Yes, I like tragic heroes, but I don't like stupid heroes.
If you're at odds with yourself about killing your powerful, force sensitive nephew, how about keeping you laser sword that makes a loud, idling hum, switched to off, Luke you dumb ass.
Luke is a mess in these Disney movies. I wouldn't have minded if they made him a "grey" or Dark Jedi, or even the villain. I knew he'd die, so I didn't mind. It has nothing to do with that. Making him this cynical humbug that looks and acts like my alcoholic uncle Steve is just a huge let down. Just like they regressed Han Solo back to his old smuggling ways before throwing him down the shaft or how they lobotomized Chewie, 3PO and R2 into quiet, mindless background characters, they completely tore down Luke Skywalker. He was lame, uninteresting and died the worst death in the franchise, out doing ****ing Padme She died of a broken heart

I'm all for deconstructing characters but he ended up being worse than hermit Bruce Wayne from Rises. Uber driving alcoholic Logan got it right this year, Last Jedi? Not so much. My favorite character from Star Wars returned to the big screen after 40 years only to contemplate killing a blood relative (despite being the optimistic person that could see the good in everyone), stay on an island fishing and ****ing nun gnomes for most of his life, make a map with his location so people could find him, despite not wanting to be found, drinking ***** milk from a monster, getting schooled by a little girl, getting trash talked by dead Yoda (did this movie forget that Luke made the right decision in ROTJ while Obi-Wan and Yoda were wrong?), and dying a martyr with one of the most pathetic deaths in this film series. He died for nothing. Not only was he not really there, Rey and Chewbacca would have saved Leia, Poe and the gang regardless. After 40 years, he was awkwardly revealed on a literal cliff hanger, and died on a rock crying. It was pathetic.