the Yoda one....

It’s definitely something that influences the choices made for Luke in TLJ.....

If nothing else it enhances the story of PT in a wonderful way.

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Ooooo. I quite like this. :duff:
Why should people ever stop praising something that they love...?

Why should people ever stop bashing something they despise on a molecular level? What's the difference? Why is it OK to "praise" something you were pleased with but it's somehow "wrong" to voice your disgust?