Do you guys think we'll get a Broomkid figure?

Do you guys think we'll get a Broomkid figure?
You really don't understand middle ground at all do you?
What part of wanting Luke to have a satisfying lightsaber fight demands that he "jump around like a monkey"?
Do you guys think we'll get a Broomkid figure?
Never seen "Hate" in a movie review thread so many times.
Count me amongst the haters.
at least the hate on justice league was funny and had memes. this is just full on rage
I walked out of the film without much anticipation for the next film which is a contrast to the excitement I had for this film leaving TFA.
Do you guys think we'll get a Broomkid figure?
noisetrigger point of view makes sense to me.
OT purist being hypocritical and probably PT purist seeking revenge lol
Idk. I blame everyone. Johnson for writing this crap. Kennedy for approving the script. Even Abrams for not wanting to direct hence why Johnson was hired.
Now I understand why Abrams completely threw out Trevorrow's draft of IX. It was probably a direct continuation of Johnson's cluster**** and impossible to work with.
I wouldn't be surprised if IX takes place a decade later with Leia now dead from old age. Distancing it as much as possible time-wise might be the only way to make IX watchable.
I still don't give a **** though. I love Adam Driver and will watch him in anything but he's just not cut out to be a Palpatine. A grand overlord.
So disappointing these guys were nowhere to be found.
I love the alternate universe in this forum where people are in complete denial that this movie is a bona fide hit. Everyone out in the real world seems to be raving about it. Also, I'm totally happy with all my pre-orders.
I might get Illusion Luke. I'm still not sure how I feel about the whole movie, but it was cool seeing him in this updated ROTJ look.
He was such a badass in that scene. Until...
I'm still trying to figure out how disney got all the pro critics to score this so well. Even if you think this is a great movie, 90%+ seems like an odd score for this.
I don't blame johnson, what was pre visualized and story boarded probably was shot correctly, there isn't any camera movement that I find offensive, and I thought the acting was just fine. I also have to applaud the editors for this, because this is basically a 2 and a half hour trailer for episode 9, but the continuity is fine, I can make some sense of why the story is where it is, there is no way disney is going to sink millions of dollars into shots that an editor will eventually cut, so if there is something cut, it's going to be a dialogue scene.
The problem is the story itself, this is what happens when a lot of people who don't have a clear idea of the story they are telling try to make something. It doesn't help that the producers are probably not people who grew up with star wars (kennedy), for them Its just a commercial item to exploit.
I am hoping I'm way off the mark because I really want to dig new star wars stories.
And you were so sure that vampire snoke was a thing. I know you were lying but yea it’s still funny to see you wrong again
i want Jyes full review please