My only problem with the scene is it's a reminder Leia never became a Jedi, for which I blame JJ.
Hey, it's not like her father, twin brother and son were the most powerful force-strong individuals that ever lived.
TLJ may have feminist overtones, but having an older woman with actual/interesting force abilities - even be a Jedi in some way - would have been TOO MUCH.![]()
You can now accept the lactating sea-cow?
People who are upset that Leia isn't a Jedi are the same people who don't like her marry poppins force ability.
People who are upset that Leia isn't a Jedi are the same people who don't like her marry poppins force ability.
Maybe Luke had already committed suicide as intended before Rey reached him. Maybe he's a crazy force ghost.
That would explain everything! Including the ending!
A lot of people think he asrtaly projected than transported himself using the force to who knows where, I guess we'll figure out in 9 if so, though, I doubt it.
Which would have made a lot more sense if she had been established as a Jedi.
To be clear - yes.
And I'm guessing you'd be the guy who sent in all those Bothans just to "go with the flow"...
It's like retconning that jet fighters, ICBMs and nukes were available in WWI and we'll all just ignore that they didn't use them. The problem...
The ST is meant to be watched in sequence with the OT. Same timeline. And the OT is CHOCK FULL of scenarios (over and over and over) where the rebels are faced with an overwhelming wall of Imperial space hardware, and they make wimp/back-to-the-wall decisions like running or going in with tiny fighters against all odds etc. Hundreds/thousands die, precious hardware/equipment destroyed, they often lose... etc. When the weaponized-hyperspace option was there all along.
One fighter... boom. Star Destroyer all gone.
I am looking forward to Leland Chee's retcon on it though.![]()
That I find more troubling.
As I said before, I don't see the hyperspace-ramming as anything more problematic then, say, using airplanes to bomb skyscrapers. When that happened, everyone thought: wow, no one ever thought to do that before?
But ghosts that can destroy, summon powers... that opens a whole kettle of issues. Like for one: why isn't ghost Obi-Wan and Yoda at ghost-war with Ghost Maul, Dooku and Palaptine?
wow lol wow lol it was lol
A lot of people think he asrtaly projected than transported himself using the force to who knows where, I guess we'll figure out in 9 if so, though, I doubt it.