Have to ask this.. Just watched a video about what this film got right.. One of the things mentioned is that it showed that "anybody" could be the hero..
Was that not already stressed in the OT??
I mean Han, Chewie, R2, Lando, Ewoks, 3PO, Obi Wan, Leia, Akbar, Lobot

lol) The films are filled with hero's.. So why do people think this film does something special.. Because they got an awkward Asian in a main role?
Oh but you don't have to have special parents to be strong with the force.
But was that not shown in the PT??
There were tons of people strong with the force... Not just the Skywalkers.. So its no surprise that a slave with a broom might have the force or a girl abandoned by her parents.. I don't get it... I don't get the message.
I have heard people say that this was the message here on the board.. Used for both an argument for and against the film.. But again how if this different from the other films?? I mean Luke was the only one who was special in the OT (Leia latter).. But again the PT showed that the force was something you were born with..This film did nothing to negate that..
Some have used this argument for why Rey is strong with the force.. You can come from nothing and still be there hero... Which the OT still showed.. But its not the coming from nothing detractors have an issue with.. Its being so good at it that is the problem... But again... I don't get what the New films were trying to prove.. If anything.
Any answers out there either way??? I think that the "anyone can be a hero" message is overblown no matter which side you are looking at it.