Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2)

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You're totally ignoring the fact that Johnson did reshoots/pick ups in March/April 2017, 3 months after Carrie died. And around that time Trevorrow quit....even if you don't want to believe me the coincidence is startling. Who knows exactly what he had in mind except Trevorrow but I guess he either wanted a shot to show Luke alive on the island or to just edit it and leave him sat on the rock, either way that wouldn't take long to do. In the end the only thing Johnson would add was the "see you around, kid" line.

They can re-shoot all they want, my point was about re-shooting to change the "entire arc of the trilogy" and years planning the end of Luke's story. Movies reshoot all the time, but for them to change the entire meaning of their story doesn't seem believable for CT to get fired for suggesting it.

Plus i am not one to follow rumors. So unless I hear CT, MH, RJ, JJ or KK talk about it, its all just fan theory and fan conspiracy to me. But others can believe rumors all they want.
Um, yo yo. The Rotten Tomatoes score doesn't count half star ratings. The actual audience score is 24% with the flag stars included.

Conclusion: he didn't like the last jedi and he believes the earth is flat.:slap

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Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to bash this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it sucked....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

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Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to bash this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it sucked....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

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:exactly::goodpost: for a while there was actually some substantive discussion on this thread about the positive and even negative attributes of the film...and then the Trolls came...still can't relate to sinking so much time and energy into being upset by a movie...just think about somethings else.
Lol it’s Star Wars. I expect anger from people. You should to. I mean these are the same fans who were mad about little things in the PT. Of course they are gonna get pissed
Star did a poll on the 8th on best SW movie, the morning it started 31% TLJ. Later that day 41% ESB, 22% ROTS, 14% TLJ. votes up to 1.3 million
Wow. Rots? That’s a movie that just ages over time. It’s a good Star Wars movie and my favorite. Sets the stage for what comes before nicely. Much better than 1 and 2 imo
:exactly::goodpost: for a while there was actually some substantive discussion on this thread about the positive and even negative attributes of the film...and then the Trolls came...still can't relate to sinking so much time and energy into being upset by a movie...just think about somethings else.

prettty much. anytime people start to be positive about it someone always comes in and tears it down and you get bombarded with youTube rants, Rot Tomatoes conspiracies, and criticized your a SJW.

positive note: today watched an interview with Rian and Mark at SxSW 2018 which was cool and it was about the “Director and the Jedi” documentary that’s on the blu-ray. really cool stuff. can listen to them all day. Mark loved making the film. the behind the scenes emotional shot of him crying after he had to cry watching the jedi temples burn was really moving. he said on his off days he would visit the creature and wardrobe shops and watch their artistry. some of Marks suggestions made the film, some didn’t like he thought Luke should grow 30ft tall after kylo figures out he was a force projection. LoL. and then Rian said he based his Luke story off King Arthur. just some cool stuff i hadn’t seen but maybe some of you did. :)
Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to bash this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it sucked....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

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the film has literally been discussed the death. every single aspect has been talked about in TWO THREADS.... two..... TWO different threads talking about the same thing.
the lovers are equally crazy as the bashers. the Yin Yang, one side feeds the other, one side compliments the other, equal in every way but on opposite extremes.

I always find it interesting and funny how no one ever questions the extreme love or defending of it. This movie made more than a billion, a sequel is coming soon, the movie is already out on blu ray.

Why do people feel the need to still defend it? the movie already won at the box office, already won rotten tomatoes, fans already own it on blu ray,
what else is there to defend for? what else is there to talk about?
to defend the movie's honor and legacy? it is just a movie, it is equally dumb to bash it to day daily as much as to defend it daily.....
like, do YOU not see the irony here?
Plus what’s so wrong with hearing different opinions on the film? Isn’t that what a discussion is for? I know some people take it to far but it’s ok to say what problems you have with the movie if it bugged you. Especially since some people have been following this thing since the 70s
Plus what’s so wrong with hearing different opinions on the film? Isn’t that what a discussion is for? I know some people take it to far but it’s ok to say what problems you have with the movie if it bugged you. Especially since some people have been following this thing since the 70s

the first two weeks it was good to see both sides. the first two weeks i read everything (EVERYTHING) Jye and Khev and JAWS posted.
the first two weeks i commented on it seriously. no jokes.

by now...... by now this is like Groundhog day.... literally these pages feel like Groundhog day. the same conversations on repeat.
I dont even care if people are still talking about it. I just find it suprising that xipotec points out the people continuously bashing it but doesnt say anything about the people continuously blindly defending it.
Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to praise this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it was good....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?
Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to praise this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it was good....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

40 years to be exact lol lol :lol
Hard to believe some of the same people are STILL in here to praise this film.....its been months guys , hang it up.

Seek therapy....something.....

I mean how long will it go on? Years?

I wish this thread was more people discussing the actual film and not posting endless video of nobodies also saying it was good....

Time to give up on the angry voices and find something more constructive eh?

Where are the endless videos of people saying it was good?
Right here waiting for the link to the video that actual people saying it was good... :p